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EU threatens ‘consequences’ for Israel’s opposition to Palestinian state


E.U. diplomats said on Monday in Brussels that a two-state solution is the only credible path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians, after earlier threatening “consequences” if Israel continued to oppose the plan.

“We have to stop talking about the peace process and start talking about the two-state solution process,” Josep Borrell, the E.U.’s high representative for foreign affairs, told press at a meeting of the Council of the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council.

A document circulating in European capitals ahead of Monday’s meeting called for E.U. members to “set out the consequences they envisage to attach to engagement or non-engagement” with their proposed plan—the two-state solution.


Here we see it happening.
The agression against Israel abounds, and the so-called allies are retreating.
Soon Israel will stand alone.
But oh joy, THEN they will call out to the Mighty One of Israel, and He will come to their aid!