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Grieving for The Lost: Witnessing In Perspective

Andy C

Almost all of us have one or more family members who, though exposed to the Truth of the Gospel, have not been willing to respond to it. It is not uncommon for this knowledge to have an almost debilitating effect at times on us who know His Truth.

I believe it would be very rare to find any family in which every member has repented and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you were to have such a family, I hope you understand just how blessed you are.

For the rest of us, our concern for lost family members never abates, and it is reignited every time we see them or communicate with them by phone or email.

That is as it relates to family members, but I believe all of us, at the very least, know friends and acquaintances who are lost as well, and those same thoughts come to mind in that case, too, because we, like the Lord, do not want anyone to perish.

God knows every thought in our minds and hearts, and I believe that one reason he has provided us with the Wisdom of His Word is so that we can endure each day with the strength that is found in trusting Him.

As present world events and circumstances strongly indicate, we are finally at the threshold of the End of the Age, and so our sense of urgency for salvation of the lost is stronger than ever.

My wife and I have personal experience with respect to this, but we, thanks to God’s Word, have come to a place where we have peace with it.

I don’t mean to imply that we have become indifferent or unconcerned about family members, friends, and even strangers that we meet who are living in a lost state.

Instead, we are at peace with ourselves in our hearts and our spirits and in God’s process. We praise the Lord more than ever for His guidance and the Truth found in His Word.

We have made sure that all these people have heard of their need to repent and receive the One and Only Savior that is Jesus Christ; that they understand that He and He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that no one comes to the Father except by Him.

If they do not respond, or refuse, then we offer to answer any questions or discuss Jesus at any time, but we do not press and “do more harm than good,” both to them as well as to ourselves by assuming responsibility for something we cannot do.

"We are prepared in season and out of season when opportunities to witness are presented to us. Those opportunities, we understand, must be initiated by the Holy Spirit, or they will not be likely to be fruitful."

A really excellent article, thanks Andy. May it be the prayer of all of us that the Holy Spirit will make us ready when opportunities to witness are given to us!
My wife and children are the only ones I'm certain will lift up after the trumpet sounds. All the other ones in my family are a no to a maybe. I rest in the fact that I'll have a new body that is completely capable of dealing with that terrible prospect. Otherwise, the victory would be eternally bittersweet and not Heaven at all. And also, if they are going to be saved, God will make sure of it.
If they do not respond, or refuse, then we offer to answer any questions or discuss Jesus at any time, but we do not press and “do more harm than good,” both to them as well as to ourselves by assuming responsibility for something we cannot do.
Absolutely! This is great advice.

But there is one thing I did not see in this article-- prayer. Prayer is powerful. Prayer changes things. It changes circumstances and it changes people. When walls go up that we cannot cross, God can. He is not restricted as we are. Therefore, when someone rejects or ignores our witness, begin to pray. And don't stop. Faithful prayer to the Lord God of all creation can result in the softening of a hardened heart. He is a good and merciful God who desires all to be saved. What is impossible for us is fully possible for Him. And it is that knowledge that gives me peace when dealing with family, friends, and others about whose souls I am concerned.