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HORRIFYING: Jews all over AMERICA are being cautioned to stay barricaded inside for their own safety


After the recent invasion of Israel by Hamas, protests have begun popping up all over the world.

Now, tensions are beginning to rise in New York City as Jews have been cautioned to stay home this Saturday thanks to a large pro-Palestine rally scheduled to take place in Brooklyn.

But that’s not all.

Even earlier this week, Jewish students at Cooper Union College were locked into the school library for their safety as Pro-Palestine protesters surrounded them, banging on the glass walls.


Maybe start or join a group standing watch over Synagogue(s), Hebrew/Jewish/Talmud Torah schools, Kosher delis, Hebrew bookstores, Jewish-owned businesses, etc., so no terrorism, arson, or vandalism, and so Jewish people can worship, learn, and work safely.

Doing this for mosques and other non-Christian houses of worship also provides opportunities to make new friends . . .
Maybe start or join a group standing watch over Synagogue(s), Hebrew/Jewish/Talmud Torah schools, Kosher delis, Hebrew bookstores, Jewish-owned businesses, etc., so no terrorism, arson, or vandalism, and so Jewish people can worship, learn, and work safely.

Doing this for mosques and other non-Christian houses of worship also provides opportunities to make new friends . . .
I like those ideas. I’m sorry to say however, that doing those things for a mosque will make us appear to be on the wrong “side.” Actually, it is now time to choose “sides” and decide what we will be willing to risk our lives for. It’s sad that it’s come to this. Anyway, I think the (genuinely peaceful/ignorant of their own doctrine) Muslims have enough defenders right now…I can see them by the thousands in the street demonstrations.
The Jews have just us. The remnant.
I like those ideas. I’m sorry to say however, that doing those things for a mosque will make us appear to be on the wrong “side.” Actually, it is now time to choose “sides” and decide what we will be willing to risk our lives for. It’s sad that it’s come to this. Anyway, I think the (genuinely peaceful/ignorant of their own doctrine) Muslims have enough defenders right now…I can see them by the thousands in the street demonstrations.
The Jews have just us. The remnant.
I don't think it's right that anyone's house of worship get burned, vandalized, etc., or their members intimidated, attacked, etc. because we aren't a theocracy, which has outlawed some faith(s), and the First Amendment to the Constitution. I may not agree with someone's faith, but I will defend to the death his/her right to believe as they do. Caveat, so long as how someone exercises his/her Constitutional rights doesn't infringe on someone else exercising his or her Constitutional rights.

I swore to this as both a Soldier and Law Enforcement. Sometimes, it was hard, but being a Christian and knowing Jesus and His angels were with me all the time made it a lot easier (even though it also made me a bigger target for the principalities and powers and their minions [sigh]
A sign of the times. I think there is so much Anti-Semitism in the UK, Australia, Europe and it seems even the USA now that most Jews will emigrate to Israel, from there I think the scene is set for the final act. The Lord is coming soon, Maranatha. I think we can continue to support Israel and the Jews in small ways, for example purposefully buying Israeli goods in the supermarket. We have a supermarket called Marks and Spencer in the UK which stocks goods from Israel. God Bless You :)
If I had lots of money, maybe charter an airplane(s) and give away the tickets to any Jewish person trying to escape to Israel.
(free) in-flight movies: The Ten Commandments, In the Beginning, The Jesus Movie, Barabbas, and either Late Great Planet Earth or similar.
Free Jewish (Messianic) Bible and Commentary, hymnal, and a good end-times book to each person on the flight.
10 Messianic Pastors (enough for a Minyam) with the means to Baptize and Commune during the flight.

I don't have that kind of money . . . I can pray for Israel and all the Jewish people and for God to hurry up!
I don't think it's right that anyone's house of worship get burned, vandalized, etc., or their members intimidated, attacked, etc.
Absolutely agree.
I may not agree with someone's faith, but I will defend to the death his/her right to believe as they do.

Sadly I feel I must disagree here Sis. There are lots of “faiths” now. Thanks to the government deeming them a faith-based organization. And “people of faith” who hate us and hate Jews and would slice off our heads in a heartbeat. I won’t shed blood for these people. I just see it as choosing my battles. Carefully.

Do you view your oath as being for life? I was also in the military and see it as an individual decision after discharge. (After all, I no longer have “officers appointed over me” so I am no longer subject to the chain of command.)

I admire your stance by the way.
If I had lots of money, maybe charter an airplane(s) and give away the tickets to any Jewish person trying to escape to Israel.
(free) in-flight movies: The Ten Commandments, In the Beginning, The Jesus Movie, Barabbas, and either Late Great Planet Earth or similar.
Free Jewish (Messianic) Bible and Commentary, hymnal, and a good end-times book to each person on the flight.
10 Messianic Pastors (enough for a Minyam) with the means to Baptize and Commune during the flight.

I don't have that kind of money . . . I can pray for Israel and all the Jewish people and for God to hurry up!
Love this!!! 😄