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GOP closed out Day 1 of its national convention with a prayer to pagan god ‘Waheguru’ Christian observers were troubled by the Republican Party allowi

(LifeSiteNews) — Last night’s opening session of the GOP National Convention, which earlier in the day had officially nominated Donald J. Trump as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate, closed out with a prayer to a god other than Jesus Christ, the genderless god of the Sihk religion that believes in rebirth and karma.

High-profile Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon took to the podium, covered her head, and chanted the “ardas” prayer to “Waheguru, our one true God” seeking blessing upon and protection for the candidacy of former President Trump.

“Imagine getting on a massive cult of personality emotional high watching Trump survive assassination, convince yourself that he has some kind of mandate from heaven, and then see the RNC open with a prayer to a demon,” said Ben Zeisloft, editor of the Republic Sentinel.

“America must turn to the Triune God. Not to Allah. Not to Vishnu. Not to ‘Waheguru,’” Zeisloft declared in a subsequent post on X, adding, “Jesus Christ alone is Lord, King, and Judge of all the earth. We must repent and trust in him or else expect his righteous judgments.”


I don't know. But many Christians don't look at the whole picture. Just see what seems appealing
Well, I was noticing that Amir is very excited about JD Vance being chosen, but also just posted about how Tucker Carlson cannot be trusted with a ten foot pole. ::anti-Israel::

But I remembered this article is claiming Tucker had a major hand in getting Trump to pick Vance

One problem with many Christians today is that Tolerance has become a practice in order to get the approval of man, rather than God, even if it means going against God's righteous commands and having the belief that God's Grace equals acceptance of sin and have no regard for His Patience for repentance and His desire that no one perishes in their sins. 2 Peter 3:9
The church today needs to repent and turn back to the foundation of the Gospel Jesus taught. This is why Jesus addresses the seven churches in Revelation.

Yes, as I was watching I thought how this was a true reflection of the Christian landscape in our country right now. Permitting, tolerating and allowing false teaching alongside Bible teaching. Giving a platform to false teaching. The Israelites got into a lot of trouble for worshipping false gods along with God....even in the one true God's own temple.

After many warnings they were finally exiled.

This was what finally curbed the worshipping of false idols/gods in Israel (but gave way to extreme legalism about the sabbath as a preventative, missing what the sabbath pointed to: Jesus).

So as the church, this should not be tolerated at all. It's highly dangerous and weakens the church greatly.

With that being said, only God knows the hearts in attendance and their response. Who was surprised (like many of us) and didn't agree.

May the Gospel in its full truth be clearly revealed and responded to in obedient faith.

ETA May God's sovereign hand move providential for our nation.
Yes, as I was watching I thought how this was a true reflection of the Christian landscape in our country right now. Permitting, tolerating and allowing false teaching alongside Bible teaching. Giving a platform to false teaching. The Israelites got into a lot of trouble for worshipping false gods along with God....even in the one true God's own temple.

After many warnings they were finally exiled.

This was what finally curbed the worshipping of false idols/gods in Israel (but gave way to extreme legalism about the sabbath as a preventative, missing what the sabbath pointed to: Jesus).

So as the church, this should not be tolerated at all. It's highly dangerous and weakens the church greatly.

With that being said, only God knows the hearts in attendance and their response. Who was surprised (like many of us) and didn't agree.

May the Gospel in its full truth be clearly revealed and responded to in obedient faith.

ETA May God's sovereign hand move providential for our nation.
**May the Gospel in its full truth be clearly revealed and responded to in obedient faith.
Well, I was noticing that Amir is very excited about JD Vance being chosen, but also just posted about how Tucker Carlson cannot be trusted with a ten foot pole. ::anti-Israel::

But I remembered this article is claiming Tucker had a major hand in getting Trump to pick Vance

Only God knows a person's heart and it's so easy to "wear a mask" portraying oneself to be one way yet has a dark secret no one knows about.
We just don't know.
It's practice for most politicians to say what they think voters want to hear because it helps them get elected.
When we know a person is not a believer, we can have doubts of their intentions because they are not born of the Spirit and we should be discerning with what they say and just watch what they do.
There's no doubt this nation has turned it's back on God.
We can get a great economy and good foreign relations and enforce Law and order and such, but even having all that, when God is not regarded with honor as a nation and the culture that exists shake their fist at God because He doesn't tolerate sin, this nation will fall.
This is the reality of the last days we are in, and Jesus is our Hope.
After the 2020 POTUS election (Congressional/Governor elections too) we were told that the Elephant party is too narrow minded and unaccepting on several agenda and/or platforms. We also learned as the years have gone by that MANY conservatives are Catholic and others are Kingdom Now or Word of Faith followers. I expected a much more staged ecumenical RNC production this week. Christians are truly surrounded. It is what it is. The country (and world) is corrupt, violent, and filled with hate/rage. A lot of us were warned of unholy alliance at least in the early 90's. It's hard to avoid b/c it's often necessary.
I am kind of surmising that the only thing Trump is going to be the same on this time around is being pro-Israel.
I really think he has watered down everything else, for Big Tent.
And I think he is choosing to surround himself with untrustworthy people....again.

But pro-Israel would be a reason for God to keep him in public eye.

Just pondering today.... 🤔
I'm pondering an awful lot!

I've said for some time that if things swing to the right, it's not MAGA, it's the globalist cabal working the Right side of the room. It's like the old joke about the coin toss.

Heads I win, Tails you lose.

Those types cover every possible outcome including Trump surviving an assassination attempt and winning the election. They cover all the bases, all the possibilities.

I like Trump- and he will win genuinely because he has the majority of hearts and minds in flyover country, while even the Dem strongholds are finding it difficult to surf the Trump wave.


There are a lot of double agents, people planted in his circles to push other agendas. The swamp dwellers come in both flavours, left and right. And their allegiance isn't to the heartland of America. They have a vested interest in bringing about the fall of America, because America stands in the way of a globalist take over.

Heads they win, Tails we lose. Whether it's for Left or Right wing politics.
Well, I was noticing that Amir is very excited about JD Vance being chosen, but also just posted about how Tucker Carlson cannot be trusted with a ten foot pole. ::anti-Israel::

But I remembered this article is claiming Tucker had a major hand in getting Trump to pick Vance

Leo Hohmann is concerned about JD Vance

Leo's substack article here: Who is J.D. Vance? explores the relationship he has with his companies and what he invests in. One of them is MRNA research. Yeah, that stuff. Raised my eyebrows a bit.

Not meaning he has to be squeaky clean, politics is a dirty business. But that announcement came on the heels of the assassination attempt and it was unexpected.

Trump wasn't supposed to pick Vance, there were other candidates that he was considering.

I might be wrong on the timing of that though, I will check back


July 13 Trump survives attempted assassination

July 15 Trump selects Vance