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God Gathering Gog-Magog :: By Terry James


Many times, I’ve remarked after being informed of one prophetic development or another, something like: “Well…what can we expect at this late hour of the age? It’s all coming together just like it should.”

That’s almost a too-casual look on my part at these things we see happening that prove the truth of God’s prophetic Word. I haven’t, in making such a statement, fully grasped in every instance what is taking place at this late hour. At least, yours truly has been occasionally lax in totally understanding what’s taking place to some extent. So I’ll say here that it’s my faux pas, not yours, that should be addressed and corrected.

The bottom line of this self-critique is that things are taking place not by natural, prophetic selection—the evolving events that build upon one another by happenstance. These things are actually orchestrated by the very hand of the One who foretold the matters involved. God is in the Heaven-ordained process of pulling all things together for the wrap-up of this quickly fleeting Age of Grace.


God is in the Heaven-ordained process of pulling all things together for the wrap-up of this quickly fleeting Age of Grace.

When I look at the attempts to fit the current war situation into a biblical prophetic war (Ps 83, Isaiah 17 or Ezek 38) to name the major ones being talked about-- it strikes me that this war is none of those 3 at least not yet. But it is "prophetic" in the sense that it is part of the build up towards them.

It is stage setting.

This war is incredibly significant.

The day before the nation was fighting each other, politically fractured, weakened and the day after they were united in grief and determination.

It is one of the turning points in history. When things changed overnight and nothing was ever the same again.

When I look at the attempts to fit the current war situation into a biblical prophetic war (Ps 83, Isaiah 17 or Ezek 38) to name the major ones being talked about-- it strikes me that this war is none of those 3 at least not yet. But it is "prophetic" in the sense that it is part of the build up towards them.

It is stage setting.

This war is incredibly significant.

The day before the nation was fighting each other, politically fractured, weakened and the day after they were united in grief and determination.

It is one of the turning points in history. When things changed overnight and nothing was ever the same again.
It' also united the muslim coalition in their hatred towards Israel as well, Erdogan is running his mouth non stop at the moment .

Oddly Putin and makes mention of the situation here and there
Many times, I’ve remarked after being informed of one prophetic development or another, something like: “Well…what can we expect at this late hour of the age? It’s all coming together just like it should.”

That’s almost a too-casual look on my part at these things we see happening that prove the truth of God’s prophetic Word. I haven’t, in making such a statement, fully grasped in every instance what is taking place at this late hour. At least, yours truly has been occasionally lax in totally understanding what’s taking place to some extent. So I’ll say here that it’s my faux pas, not yours, that should be addressed and corrected.

The bottom line of this self-critique is that things are taking place not by natural, prophetic selection—the evolving events that build upon one another by happenstance. These things are actually orchestrated by the very hand of the One who foretold the matters involved. God is in the Heaven-ordained process of pulling all things together for the wrap-up of this quickly fleeting Age of Grace.


Good point you make Rose, i've also thought that a prophecy would jusy happen quickly as well and not really realise that it could play out longterm before it us fufilled