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Does your church preach on Last Days at all and/or Israel?

Maybe 2 out of 100 sermons are on the end times lol. We go there just for fellowship and serving opportunities. TBH I do not get much out of mainstream sermons anymore since I started reading my Bible every day and listening to in depth studies online by trusted pastors.
Yes, both the Wednesday and Sunday churches preach on the end times. Unfortunately, amillennial, but the message that Jesus is coming soon (as in imminent Second Coming instead of Rapture), we need to be about The Lord's business (spreading The Gospel to a lost and hurting world and being salt and light, no matter what is happening or how bad it gets, in whatever way we're called to do).

Both churches preach and teach The Gospel and already-fulfilled prophecy, and how that gives us assurance of the truth of the Bible, Heaven, Hell, Jesus as Lord (God) and Savior, etc. Both churches teach and preach about Jesus' lineage through Israel and not Ishmael, the Ten Commandments given to Moses/Israel, Law and Gospel, etc., etc., etc., however, not about Israel's role in the end-times (amillenial vs. pre-Trib differing belief).

All of the Pastors at both churches will patiently answer questions, and all of them will honestly admit if they don't know something, and will then find the answer :)

God has led me to stay in this denomination, so I'm a closet pre-Tribber and do my pre-Trib fellowshipping here. Out of respect, I try not to disrupt here or at the brick-and-mortar churches with non-majority doctrine.
In Alaska, the answer would be no. Here we have a pretty good Calvary Chapel, and they do preach on end times/prophecy and Israel, not as much as someone like me might like, but they do, which puts them in a rare category with regards to today's churches.
Maybe 2 out of 100 sermons are on the end times lol.
So even if rare, you at least know they believe in alignment with dispensational views regarding prophecy, right?

no matter what is happening or how bad it gets,
So they are amillenial but they believe it will get really bad before Jesus comes?
I ask because some seem to convey the church will be a conquering force for Jesus to hail back to…
In Alaska, the answer would be no. Here we have a pretty good Calvary Chapel, and they do preach on end times/prophecy and Israel, not as much as someone like me might like, but they do, which puts them in a rare category with regards to today's churches.
If most churches were preaching correctly on prophecy/last days what do you think would be different within Christendom today, if anything?

I ask because when I go to these churches and none of it is addressed doubts form in my own self about any of it being true and I can see myself developing much apathy about everything.
If most churches were preaching correctly on prophecy/last days what do you think would be different within Christendom today, if anything?

I ask because when I go to these churches and none of it is addressed doubts form in my own self about any of it being true and I can see myself developing much apathy about everything.

I think out of concern that so many people would be left behind to face the Tribulation, that more Christians would be bolder about sharing faith and maybe standing up for what's right, instead of being politically correct. As Jerry Falwell said, "You can be PC or JC, but not both."

I think there would be more foolishness about careful living and planning ahead for one's family. IIRC on the timing, at the turn of the 19th-20th Century, a lot of people were so convinced that Jesus was coming back in 1900 that they sold/gave away everything and sat out in the hills waiting and watching for Jesus to show up.

I think Bibles would be being sold as fast as they could be printed, and people giving them away and hiding them everywhere, perhaps with Rapture-is-imminent and left behind letters. More sidewalk preachers and evangelists. Maybe Repent! The End is Near! sandwich signs, etc.

I think persecution of Jewish people and Christians would be a LOT worse now than it already is, because satan knows his time is short, and opposition to him and his wicked ways would be a lot more blatant; sharper contrast between salt and light and the world.
If most churches were preaching correctly on prophecy/last days what do you think would be different within Christendom today, if anything?

I think it would be good if most churches taught the whole Bible as correctly as it would turn out to be. For the rank and file who don't study on their own it probably wouldn't make a whole lot difference. Their knowledge would only be from hearing it discussed, and they likely wouldn't be watching and yearning for Christ's return as most of us do.

I ask because when I go to these churches and none of it is addressed doubts form in my own self about any of it being true and I can see myself developing much apathy about everything.

Those of us who have access to a Bible have the ability to study the Word for ourselves. We can also use Eschatologists to help clear up things in our head, though that can also makes things more murky depending on whom we're including in our studies.

If we're dependent on a church/pastor/etc. for our beliefs and for our understanding of the Word we're going to be disappointed and we may have a poor understanding of things. It's important to study for ourselves and ask probing questions of our teachers, asking with enough knowledge that we can knowledgeably agree or disagree with the response, or seek out other sources to study the matter until we're satisfied. Our relationship with God helps much in understanding.
What do you think about the whole MAGA mentality as it stands today?

MAGA is a desire for God given rights and rule of law. For freedom. People who haven't yet fallen under delusion see those things slipping away quickly. Unbelievers as well as most Believers lack the End Times Biblical understandings that we enjoy.

We Believers who study end times events also desire God given rights and rule of law but we also have a good understanding of the times we live in and the darkness into which the world is running.

MAGA, in a way, reminds me of the Indian Spirit dances towards the end of their freedom in North America. Hope.
My church is pre-trib and dispensational from the pulpit. The fellowship is very loving -- but even though both of these biblical positives are key, we haven't many mature believers. I've talked with my pastor about how he deals with the fact that most of our members do not read their Bibles. He provided a difficult Bible reading plan for several years and sadly told me that I was the only one he knew who did it. We've reduced the Bible reading plan, still, very few follow it.

I have no idea how believers get by without their Bibles?? The few who do the study tend to find little value in the OT. :doh:
As an outsider looking in , most of that moment almost borderline appear to be worshipping Trump and believe that America is going to return to being this prosperous country again.

Sadly , i don't think this is the case and the damage from the Biden years has set in too deep.

It's never too late until it is.

There are at least ten Christians in the United States and Canada, and likely at least 10 in each State and Province.

Notice that in the second Bible passage below, there is nothing about unbelievers turning away from their sin.
FWIW, I believe this verse applies to Christians. The Jewish people/Israel were not called by God's name unless there's something in Hebrew that I don't know about. However, Christians are called by God's name.

32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
Genesis 18:32, KJV

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
It's never too late until it is.

There are at least ten Christians in the United States and Canada, and likely at least 10 in each State and Province.

Notice that in the second Bible passage below, there is nothing about unbelievers turning away from their sin.
FWIW, I believe this verse applies to Christians. The Jewish people/Israel were not called by God's name unless there's something in Hebrew that I don't know about. However, Christians are called by God's name.

32 And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.
Genesis 18:32, KJV

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Yeah Terry from RR has written an article about the 2 Chronicles verse about how he believes the verse can also apply to Christians in their respective nations and not just Israel
So even if rare, you at least know they believe in alignment with dispensational views regarding prophecy, right?
Yes more or less. We got a new younger pastor about a year ago. The older one taught some revelation and rapture. I spoke with him one time and he told me he was looking forward to the rapture and it could happen very soon, which I liked to hear from him. The younger guy is an academic with a doctorate and he seems a bit more polished and PC since he avoids controversial topics a bit. He has recently preached on the sanctity of life, marriage between a man and woman ONLY, etc which has been good. He did have prayer during service for Israel when the Hamas war started. Baptists, which I more or less consider myself one, are typically conservative, dispensational and prewrath/premil which I like. This being said, there are outliers and doctrine has become somewhat of a circus in American Christendom... So take that generalization for what it is worth.

What do you think about the whole MAGA mentality as it stands today?
I think parts of MAGA are good and other parts not so much. The 'Trump worship' is concerning but I am not sure how much of it is actually worshiping Trump or rather his older school 'no nonsense' attitude and the ideas that he represents. At the end of the day, when God dispersed the Tower of Babel He formed human governments and nationalism as a good thing (to delay OWG). Being patriotic is good for people and nations. Nations/cultures have different history, common values, languages, and preferences which are all good things. Sin and the devil have corrupted these good things and turned them for evil.

These days, the world is right on track becoming 'one people', 'one world', and 'one government', with 'one leader'.... With looming worldwide economic collapse, world war, technology and AI, we can all smell the fumes lingering, just waiting for the Restrainer to go away and allow someone to strike that match. 🔥🔥🔥
We are thinking about scooping up shop here and moving on. Maybe it'll be Arizona, Florida, or Georgia (I love deep southern culture). We miss community and we just don't have it here. I'm a huge people person and I thrive better when around others. This is a very small town of two thousand, and what few churches are here, are surprisingly hip, given the town's size. So, no. No end times and no Israel here. They have football games and chips, though! 😒
Does your church preach on End Times at all? Do they teach on Israel's significance? Or are they silent about anything of Prophecy-related?
If not, do you go there because it's the best you have to choose from?
If I had stopped attending any church I ever attending because they dont teach eschatology, then I would not have ever had a church to attend. All my past preachers did really well on the gospel, and some of the bible study classes did cover end times.

IMO, eschatology is better to cover in smaller group studies where questions can be asked and discussed.