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Fires of Forewarning

By Terry James for
Prophecy Line

I’m hearing it proclaimed in the strongest terms that God is judging California and punishing that area with the horrific fire because of the wickedness it embraces. I disagree. I say God is not yet judging, not in the sense that His judgment produces punishment from Heaven.

Indeed, the parts of California that are, as of this writing, being devoured by the fires—fanned by 100 mph winds, in some cases—are the center of wickedness the likes of which might make the people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah blush.

President Trump said recently the area destroyed by the fires looks as if they’ve been hit by a nuclear attack. It sure seems like the judgment of God is being visited on America’s Pompeii, doesn’t it?

No. I think not. I believe what we see happening—the fiery devastation ravaging one of America’s most desirable place to live in terms of environment—is actually an expression of God’s love.

Now, that seems almost as wrong in reasoning as the woke thinking that comes out of California, that state of upside-down, reprobate insanity!

Here I want to say that we are to have love and concern for the people who are suffering so desperately from these catastrophic fires. And they are catastrophic, with entire neighborhoods across a vast expanse having been completely burned to the ground. Let us reach out in compassion, knowing that, but by the grace of God, we could be in the same circumstances.

That said, I’m of the thinking proffered by my friend Tom Hughes, whose ministry is located in California.

punish those who reject His Son.]

For anybody…if you don’t know the Lord, ask Him to forgive you. He will forgive anybody who will come to Him.
Amen! The fires are a merciful call to repentance–perhaps a last, loving call to accept God’s order, rather than the anti-God way of wokeness and rebellion.

What painful calls to repentance might we expect as the time of the Tribulation grows closer by the hour? Once Jesus calls all believers to Himself in the Rapture, the pain will grow infinitely worse as God’s wrath pours out on God-rejecting humankind.

You don’t want to be part of that wrath and of Antichrist’s unprecedented evil.

Here’s how to accept Christ and be kept from that worst time of human history AND from the eternal, truly horrific fire—the lake of fire—following the final punishment of lost humankind at the great white throne judgment.

That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10: 9-10)

Amen. In ancient times, gunuine mental illness and downsyndrome and retardation would have been seen as the curse of God superstitiously. And the transformation of insight and care over the ages has truly seen His kind response to the days of old perspectives. I think in one way, to me, if it were hitched to a judgement (which any state in any country could be leveled for), in our day and age, it might be as referenced in part in the article as symbolic in a way.

We see a shift drifting away from globalism. Their view of this would be that mother nature is judging us for not honoring climate change initiatives. In America, the party more aligned with that agenda is the left, and Hollywood. Which seems to have been of significant note, affected. Along with long standing woke policy of not clearing brush, being negligent in fire station equipment up keep. And lazy, almost criminally negligent empty water reservoirs, as well as the potential theater of arson productions of "The Climate Change Pubplic Service Announcement" enacted. What happens when a county falls pray to halfhazard leadership.

So like in that sense it would seem to me to be an earmark moment growing pain of moving away from woke America. In His kindness, I would also see this a part of the grand age of "revealing." That God in His compassion for potentially the last generation to be alive at a time of emmense disclosure. In this case, exposing by forestry practice illuminated on front street. The ability to reconsider and change by highlighting where a road like California took leads. And as much as California is somewhat of a woke template state (like New York) for the national model, a clear indication CA is not a model role for the country, noted.

. . . . .

I'm really glad to see this article viewing events in our day through the kindness of the Lord. That is awesome to see. Amen. Thanks dear sister. Blessings.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone has set the fires, and there are people that didn't do their jobs properly such as the Mayor and Gavin Newsom. I have also heard they are planning on starting smart cities there.
Bingo. In my estimation, Gavin is not only negligent but desirous of cheap land scoop up (based on the views of many)...and a bigger federal cashprize for the most damage he might be able to get away with--"M O N E Y .... come to me." Viewing "who's the man" through "How slyly can I smoothly get money creatively through the governors office?" And seeing a way to trick the system (even violently) as smart "you the man" leadership. Like Fauci, it seems to be a badge of honor among criminal leadership to see who is the badest one of all. The most clever of them all. The master blaster of reality. Yeah...unfortunately I would see it has gotten that bad. Also, it would stand to reason that the best way to demonstrate climate change is to set things on fire so we can sell that movie trailer. :( What globalism looks like :( The movie. Coming to theaters near us. But...e x p o s e d. By His good grace. Amen. Blessings.
I agree that this is the Grace of God, a wake up call.

But it's not the result of God's punishment of California.

It is simply the natural extension of bad decisions made over the decades by various governments within California from the Governors mansion down to city hall. And the voters who continued to vote them in, virtue signalling themselves to death.

Those officials are the ones who made it impossible for the power company to do line maintenance and brush clearing. The environmentalists who refused to allow brush clearing and tree cutting to create fire breaks. Those who prefer to drain water reservoirs and let water go out to sea instead of conserving it in the name of a small fish that prefers to live in abundance outside of California.

Not to mention becoming a sanctuary for all types of illegals, including those who should be locked up in jail as arsonists. And those Muslim terrorists who may have taken advantage of a weakness in the system, coming in, and setting the odd fire in the name of their murderous god.

Sooner or later a worse than normal Santa Ana wind situation would occur.
" virtue signalling themselves to death" -- Well stated. The devils handshake.

I wonder, because some see Israel aligning with the Abraham Accords as reference to a borrowed passage of Isaiah 28:18 "covenant with death." Or that it be with the anti=Christ. I would see that as an already fulfilled passage. And if it does have implications to AC, it would be good to see it soundly laid out. From what I have seen it is guestimation theology. So if anyone who reads this is here during the tribulation (or a family member thereof), you may get to see a very answer to a rather popular trendy wonder of our theological day. Is it just scriptural over cross-pollination? Or is it really likened to that passage do you think? Speaking to my peeps in the future :p

But in California, we seem to kind of act it out for Israel anywayz. Sad :( Blessings.
" virtue signalling themselves to death" -- Well stated. The devils handshake.

I wonder, because some see Israel aligning with the Abraham Accords as reference to a borrowed passage of Isaiah 28:18 "covenant with death." Or that it be with the anti=Christ. I would see that as an already fulfilled passage. And if it does have implications to AC, it would be good to see it soundly laid out. From what I have seen it is guestimation theology. So if anyone who reads this is here during the tribulation (or a family member thereof), you may get to see a very answer to a rather popular trendy wonder of our theological day. Is it just scriptural over cross-pollination? Or is it really likened to that passage do you think? Speaking to my peeps in the future :p

But in California, we seem to kind of act it out for Israel anywayz. Sad :( Blessings.
We know at some time there will be the covenant with many made. I wonder if somehow the Abraham Accords would lead to the 2 state solution.
I agree that this is the Grace of God, a wake up call.

But it's not the result of God's punishment of California. It is simply the natural extension of bad decisions made over the decades by various governments within California
May I suggest that while the proximate cause may be bad decisions made by various governments within the state, the ultimate cause is God trying to bring sinners to Himself. By causing financial and physical loss, temporary homelessness, loss of all possessions, etc, I think He is simply trying to impress upon people the transitory nature of this life and the things we possess, in the hope that they will begin a search for something more secure and lasting. Hopefully many will begin a search that will result in 1) the recognition that there is a God, 2) an understanding of His will, and 3) salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
May I suggest that while the proximate cause may be bad decisions made by various governments within the state, the ultimate cause is God trying to bring sinners to Himself. By causing financial and physical loss, temporary homelessness, loss of all possessions, etc, I think He is simply trying to impress upon people the transitory nature of this life and the things we possess, in the hope that they will begin a search for something more secure and lasting. Hopefully many will begin a search that will result in 1) the recognition that there is a God, 2) an understanding of His will, and 3) salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
I believe that God judges not only based on leaders but on the people nation itself.
It could be because over the past decades California has become more and more godless and God has given California the leader it deserves and through that leader God has allowed California to decline further because of the moral decay, especially coming from Southern California as it has the entertainment industry that has increasingly become more immoral and have made money their god. Southern California has become a miniature version of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I agree God is shaking California with His warning to repent, before His Judgement comes because we're so close to Jesus second coming.
I was in Bible study today and someone said "God never gives us more than we can handle" is not a true statement. Instead, God will give us more than we can handle so that we need to call on Him, admit we can't do it ourselves, and repent of our ways. I am sure God has other things working here that my small human brain doesn't understand, but this seems to fit best.
I was in Bible study today and someone said "God never gives us more than we can handle" is not a true statement. Instead, God will give us more than we can handle so that we need to call on Him, admit we can't do it ourselves, and repent of our ways. I am sure God has other things working here that my small human brain doesn't understand, but this seems to fit best.
I think that's why some have said not to pray for patience because you just might get that prayer answered with increased problems to contend with to exercise that patience.
I was in Bible study today and someone said "God never gives us more than we can handle" is not a true statement. Instead, God will give us more than we can handle so that we need to call on Him, admit we can't do it ourselves, and repent of our ways. I am sure God has other things working here that my small human brain doesn't understand, but this seems to fit best.
I have also often heard the phrase you posted, usually using 1 Corinthians10:13 as support.
I know when I consider the topic and look at the totality of scripture (at least the verses I'm familiar with), they often point us to Jesus as the focus of who strengthens us and is the One who gives us the ability to endure.
So I agree with who ever made that statement in your bible study.
When I feel tempted or overwhelmed with life's burdens, I try to remind myself that God will never give us more than He can handle.
We continuously surrender in the flesh and rely more on Him, as He has already overcome the world. John 16:33.

Thanks for the post. I know I still fail often at first trusting in Him when being overwhelmed. But not as often as with my biggest failures, so not as often as before.
I started thinking of all the verses that support relying on Jesus and His strength and I did a search and found this comprehensive list of scriptures.
We know at some time there will be the covenant with many made. I wonder if somehow the Abraham Accords would lead to the 2 state solution.
It seems that it (the Abraham Accords) was something that blossomed out of a several decade awakening. Israel being given USA protection, protection from God in general, technological insights, and economic increasing in that region that have quite a bit of oil. I can understand how it might look austere to see such a strange formation joining the Abaham of Muslims with the Abraham of the Old Testament. To some, for sure a blasphemous evolving. But actually, over the years, to me, it seems economically in relation to the Middle East moving in tandem (generally) with economic trends and sociopolitical growing considerations of families and governments in the region coming of age to recognize how it only makes logical sense to work with Israel (so as to live in better peace and be more reasonable toward how neighboring economics works). So, for me, the Abraham Accords seems in ways to be a testament of how God has permitted Israel normalization (out of much earlier economic policy joining Israel and Egypt/Jordan political softening) as a testament, in deed, of the evolution of the Middle East cultural (as a whole) trajectory of sensibly better working together relation with Israel in general. And as even our day finds us somewhat in awe of how "in slow motion" end times motifs seem to also be unfolding very slowly before our own eyes, so it would seem is the in slow motion developments of how the Middle East, one step at a time, leans into more civil attitudes toward Israel in general over time.

So like where it might seem to many as an abnormality and somewhat more of a prophetic radioactive essence and quality (the Abraham Accords), understandably...it is a rather oddly unexpected conclusion of sorts. From what I understand, often looked upon perhaps as some further deeper spiritual compromise of Israel, even. To such extent it has gained watcher movement eyes on it to likely be a precursor to an ultimate "covenant with the many" groundwork (and our eschatological focus presume more heavily seeingg the Abraham Accords as an evolving testament to a prophetic "deal with the many."). And it does make sense, as it stands out as at least "unusual," for the Abraham Accords to gain notice as possibly that which further sparks into a covenant with the many. It does seem to be of that odd potential, for sure.

But what is possibly overlooked is the organic regional developemental quality of it. It too, would make sense that it be an expression of some shared biblical father (Abraham) be a markquee of sorts, to lable joint venture diplomacy arriving out of peaceful awakenings in a region known for boiling over disparities. And in that sense, maybe a testament to the direction God has allowed rival attitudes toward Israel to eventually soften over time. In one way, yes, it could be seen and understood as some odd feature shadow of something placed in an area where it would seem surely to not belong (almost like a mirror or shadow of the an abomination of desolation placed within an Israel future temple at the tribulation midpoint). But a safer, perhaps sounder notion, of on looking upon it, maybe is the testimony made by such roots those nations actually share.

It would appear to be that evangelical Christianity not be as familiar with how much blessing Ishmael received from God in antiquity, even though he was not in the lineage of Christ. Ishmael still received a blessing from God. And as incongruent as it might be for us to consider Ishmael having been blessed by God even as that which represents a child of the flesh (rather than one of faith in God: Isaac). he and his mother were blessed. And his mother even receiving perhaps almost a prophetic hint at a future gentile outpouring of His spirit upon the flesh...in that Hagar be captured in scripture as truly encountering supernaturally "the God that sees."

So maybe in that sense, a thing like the Abraham Accords could be also linked to a sense of God's blessing upon even the children of the flesh because of His blessing on the father of that child that was born of flesh and not of promise. And in that way, the Abraham Accords be some re-awakening of the testimony of God's ancient grace, mercy, and kindness poured out upon Abraham even in his disobedience. Looking at it this way, it might actually serve as a reminder of His character to the world. In the world. Even through the world. Yet still, a Hallmark treatise affirming this great God of Abraham. A wink, to a much later generation, of His charecter. Maybe even to the degree it is seen as odd. Such a loud overture to our generation of God's faithfulness to Abraham, literally thousands of years later...a thing. A testimony to God's great character perhaps more than a shadow of "the covenant with the many." In this sense, our generation might find it easier to see the acrutaments of the devil more than attributes of God when given a choice of what to see. And I don't say that meaning for it to sound so raw. Or as to come from a place of scolding upon our age...as much as it could be instead a living hermeneutic of sorts to highlight its potential to illuminate our own coming of age to see awaken more so to His grand character in a fallen world as that which testifies to His sovereign nature.

. . . . .

And with that, an Easter Egg Key. A social artifcat, if you will, or template by which we might also see and maybe too understand a host of emerging events in our day. Because our taking note of the Abraham Accords as rather a testimony of His faithfulness more so than it be an alarming covenant of the antichrist, could actually too be a way to see it. That would ultimately (the Abraham Accords) bring Israel unprecidented peace and safety in our age. And if that be a prism through which to see how also God might be using providence to track with evolving events in our time, it might tell a very different story than maybe a more flashy Times Square lit marquee version of how eschatology might otherwise look to us. In the theory of things that belong together...what I have noticed is that what things belong to us in the age of grace maybe be very different performatively in the tribulation age. As the tribulation does not belong to us, those would not be necessarily things best to see our age unfolding by perhaps. I just wanted to reference this because it is "1 way" in a crowded room of opinion (the general watcher movement) by which we might also consider how God might use Providence in an age that also shared the birth of His dear Son. Just a thought. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this is you might have. :) Blessings.
May I suggest that while the proximate cause may be bad decisions made by various governments within the state, the ultimate cause is God trying to bring sinners to Himself. By causing financial and physical loss, temporary homelessness, loss of all possessions, etc, I think He is simply trying to impress upon people the transitory nature of this life and the things we possess, in the hope that they will begin a search for something more secure and lasting. Hopefully many will begin a search that will result in 1) the recognition that there is a God, 2) an understanding of His will, and 3) salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
I agree a wake up shake up call to get saved, and realize this world is only temporary. Eternal is forever, and it matters where a person spends eternity heaven or hell. Matthew 6:19-21.
Hi all. Wow...lol..I just noticed I posted a 5+ paragraph rant to a LightofMyLife post about a possible 2 state Israel solution coming. I apologize as my post had really nothing to do with that. I post in the morning maybe before I should but I only have so much time and I really love our forum family. So in any event, I was just wanting to post something on my heart in relation to Abraham Accords, which seemed somewhat at the time in the vicinity contextually. Whether it relates to a two state solution I am not sure. But I just wanted to acknowledge that it was a little bone headed of me to go on and on about something completely unrelated. My apologies to LightofMyLife. If this be better posted elsewhere I am fine with so doing. No worries.

So in reference to the two state solution...yeah one thing I have kind of kept close to my heart is some studies Uturn did on JDF a year or so ago. His leaning (as someone who studied the middle east a ton, was perhaps like a group of Middle Eastern countries might monitor a two state solution. Something like Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar combo. I think that is possible. I lean though strangely like more to a one state solution. That might not go over well either. But it will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds. Maybe Saudi normalization will have them shoulder the bulk of a two state solution. Amazing times. Well thanks for letting me chime in in this way. Blessings all.
A lot of people have moved out of California due to high taxes also. Newsom's in-laws moved to Florida. Ron DeSantis told this on Sean Hannity one night.
Take a look at these figures on how many have moved away from California since 2010-2023

California has been steadily losing people to other states for years. From 2010 to 2020, about 6.1 million people left for other states

725,000 people left California in 2020.

California lost almost 400,000 residents to other states between 2021 and 2022

Nearly 1 Million Californians Fled the State Last Year. ( In 2022)​

Overall, 75,423 Californians left in 2023.​

I couldn't find it figure of people moving out of state for 2024. It's probably not been reported yet since it's January.

This is just people that have moved out of California.
A major number of big business has moved out of state. The more recent move was from Chevron oil company because of the strict regulations Newsom put on them because of Climate emissions".
What some people don't realize is that California is growing in population even with the millions of people that have moved out of state.
California residents are replaced by illegal immigrants.
Basically California is becoming an immigrant state that is losing American born Citizens and big Major businesses have left the state.
I think that's why some have said not to pray for patience because you just might get that prayer answered with increased problems to contend with to exercise that patience.
I can attest to this in a different way.

My ex partner asked God to test her faith and oh boy anything and everything that could go wrong basically happened to her.

At the time when she didn't realisr just how bad things may get i told her far out
don't you also know the bible says Do NOT test the Lord your God !!!!