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While we are a fellowship forum, there is a lot more than fellowship available to you as member! I am excited to share with you the news that we have contracted with some sound Bible teachers and authors to provide scripturally-solid articles for your spiritual; growth and encouragement.

Clarence L Haynes Jr is an author of books such as Pursuit of Purpose, The Pursuit of Victory, and Promises For The Journey. Saved at age 6, he is now a husband and father, a public speaker by profession, on the special needs ministry team at church, occasionally preaches in his church's Sunday services and teaches bible study. Every Thursday you will find him in the Bible Study Club, an online ministry he co-founded with his wife. Don't miss his articles here.

Dr. Roger Barrier is the man behind the popular Ask Roger worldwide website. A graduate of Baylor University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Golden Gate Seminary with academic excellence in Greek, religion, theology, and pastoral care, he is now retired as senior teaching pastor at Casas Church in Tucson, Arizona. He and his wife, Dr. Julie Barrier, founded the popular web site Preach It, Teach It (preachitteachit.org) that supplies resources used in 228 countries and territories around the world. They are committed to providing creatively designed, biblically solid, cutting-edge materials for Christian pastors, missionaries and Bible teachers—seeking to equip them with sermons, Bible studies, devotionals and other practical leadership tools for Christian ministry. Roger has written a number of books including the popular Listening to the Voice of God which is in its second printing. This is a man you can learn from.

The Washington Stand (washingtonstand.com) is a service of the Family Research Council (FRC.org) whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is FRC's outlet for news and commentary from that biblical worldview. We will regularly publish their current articles. You won't find any left-wing, anti-God material here.

Stay tuned! We are currently negotiating with a conservative news site to provide a daily RSS news feed, as well as negotiating with other Christian authors for permission to post their articles here. Our sole purpose is to provide you with the information you need to live your daily life, the knowledge you need to grow spiritually, occasional questions to help you refine your beliefs, scriptural insights to help you know God better, and the encouragement you need to help you live out your faith each day in an intentional and powerful way.