By Terry James for
Prophecy Line
I’m hearing it proclaimed in the strongest terms that God is judging California and punishing that area with the horrific fire because of the wickedness it embraces. I disagree. I say God is not yet judging, not in the sense that His judgment produces punishment from Heaven.
Indeed, the parts of California that are, as of this writing, being devoured by the fires—fanned by 100 mph winds, in some cases—are the center of wickedness the likes of which might make the people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah blush.
President Trump said recently the area destroyed by the fires looks as if they’ve been hit by a nuclear attack. It sure seems like the judgment of God is being visited on America’s Pompeii, doesn’t it?
No. I think not. I believe what we see happening—the fiery devastation ravaging one of America’s most desirable place to live in terms of environment—is actually an expression of God’s love.
Now, that seems almost as wrong in reasoning as the woke thinking that comes out of California, that state of upside-down, reprobate insanity!
Here I want to say that we are to have love and concern for the people who are suffering so desperately from these catastrophic fires. And they are catastrophic, with entire neighborhoods across a vast expanse having been completely burned to the ground. Let us reach out in compassion, knowing that, but by the grace of God, we could be in the same circumstances.
That said, I’m of the thinking proffered by my friend Tom Hughes, whose ministry is located in California.
What painful calls to repentance might we expect as the time of the Tribulation grows closer by the hour? Once Jesus calls all believers to Himself in the Rapture, the pain will grow infinitely worse as God’s wrath pours out on God-rejecting humankind.
You don’t want to be part of that wrath and of Antichrist’s unprecedented evil.
Here’s how to accept Christ and be kept from that worst time of human history AND from the eternal, truly horrific fire—the lake of fire—following the final punishment of lost humankind at the great white throne judgment.
That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10: 9-10)
Prophecy Line
I’m hearing it proclaimed in the strongest terms that God is judging California and punishing that area with the horrific fire because of the wickedness it embraces. I disagree. I say God is not yet judging, not in the sense that His judgment produces punishment from Heaven.
Indeed, the parts of California that are, as of this writing, being devoured by the fires—fanned by 100 mph winds, in some cases—are the center of wickedness the likes of which might make the people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah blush.
President Trump said recently the area destroyed by the fires looks as if they’ve been hit by a nuclear attack. It sure seems like the judgment of God is being visited on America’s Pompeii, doesn’t it?
No. I think not. I believe what we see happening—the fiery devastation ravaging one of America’s most desirable place to live in terms of environment—is actually an expression of God’s love.
Now, that seems almost as wrong in reasoning as the woke thinking that comes out of California, that state of upside-down, reprobate insanity!
Here I want to say that we are to have love and concern for the people who are suffering so desperately from these catastrophic fires. And they are catastrophic, with entire neighborhoods across a vast expanse having been completely burned to the ground. Let us reach out in compassion, knowing that, but by the grace of God, we could be in the same circumstances.
That said, I’m of the thinking proffered by my friend Tom Hughes, whose ministry is located in California.
Amen! The fires are a merciful call to repentance–perhaps a last, loving call to accept God’s order, rather than the anti-God way of wokeness and rebellion.punish those who reject His Son.]
For anybody…if you don’t know the Lord, ask Him to forgive you. He will forgive anybody who will come to Him.
What painful calls to repentance might we expect as the time of the Tribulation grows closer by the hour? Once Jesus calls all believers to Himself in the Rapture, the pain will grow infinitely worse as God’s wrath pours out on God-rejecting humankind.
You don’t want to be part of that wrath and of Antichrist’s unprecedented evil.
Here’s how to accept Christ and be kept from that worst time of human history AND from the eternal, truly horrific fire—the lake of fire—following the final punishment of lost humankind at the great white throne judgment.
That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10: 9-10)

Fires of Forewarning
I’m hearing it proclaimed in the strongest terms that God is judging California and punishing that area with the horrific fire because of the wickedness it embraces. I disagree. I say God is not ye…