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Half of the states standing with Texas right to defend Southern Border.

With the exception of New Hampshire, these states represent the heartland of America. A significant number of the remaining states are inhabited by highly urbanized woke Democrat majorities. And that's the problem in this nation today: the split between those who understand the real heart of America, and those who have no clue why this nation was founded and what it is all about.
Alaska is still mostly filled with Conservative souls, but unfortunately a lot of people don't bother to vote and most municipalities and school districts are being run by libertards because liberals organize and vote. That's one of the reasons I felt an impetus to move... one of several.
Alaska is still mostly filled with Conservative souls, but unfortunately a lot of people don't bother to vote and most municipalities and school districts are being run by libertards because liberals organize and vote. That's one of the reasons I felt an impetus to move... one of several.
Its hard to find a state that is solid in one party, because the state can change quickly.

I think Wyoming is the one state that will never go blue, at least up until the rapture. There are no huge sprawling cities with Cheyenne leading in population at approx 65k. Plus, its considered an outdoor state, rugged, mountains, hunting, fishing, all the things the woke dont like because it would mean leaving their parents basement.
Its hard to find a state that is solid in one party, because the state can change quickly.

I think Wyoming is the one state that will never go blue, at least up until the rapture. There are no huge sprawling cities with Cheyenne leading in population at approx 65k. Plus, its considered an outdoor state, rugged, mountains, hunting, fishing, all the things the woke dont like because it would mean leaving their parents basement.
I hope that proves to be the case. That was one of my considerations when I moved here. I can wear a MAGA hat here without getting assaulted. Even here there's the issue of people not getting out and voting, so liberals have filled some positions on town councils, school districts, libraries... but they get exposed fast when they go against the culture of the state. Liz Cheney was an embarrassment to the state but when that became obvious, she got thrown out even though her family was a political dynasty in the state.
25 states have signed a letter pledging their support to Texas and its constitutional right to defending the Southern Border:
Louisiana is one.
That’s HALF of the United States of America standing up against the tyranny of the Biden Admin.If your state isn’t on the list, it’s time to MOVE.
We are staying where we live because the Show Me State of Mo is on the list. I don't expect to see Democrats on the list, but it would be a nice surprise.
Tucker Carlson:

In an interview from India, Gov. Greg Abbott says ten other states have sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities.

We just watched it so Abbott is not in Texas now. I heard Kristi Noem on Sean Hannity said she would send National Guard, and has before as well. I wonder what Biden intends to do next. Abbott is not backing down, and I don't blame him. Biden has been a disaster as our President. (n)(n)