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Delta Force Stops Trump Assassin at New Jersey MEGA MAGA Rally

*Jack Hibbs posted this on Telegram just now

Delta Force operators protecting President Donald J. Trump stopped a Secret Service assassin from killing the president at Saturday’s massive MAGA rally in New Jersey, sources in General Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Eighty thousand enthusiastic Trump supporters adorned in MAGA gear had flocked to the Jersey Shore to stand in solidarity with the besieged president, proving that, contrary to MSM lies, the MAGA base remains cohesive and steadfastly loyal to the true POTUS. He delivered an impassioned speech, once again railing against the criminal Biden regime and its weaponization of the corrupt Department of Justice.

Amid the festivities, however, at least one fan wearing a MAGA baseball cap and shirt and holding high American and Trump 2024 flags was not who he appeared to be. He was, our source said, an incognito Secret Service agent who wished to “give Trump a heart attack.”

As reported on multiple occasions, White Hats have been shadowing the president not only during his court appearances but also on the campaign trail, and they’ve recently tripled security in response to “Deep State chatter” discussing “eliminating Trump” before the Republican National Convention in July.

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Delta Force Stops Trump Assassin at New Jersey MEGA MAGA Rally

Jack Hibbs Telegram post:

*Jack Hibbs posted this on Telegram just now

Delta Force operators protecting President Donald J. Trump stopped a Secret Service assassin from killing the president at Saturday’s massive MAGA rally in New Jersey, sources in General Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Eighty thousand enthusiastic Trump supporters adorned in MAGA gear had flocked to the Jersey Shore to stand in solidarity with the besieged president, proving that, contrary to MSM lies, the MAGA base remains cohesive and steadfastly loyal to the true POTUS. He delivered an impassioned speech, once again railing against the criminal Biden regime and its weaponization of the corrupt Department of Justice.

Amid the festivities, however, at least one fan wearing a MAGA baseball cap and shirt and holding high American and Trump 2024 flags was not who he appeared to be. He was, our source said, an incognito Secret Service agent who wished to “give Trump a heart attack.”

As reported on multiple occasions, White Hats have been shadowing the president not only during his court appearances but also on the campaign trail, and they’ve recently tripled security in response to “Deep State chatter” discussing “eliminating Trump” before the Republican National Convention in July.

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Delta Force Stops Trump Assassin at New Jersey MEGA MAGA Rally

Jack Hibbs Telegram post:

Thats not from the real Jack Hibbs podcast, its a counterfeit site
I guess this is another case where we all can take a lesson. It is so very important to stop and pray and research before posting responses ... whether to opinion pieces or news items. We need to understand that we're not speaking to the average person here but to a brother or sister in Christ. We always need to give grace.
Keep praying y'all. The Restrainer is still restraining!

ETA: ...and I looked at the website the article is posted on. It has a satirical disclaimer on the about us page. They make it sound like it's all real and the disclaimer is just for their protection, but if it's all true then there's a true military coup happening in the US. I don't think I trust them.
According to the article, it was the military that saved President Trump.

To me, any time anyone, no matter his or her politics, beliefs, etc., in public office or running for such, or working for the government, is threatened or assassinated, our way of life and freedoms are threatened. It is the very freedoms for anyone, who meets legal qualifications, to run for office, for anyone to speak and write freely, and anyone to offer opposing viewpoints, that helps keep our country free. In spite of everything that's wrong, or that people disagree about, it's still a great place to live.

There are a lot of good people working in all areas and levels of government, many of whom are Christians. Unfortunately, one bad thing can make all look bad.

This is why it's important for all Christians to try to live God-fearing lives, understanding that we will never be perfect, and sometimes (frequently) we mess up. Sometimes we really mess up horribly. Fortunately, God's Grace <3

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Keep praying y'all. The Restrainer is still restraining!

ETA: ...and I looked at the website the article is posted on. It has a satirical disclaimer on the about us page. They make it sound like it's all real and the disclaimer is just for their protection, but if it's all true then there's a true military coup happening in the US. I don't think I trust them.
But while, for legal reasons, they state their site contains articles that meet those criteria, they do not state they all do. In fact elsewhere in their about us section they talk about the Biden press trying to dismiss their existence rather than acknowledge the "factual nature" of their articles.
Wow... This is wild if it is true... I will say after reading the article that my antenna went up with the repetitive use of "white hats" and elusive spy talk about "heart attack guns" and "syringes to the neck" incapacitating someone...

I will also throw this out there - this stinks of Qanon occultic activity. Jack Hibbs is unfortunately linked to this stuff through his NAR affiliations like General Mike Flynn. But I digress...

Psalm 146:3 NASB95 —
Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.
Yes it is on the real Jack Hibbs Telegram site. Rose was correct
Last night when I viewed this link, the article was there. This morning, it appears that the link is no longer on Jacks site?

My whole point was the article did not sound factual, as many claims on it simply would not happen without the story going national.
However, I should not of posted negatively towards sister Rose!

Can anyone post a link that verifies this was a true story, and not satirical?