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Pastor in Tennessee Issues a Sick Call for Violence Against Elon Musk, Calls It “The Christian Thing to Do”

On Sunday, a man of the cloth used the pulpit to issue a sick call of violence against his fellow man.

Dr. Steve Caudle, a pastor at Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, gave his weekly sermon to congregants who gathered to worship God. But Caudle had a few other things on his mind beyond spreading the Gospel.

After a brief talk regarding the Super Bowl matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, Caudle then turned his attention to his scripture lesson called “The Violent Kingdom.” He decided to use the Scripture of Matthew to blast the Trump Administration and DOGE.


This is the kind of mindset that brings a stain on True Christian Believers and on the Name of Jesus.

True scripture tells us we ought to obey God as Ruler rather than men.

But to call out for violence because one opposes what government is doing, other than what we are called to do, goes against what Jesus has taught us by example when Peter cut off the ear of the soldier when Jesus was arrested and He healed that ear and said

"But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword"
Matthew 26:52

Violence is Not the Christian way
On Sunday, a man of the cloth used the pulpit to issue a sick call of violence against his fellow man.

Dr. Steve Caudle, a pastor at Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, gave his weekly sermon to congregants who gathered to worship God. But Caudle had a few other things on his mind beyond spreading the Gospel.

After a brief talk regarding the Super Bowl matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles, Caudle then turned his attention to his scripture lesson called “The Violent Kingdom.” He decided to use the Scripture of Matthew to blast the Trump Administration and DOGE.


Because we see this, there is hope.
It's one thing to resist and not comply with what is not of God, but we are never called to act in violence because we don't like what a government is doing.

It's a given, that government run by men will not be completely in line with our biblical values,
but we are to be
Salt and Light, meaning be an example of Who Christ is, not be reacting with the flesh in any violent manner because we don't like something.
I have been loving all the news of what Trump is doing but it has been a challenging few weeks with clients. Every single “Christian “ client of mine has started off sessions complaining and groaning about Trump and how terrible the changes are.

That has been the most shocking part of it and I don’t know how much more I can handle. Christians literally telling me he is being a big meanie targeting poor LGBT, going after disabled people with DEI removals, and how he’s deporting little abuelas left and right. I kid you not.

I’m biting my tongue so much that I’m biting right through it. I just want to scream if I hear another stupid complaint by a Christian client. One of counselor friends expressed the same frustration with her clients and how hard it is trying to stay calm a d professional listening to all the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I have been loving all the news of what Trump is doing but it has been a challenging few weeks with clients. Every single “Christian “ client of mine has started off sessions complaining and groaning about Trump and how terrible the changes are.

That has been the most shocking part of it and I don’t know how much more I can handle. Christians literally telling me he is being a big meanie targeting poor LGBT, going after disabled people with DEI removals, and how he’s deporting little abuelas left and right. I kid you not.

I’m biting my tongue so much that I’m biting right through it. I just want to scream if I hear another stupid complaint by a Christian client. One of counselor friends expressed the same frustration with her clients and how hard it is trying to stay calm a d professional listening to all the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Wow Cheeky. Thanks for sharing you heart at this level with us. That is sad to hear. I'd like to offer some encouragement hopefully if I might. In some ways I would want to say "welcome to my world." But to the degree you have shared, I believe what you are experiencing is likely deeper because compared to "my world" (which is more philosphical), you are dealing with daily results of people's hearts right in front of you. You are in my prayers dear sister.

Where I would want to be of encouragement is perhaps in hopes of what you are seeing in life is in a sense not so much in how even believers are experiencing wide and varied disconnect, but that in some ways dear sister, it is probably suppose to be this way. What I don't mean by that is to suggest that believers should be so confused as you have experienced. But rather that it makes a lot of sense to me why they might. But not as a way to perform therapy upon my own uncertainties. But rather a view into a far deeper freshness seen in Him.

. . . . .

Here is a general trajectory that might be helpful to consider. America has been deeply conditioned by globalism. Woke culture in what I understand is just a feature of Marxism decoupling sociality from its norms...for the really dumbed down reason of just separating people from what God has naturally put in place that bonds us wholistically together as His creation. So if government can insert ideologies that destroy the normal strengths associated with family, marriage, honest sexual identity etc...it can erode natural order away from our orientations in how God has created us and how we function in created order. If government can diffuse that orientation it can reroute people to trust more in individual preference instead of the soundness associated with God's created order. So the further the government can move us away from the norm of created order, the more it can have us believe in whatever else they will sell us. And that over time has us becoming more dependent on them instead of family or husband, or wife, or any other normal order God has created for us to function in. The more government can erode that, the more we are succiptible to trust their new spins on who we think we are. And there enlies I believe the trend and mission of globalism. To redefine us into the image of the state. Where the ruling class owns what we think about ourselves to the degree any one group can.

THE GOOD NEWS? I believe what we are noticing is growing pains. I am not new age in the slightest. But the purpose it would seem that God permits today is an America that (out of our humanness) is pushing back against a globalist empire. Ultimately dear sister we know there is a one world trajectory in store for us. We know during the tribulation we go there in spades. But the good news I think for our age of grace is that YOU and Me and US, we see differntly than those client's of yours you are troubled by. Why is that good news? Because you are not nodding your head agreeing with them. And there is a sense of discernment with the few. But I don't think it's just good news in that we can see things. I think its good news we know that God that sees (like Hagar exclaimed He does in the old testament).

So what it looks like to me is likely occuring is that God is allowing America growing pains as we push back against the evil globalist regime. If I were a new ager I'd say "And America wins and we evolve into a happy ever after." But I am not a new ager. So I don't believe it goes like that. But what it looks like it goes as is this: That in our age of grace God is allowing America push back against globalism. And your client's are naturally a level of fall out testifying of the need for push back. Growing pains take time. Do we have a lot of that left? Maybe more than we think, but perhaps not much seeing all the signs we have thus far. But the reason your client's are reacting is BECAUSE something is changing. If it were not, we would all hold hands and sing kumbaya. But the growing pains your client's feel, testify that we are not all dumbed down beyond recovery.

If I were to tell you in 2021 that America would control Gaza in the future, would you believe me? No. And likely you should not have. If I told you in 2022 that Trump would win and turn the course of the country around and that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would remove her gender pronouns from Twitter because gender pronouns would be phasing out...would you have believed me? Or if I told you in 2020 that Elon Musk would buy Twitter and change it to X and move it significantly to the right. Would you have believed me? If I told you that Elon would be involved in auditing federal government even the FED, would that have even sounded sane to you in 2021 after the election was stolen...by Biden? Had I told you in 2018 that the next president would be a geriatric version of the presidency where the world would marvel at how pathetic the presidency in the US had become? A man falling upstairs multiple times? Shaking hands with no one there? Mumbling? The leader of the free world? And that an even an absent minded dupe could beat Trump at the polls? The irony...no? And it would just go on and on like that for years? A talking head puppet vacant of leadership quality whatsoever ruling the free world? Perhaps you might have believed that. But in 2018 it looked like we might have been going in a better direction though.

. . . . .

So I am just saying all that to say that we are kind of living in impossible times. And it does look like nationalism (as God had intended in Genesis) is overtaking globalism. At least for a time. And that will produce growing pains for those who allowed themselves to be too far duped by globalist ideology. We know when the tribulation comes we will fall into globalism. That is a given. But today, while it is still called today, we see something shifting. And the testimony of that is the growing pains we see in others. So the good news in that is that God seems to sovereignly be allowing globalism enough push back right now to cause those deeply in its trance to be shocked. And THAT is a miracle. A signature moment of THE SOVEREIGN. And for what THAT is worth in our short while left, I believe is priceless. And if where we are now is any indication of what of God's character He might show a fallen world is any indication of where things "might" go before a tribulation arrives, I would expect a TON of more growing pains to be a thing. And if that is the Providence of God, His children can get to see it in "real time." And that is pretty darn amazing, no? I hope this finds a way of encouragement in the temporal in your heart dear saint. Blessings.

PS -- this might be something to consider. Only the Lord knows, and I guess we will see. But...what I have noticed in the world of eschatology for some reason is that we have come to believe that America is not a part of Bible prophecy. We have seemingly talked ourselves into America Durangement syndrome of sorts. In part it is likely out of good faith in believing that God would not want to "cheat" as it were by using the most powerful country in human history to "do prophesy." God is greater than America. Therefore, He won't use it so we can see His power. Yet, what if God wan'ts to use America? I believe He does get a say in that too...lol. From what we have seen as NORMAL is that God has used America to defend Israel for 7 decades now. This is not rocket science. This is what has been in plain sight for decades now. So if God keeps using America in this way, we would expect God to use America to make Israel Great Again. Right? But for some reason we are not allowed to permit our thoughts to go this way. To do so makes us fleshy. Dependent on America and Trump for God to have to do His will. In doing this, we feel we weaken God to our standards. "God you have to use Trump," we think we must not say because of the level of temporal fleshy shame for such as His saints to think so. But maybe all of that is just a therapy session we put ourselves through. And when that session is over, we can buy some popcorn and let God do His thing aside from all our meanderings about what that might be or supposed to look like to us. Eschatology is not so much the science of the human mind...it is what a Holy God does in spite of that. And that is a story He, not us, tells us. Just saying. :) I guess we will see. Blessings. :)
believe what we are noticing is growing pains. I am not new age in the slightest. But the purpose it would seem that God permits today is an America that (out of our humanness) is pushing back against a globalist empire. Ultimately dear sister we know there is a one world trajectory in store for us. We know during the tribulation we go there in spades. But the good news I think for our age of grace is that YOU and Me and US, we see differntly than those client's of yours you are troubled by. Why is that good news? Because you are not nodding your head agreeing with them. And there is a sense of discernment with the few. But I don't think it's just good news in that we can see things. I think its good news we know that God that sees (like Hagar exclaimed He does in the old testament).

So what it looks like to me is likely occuring is that God is allowing America growing pains as we push back against the evil globalist regime. If I were a new ager I'd say "And America wins and we evolve into a happy ever after." But I am not a new ager. So I don't believe it goes like that. But what it looks like it goes as is this: That in our age of grace God is allowing America push back against globalism. And your client's are naturally a level of fall out testifying of the need for push back. Growing pains take time. Do we have a lot of that left? Maybe more than we think, but perhaps not much seeing all the signs we have thus far. But the reason your client's are reacting is BECAUSE something is changing. If it were not, we would all hold hands and sing kumbaya. But the growing pains your client's feel, testify that we are not all dumbed down beyond recovery.

If I were to tell you in 2021 that America would control Gaza in the future, would you believe me? No. And likely you should not have. If I told you in 2022 that Trump would win and turn the course of the country around and that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would remove her gender pronouns from Twitter because gender pronouns would be phasing out...would you have believed me? Or if I told you in 2020 that Elon Musk would buy Twitter and change it to X and move it significantly to the right. Would you have believed me? If I told you that Elon would be involved in auditing federal government even the FED, would that have even sounded sane to you in 2021 after the election was stolen...by Biden? Had I told you in 2018 that the next president would be a geriatric version of the presidency where the world would marvel at how pathetic the presidency in the US had become? A man falling upstairs multiple times? Shaking hands with no one there? Mumbling? The leader of the free world? And that an even an absent minded dupe could beat Trump at the polls? The irony...no? And it would just go on and on like that for years? A talking head puppet vacant of leadership quality whatsoever ruling the free world? Perhaps you might have believed that. But in 2018 it looked like we might have been going in a better direction though.

. . . . .

So I am just saying all that to say that we are kind of living in impossible times. And it does look like nationalism (as God had intended in Genesis) is overtaking globalism. At least for a time. And that will produce growing pains for those who allowed themselves to be too far duped by globalist ideology. We know when the tribulation comes we will fall into globalism. That is a given. But today, while it is still called today, we see something shifting. And the testimony of that is the growing pains we see in others. So the good news in that is that God seems to sovereignly be allowing globalism enough push back right now to cause those deeply in its trance to be shocked. And THAT is a miracle. A signature moment of THE SOVEREIGN. And for what THAT is worth in our short while left, I believe is priceless. And if where we are now is any indication of what of God's character He might show a fallen world is any indication of where things "might" go before a tribulation arrives, I would expect a TON of more growing pains to be a thing. And if that is the Providence of God, His children can get to see it in "real time." And that is pretty darn amazing, no? I hope this finds a way of encouragement in the temporal in your heart dear saint. Blessings.
Amen! Excellent thoughts, brother.
Wow Cheeky. Thanks for sharing you heart at this level with us. That is sad to hear. I'd like to offer some encouragement hopefully if I might. In some ways I would want to say "welcome to my world." But to the degree you have shared, I believe what you are experiencing is likely deeper because compared to "my world" (which is more philosphical), you are dealing with daily results of people's hearts right in front of you. You are in my prayers dear sister.

Where I would want to be of encouragement is perhaps in hopes of what you are seeing in life is in a sense not so much in how even believers are experiencing wide and varied disconnect, but that in some ways dear sister, it is probably suppose to be this way. What I don't mean by that is to suggest that believers should be so confused as you have experienced. But rather that it makes a lot of sense to me why they might. But not as a way to perform therapy upon my own uncertainties. But rather a view into a far deeper freshness seen in Him.

. . . . .

Here is a general trajectory that might be helpful to consider. America has been deeply conditioned by globalism. Woke culture in what I understand is just a feature of Marxism decoupling sociality from its norms...for the really dumbed down reason of just separating people from what God has naturally put in place that bonds us wholistically together as His creation. So if government can insert ideologies that destroy the normal strengths associated with family, marriage, honest sexual identity etc...it can erode natural order away from our orientations in how God has created us and how we function in created order. If government can diffuse that orientation it can reroute people to trust more in individual preference instead of the soundness associated with God's created order. So the further the government can move us away from the norm of created order, the more it can have us believe in whatever else they will sell us. And that over time has us becoming more dependent on them instead of family or husband, or wife, or any other normal order God has created for us to function in. The more government can erode that, the more we are succiptible to trust their new spins on who we think we are. And there enlies I believe the trend and mission of globalism. To redefine us into the image of the state. Where the ruling class owns what we think about ourselves to the degree any one group can.

THE GOOD NEWS? I believe what we are noticing is growing pains. I am not new age in the slightest. But the purpose it would seem that God permits today is an America that (out of our humanness) is pushing back against a globalist empire. Ultimately dear sister we know there is a one world trajectory in store for us. We know during the tribulation we go there in spades. But the good news I think for our age of grace is that YOU and Me and US, we see differntly than those client's of yours you are troubled by. Why is that good news? Because you are not nodding your head agreeing with them. And there is a sense of discernment with the few. But I don't think it's just good news in that we can see things. I think its good news we know that God that sees (like Hagar exclaimed He does in the old testament).

So what it looks like to me is likely occuring is that God is allowing America growing pains as we push back against the evil globalist regime. If I were a new ager I'd say "And America wins and we evolve into a happy ever after." But I am not a new ager. So I don't believe it goes like that. But what it looks like it goes as is this: That in our age of grace God is allowing America push back against globalism. And your client's are naturally a level of fall out testifying of the need for push back. Growing pains take time. Do we have a lot of that left? Maybe more than we think, but perhaps not much seeing all the signs we have thus far. But the reason your client's are reacting is BECAUSE something is changing. If it were not, we would all hold hands and sing kumbaya. But the growing pains your client's feel, testify that we are not all dumbed down beyond recovery.

If I were to tell you in 2021 that America would control Gaza in the future, would you believe me? No. And likely you should not have. If I told you in 2022 that Trump would win and turn the course of the country around and that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would remove her gender pronouns from Twitter because gender pronouns would be phasing out...would you have believed me? Or if I told you in 2020 that Elon Musk would buy Twitter and change it to X and move it significantly to the right. Would you have believed me? If I told you that Elon would be involved in auditing federal government even the FED, would that have even sounded sane to you in 2021 after the election was stolen...by Biden? Had I told you in 2018 that the next president would be a geriatric version of the presidency where the world would marvel at how pathetic the presidency in the US had become? A man falling upstairs multiple times? Shaking hands with no one there? Mumbling? The leader of the free world? And that an even an absent minded dupe could beat Trump at the polls? The irony...no? And it would just go on and on like that for years? A talking head puppet vacant of leadership quality whatsoever ruling the free world? Perhaps you might have believed that. But in 2018 it looked like we might have been going in a better direction though.

. . . . .

So I am just saying all that to say that we are kind of living in impossible times. And it does look like nationalism (as God had intended in Genesis) is overtaking globalism. At least for a time. And that will produce growing pains for those who allowed themselves to be too far duped by globalist ideology. We know when the tribulation comes we will fall into globalism. That is a given. But today, while it is still called today, we see something shifting. And the testimony of that is the growing pains we see in others. So the good news in that is that God seems to sovereignly be allowing globalism enough push back right now to cause those deeply in its trance to be shocked. And THAT is a miracle. A signature moment of THE SOVEREIGN. And for what THAT is worth in our short while left, I believe is priceless. And if where we are now is any indication of what of God's character He might show a fallen world is any indication of where things "might" go before a tribulation arrives, I would expect a TON of more growing pains to be a thing. And if that is the Providence of God, His children can get to see it in "real time." And that is pretty darn amazing, no? I hope this finds a way of encouragement in the temporal in your heart dear saint. Blessings.

PS -- this might be something to consider. Only the Lord knows, and I guess we will see. But...what I have noticed in the world of eschatology for some reason is that we have come to believe that America is not a part of Bible prophecy. We have seemingly talked ourselves into America Durangement syndrome of sorts. In part it is likely out of good faith in believing that God would not want to "cheat" as it were by using the most powerful country in human history to "do prophesy." God is greater than America. Therefore, He won't use it so we can see His power. Yet, what if God wan'ts to use America? I believe He does get a say in that too...lol. From what we have seen as NORMAL is that God has used America to defend Israel for 7 decades now. This is not rocket science. This is what has been in plain sight for decades now. So if God keeps using America in this way, we would expect God to use America to make Israel Great Again. Right? But for some reason we are not allowed to permit our thoughts to go this way. To do so makes us fleshy. Dependent on America and Trump for God to have to do His will. In doing this, we feel we weaken God to our standards. "God you have to use Trump," we think we must not say because of the level of temporal fleshy shame for such as His saints to think so. But maybe all of that is just a therapy session we put ourselves through. And when that session is over, we can buy some popcorn and let God do His thing aside from all our meanderings about what that might be or supposed to look like to us. Eschatology is not so much the science of the human mind...it is what a Holy God does in spite of that. And that is a story He, not us, tells us. Just saying. :) I guess we will see. Blessings. :)
That was extremely encouraging and exactly what I needed to read. You have no idea how much I needed this. It has been an extremely frustrating and difficult time hearing complaints after complaints back to back for weeks now. It’s like these so called Christians which many seem to be are living La La land. I will just focus on praying for them and not really responding much to their comments. I’d rather not engage in political conversations when I’m too upset. I hope that in encouraging daily Bible reading and much prayer, the Lord will use me in some way in his process of changing them.

I’ve been hoping that as we see the fruits of what Trump is doing, they will see how wrong they were.
That was extremely encouraging and exactly what I needed to read. You have no idea how much I needed this. It has been an extremely frustrating and difficult time hearing complaints after complaints back to back for weeks now. It’s like these so called Christians which many seem to be are living La La land. I will just focus on praying for them and not really responding much to their comments. I’d rather not engage in political conversations when I’m too upset. I hope that in encouraging daily Bible reading and much prayer, the Lord will use me in some way in his process of changing them.

I’ve been hoping that as we see the fruits of what Trump is doing, they will see how wrong they were.
Bless your heart most precious sister. It is so lovely though to know your heart toward the Lord in this. Cheeky...please keep in mind...even in our own arena's. Evangelical Christianity seems to be divided into those who support Trump and see a golden era coming and maybe even a Christian Nation. And those that see the NWO taking America and everything down the drain into the tribulaiton. Those are right now the two predominant views. So neither of those extremes, in my estimation, are looking at our situation squarely. So it is understandable there will be all kinds of ideas caught up all in between all that. What I am saying is even at its best, Christianity is not on the same page even with those who have an interest in eschatology. We are all over the map. And the weakest spot? America. Right where Trump is in charge...lol. So this is our home now :) For now.

I guess what I am trying to say is please know that at the same level you might feel client's are out to lunch (even offensively so), I would see a very VERY similar thing even within our own eschatological camp. Its kind of where we all evolved into. So for me, I don't have people in my face sharing what you have concern with. But I come from some heavy theological background (not mine...but others). And so I tend to be a little hyper sensitive on the theological front. And from that perspective, to me, its like a horror show....lol. So I do feel your pain a bit in a different way. But more so I am so blessed by your heart in Him. In that you see and feel what you do. That is so so precious dear sister. Never lose that.

For the record I'm a cessationist. But I respect the different ranges of gift views on Christianity. I say that so you know that when I share, its not like I think God is telling me this or that. In some ways I might sense He might. But to the degree anything any of us nears up to in Him, is His call. What I am saying is I just have my views from my own research. But I say that as a disclaimer for the following...

From the way it looks, I don't think we have seen anything yet. Since we are on this road within only less than a month, it is highly likely things will get really intense in this same direction. From a socio-political standpoint, I'd say GyNormous. lol. Based on 8 years of research in this arena. But whether this is accurate or innacurate, I always try and look at His awesome heart toward His creation in His ending age of grace days with us. 90% of the kinds of things I post relate to what I just shared with you before. So I always invite you to check out some of my posts from time to time if this thing thickens. None of it actually surprises me. But I will say that an American overture toward Gaza is something I honestly never saw coming. It is is more in theme of my own views than even I am...lol. But yeah anyway I just wanted to say, 90% of the things I post are very related to what I shared with you that was helpful. And very blessed it has to whatever extent it might. Just saying, I think we are in for quite a ride in comparison. But as far as I see it it always points to His Sovereign beauty. And if anything I might be able to highlight there that might bless you I feel very privileged to be of any service like that dear saint.

Being able to interact with saints at real levels where we are is a precious thing these days. And I am very honored to be anything of the sort really to any. Blessings.
Cheeky, it's hard to stomach hearing CNN opinions with an amplified 'The View' talking points. Yes, so get the biting of tongue! It's bite the tongue for the sake of Christ, bite the tongue to have relationship to instead speak of Christ. :hug:

I'm in a similar but smaller situation. It seems God's reminded me of my own emotions and dissapointments regarding leadership and the real rubber that meets the road challange was: Will I trust God that He's working for good where I don't see it yet?

So, this has allowed me to compassionately identify with the emotions, disappointment and communicate my understanding of how hard this is for those in my life struggling right now (some who I know are Christians..... that God's bringing to more maturity). And I can do this sincerely, even though I may not agree with the reason why.

From there I can pivot to God, His attributes, faithfulness and what's most important....Gospel work, etc.

One lady, who has no idea my political preferences, has responded so well to this (praise God!) and little by little she's been really focusing not on politics but God's Word, with His truth transforming her thinking. Of course, many people have been praying for her too (perhaps a supportive prayer thread here for you in your work would be good spiritual support?).

These times are opportunities to come alongside (with boundaries) brothers and sisters in Christ who need support in shifting dependance from what they see (political leaders/hopes) to trusting the unseen God who sovereignly moves for His good and higher purposes for our ultimate good. To place reliant trust in the capable Creator's hands.

Right now, a dear friend of mine, who's been deeply injured in their lives is emotionally struggling in a real way with what they've been told is the 'truth'. The pain is real and the only way I can help is to share the Truth of Christ and healing found in Him alone.

I may not agree with politics but I can continue to compassionately point to Christ.

It's certainly not easy nor for the faint of heart but God is helping. Praise God, my previous tongue biting experiences and seeing God work has given me strength and encouragement in current situations. I trust that God is also working in this current situation as I trust He is for you too.

:pray: ing that God encourages you by showing your a glimpse of His work in your clients. :hug:
