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Evangelicals are ‘greatest friends Israel has,’ Netanyahu tells virtual conference participants


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a virtual conference of Evangelical Christian leaders over the weekend, assuring them, “You are the greatest friends the Jewish state has.”

The premier did not directly refer to harassment of Christians in the Old City nor the ongoing visa problems of certain organizations, such as the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem (ICEJ), during the online gathering. However, he said: “Our Christian friends, when they come here, they’re really embraced.”

Netanyahu also acknowledged the presence of opposition to Christians in the Jewish state, but called it “a minority” and said the government is “taking very strong action against them,” without providing detail.

During the call, Netanyahu addressed a variety of topics, and spoke about the history of his family and its connection to the United States.

Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, spent many years in the U.S., both as an advocate for the formation of the State of Israel before World War II, and following its establishment, as history professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Netanyahu also noted his own efforts to change the economy of Israel to strengthen the country, saying, “strength attracts, weakness repels.”

The prime minister acknowledged his recent efforts to broaden the Abraham Accords to include Saudi Arabia, admitting that, while it might not bear fruit, “We are giving it a good try, and I hope we succeed.”


I believe Netanyahu is correct that evangelicals are the best friend Israel has. Of course that doesn't carry over to America today being the best friend Israel has. As the U.S. is always pushing for a 'two state' solution which would divide Jerusalem.

I believe all born-again Christians have a love for Israel and the Jewish people. And we are told to always pray for the peace of Israel. (Ps. 122:6-8)

But, remember, this love is not always reciprocated by the Jews. They after all, reject our Jesus Christ. They not only rejected Him, but killed Him. And at present that is still their belief as a nation.

I have had a thought for quite some time about this. And it's just an opinion. Joseph is in the Scripture a perfect forshadowing of Jesus Christ. A type of Jesus Christ. I'm sure most know the story of Joseph found in (Gen. 37-41) Rejected by his brethren but elevated to 2nd in power in Egypt. There is no end to the many comparisons one can find between Joseph and Christ.

And when Joseph's brethren came down to Egypt, Joseph played a cruel trick upon them. They didn't know who he was, only that he was a very powerful man in Egypt. Well, Joseph learned something he didn't know from them. He had a brother he didn't know of, Benjamin, who didn't come down to Egypt with them. And Joseph took Simeon as hostage and said if you don't bring back Benjamin then I don't believe your story and you're nothing but spies. (Gen. 42)

So, to make a long story short, they brought Benjamin back. And they were treated well and allowed to leave but Joseph had a valuable silver cup placed in Benjamines stuff without anyone knowing. (Gen. 44) He then sent out his Egyptians who overtook the Israelites and accused them of stealing. They searched everyones stuff and lo and behold the silver cup was found in Benjamines. And of course the other Jewish brothers were distraught. They recognized this was from God for the evil they did upon Joseph. (44:16)

And, instead of throwing their brother to the wolves, they interceeded for him. Judah was willing to be the slave to Egypt if they just let Benjamine go. (Gen. 44:32-34)

It just makes me wonder how Judah and the other brothers standing up for Benjamine, forshadows any future event with Israel. For it was this event that overwhelmed Joseph and caused him to reveal himself to his brothers. (Gen. 45) It's just too an important passage to not reveal something.

Perhaps it will be Israel standing up for the Church and recognizing us as brethren.

Perhaps it will be during the Tribulation and Israel recognizes all those Tribulation saints as brothers and stands up for them. I really don't know but often think about it.
