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Damascus Calls On Occupying US Forces To stop Bombing Syrians, Leave The Country



Damascus Calls On Occupying US Forces To stop Bombing Syrians, Leave The Country​

My hypothetical theory when I was in RF for the setting of the Gog Invasion is as follows...

1) As God destroys the nations using great hailstones and fire and sulfur, I am monitoring...

i) Wind speeds which are increasing

ii) Wave heights which are increasing.

iii) Super cell storms which are increasing.

iv) Bigger hailstones which are increasing.

These are all involved in making hailstones increase in size and God stores these up for the day of war. (Job.38:22-23, Ex.9:18-24.)

2) The Gog Confederacy is yet to be completed. Several African nations are missing and some think Germany may be included.

3) The USA will not protect Israel. This could be as a result of a financial disaster or a natural disaster or war that causes a financial collapse, or even a change of political will.

4) Syria's sovereignty to be restored under international law so that the USA leaves followed by Russia leaving. Gog has to be turned back and that means he has to reverse his direction.

5) A WMD is probably launched from Syria at night that causes great destruction in Israel or it could be the nuclear reactor is hit. By the morning Damascus does not exist.

6) Russia and many nations that have energy pipelines connect into a hub on the edge of Damascus then find their hub has gone. An evil thought enters Gog's mind and the hooks in his jaw turn his forces around to launch the invasion of Israel to take the energy pipeline in Israel and the mineral wealth in the Dead Sea.

7) Gog's Confederacy is dead - the end!

8) God sanctifies His name in many nations when He destroys the Gog Confederacy and furthermore, destroys the nations they came from. It seems only 1/6ths survive. Islam is proven to be a false religion and false god.

Re. point 8, can God do that when the Antichrist is in power? Of course God can do anything He wants, but does Scripture indicate any multi-national turning to God? Perhaps this is part of the multitudes of martyrs that repent and come to God?

We can't be sure of the timeline: some think that with 7 years to burn the weapons, it must be before the Antichrist.

Ez.38 isn't going to be now, and if Trump is elected, he already declared himself to be "the king of Israel" and "the second coming of God to the Jews". I take it by this he means he is as pro-Israel as it can gets, rather than he is God.

So IF there is another election, and IF Trump is elected, and IF they don't assassinate him, then the Gog Invasion is 5 years away at the earliest because it appears that the 'five eyes' nations that includes the USA stand aside, surrender the ME to the Gog Confederacy and along with Saudi only ask Gog what the plan is... is it the people or the wealth or both he is after.

IF Trump is not elected and the demoncrats stay in power, then we could see the Gog Invasion as soon as late 2025. We will know because all these points above will be ticked.

Damascus Calls On Occupying US Forces To stop Bombing Syrians, Leave The Country​

My hypothetical theory when I was in RF for the setting of the Gog Invasion is as follows...

1) As God destroys the nations using great hailstones and fire and sulfur, I am monitoring...

i) Wind speeds which are increasing

ii) Wave heights which are increasing.

iii) Super cell storms which are increasing.

iv) Bigger hailstones which are increasing.

These are all involved in making hailstones increase in size and God stores these up for the day of war. (Job.38:22-23, Ex.9:18-24.)

2) The Gog Confederacy is yet to be completed. Several African nations are missing and some think Germany may be included.

3) The USA will not protect Israel. This could be as a result of a financial disaster or a natural disaster or war that causes a financial collapse, or even a change of political will.

4) Syria's sovereignty to be restored under international law so that the USA leaves followed by Russia leaving. Gog has to be turned back and that means he has to reverse his direction.

5) A WMD is probably launched from Syria at night that causes great destruction in Israel or it could be the nuclear reactor is hit. By the morning Damascus does not exist.

6) Russia and many nations that have energy pipelines connect into a hub on the edge of Damascus then find their hub has gone. An evil thought enters Gog's mind and the hooks in his jaw turn his forces around to launch the invasion of Israel to take the energy pipeline in Israel and the mineral wealth in the Dead Sea.

7) Gog's Confederacy is dead - the end!

8) God sanctifies His name in many nations when He destroys the Gog Confederacy and furthermore, destroys the nations they came from. It seems only 1/6ths survive. Islam is proven to be a false religion and false god.

Re. point 8, can God do that when the Antichrist is in power? Of course God can do anything He wants, but does Scripture indicate any multi-national turning to God? Perhaps this is part of the multitudes of martyrs that repent and come to God?

We can't be sure of the timeline: some think that with 7 years to burn the weapons, it must be before the Antichrist.

Ez.38 isn't going to be now, and if Trump is elected, he already declared himself to be "the king of Israel" and "the second coming of God to the Jews". I take it by this he means he is as pro-Israel as it can gets, rather than he is God.

So IF there is another election, and IF Trump is elected, and IF they don't assassinate him, then the Gog Invasion is 5 years away at the earliest because it appears that the 'five eyes' nations that includes the USA stand aside, surrender the ME to the Gog Confederacy and along with Saudi only ask Gog what the plan is... is it the people or the wealth or both he is after.

IF Trump is not elected and the demoncrats stay in power, then we could see the Gog Invasion as soon as late 2025. We will know because all these points above will be ticked.
You can also add earthquake to that mix in relation to Ez 38
Or, and IMO, most likely - the rapture has a great impact on the USA, which would severely decimate the military, making the USA unable to defend Israel.
I remember watching the US Marines singing praises to God and it's amazing and wonderful for someone not from the US to see because there is no chance of this unfortunately in the UK. It is very tough for believers in the UK forces and I am full of envy for what you have.

Yes, the rapture would kinda change things a bit Andy, lol!
That area of Syria the the US is in, is the area that the ancient Medes now known as the Kurds occupy. There is a prophecy about the Medes destroying Babylon future but I'm running late but I thought I'd just drop that in there.

At some point the Kurds are able to defend their own territory even if they can't carve out their own country back again. If that prophecy is yet future as well as past.