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During the Super Bowl, leftists crusaded to recreate Christ in a cultural Marxist mode


Set your face like flint - Isaiah 50:7
February 12, 2024

During the Super Bowl, leftists crusaded to recreate Christ in a cultural Marxist mode

By Andrea Widburg

Jesus Christ was not a hater, but he believed in Jewish moral strictures and the idea of sin. He also believed in the power of redemption, something entirely different from embracing Marxist social justice concepts that demand aborting children, bowing before hostile faiths, or embracing homosexuality, among other things. Nevertheless, according to a very well-funded ad campaign that bought a video during the Super Bowl, those are exactly the precepts Jesus advanced. This is part of an increasingly visible campaign to reframe Jesus as a leftist and impose a new form of Christian supremacism on America.
I first took note of this movement more than a decade ago. In 2011, The Guardian published an essay in which the writer insisted that new evidence revealed that
"Jesus Christ was unambiguously and openly gay. He and his disciples formed a same-sex coterie, bound by feelings of love and mutual support. There are recorded instances of same-sex activity – the "beloved disciple" plays a significant role – and there is affirmation of the joys of friendship and of living and loving together."

I bet you didn’t learn that in Sunday school... more
I missed this ad during the Superbowl... I probably fell asleep because I had to work. I was able to watch it online and was rather taken aback by the portrayal of Christ/Christianity/politics and "whose side" God is supposedly on. Notice the majority of whom is getting their feet washed. It seemed very one-sided and didn't sit right. This article does a good job breaking it down.
It's sad and so cunning.

They are misrepresenting love, and replacing Jesus with the universalist notion that everyone goes to Heaven. To Christians they focus on us being judgemental and make us feel guilty.

Yet as I learn how to better honor Christ, I understand that He will be exalted and glorified by those of us who trust Him and know Him as the only Righteous One.

I like this: Psalm 18:43 "You have delivered me from the contentions of the people; You have placed me as head of the nations; A people whom I have not known serve me."
Here is James Lindsay and he explains it best IMO.

(from his presentation): "On March 29, 2023, James Lindsay delivered a short address before a conference at the European Union Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. This speech has been widely recognized as making the nature of the Neo-Marxist Cultural Revolution engulfing the West extremely clear, with a sharp warning to Europe not to follow in the footsteps of the Anglophone countries. In the two months since, this speech has gone viral and received incredible praise and feedback for its clarity and ability to articulate the true nature of the so-called "culture war" or "Woke" phenomenon threatening the West. Join him to understand what's happening all around us and why we must take it seriously."
I was googling superbowl ads the day after and started to watch the foot washing one, but it quickly became clear that there were a whole bunch of woke unChristian messages at its core so I closed that web page...