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Daily Bible Verse

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭24‬-‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This is one of the reasons I felt we needed CCF. It's something the Lord had laid on my heart for years. At one time I felt we had that at RF; and even when the fellowship there was more and more being curtailed, I strove to keep us still functioning as much as possible as a virtual church and did all I could to provide that side of the ministry. But sadly it was a losing battle because the attempts at free personal fellowship of members caused too many problems in the owner's eyes. I am not him, so I cannot judge him. Nor would I want to. Who am I to do so? We each stand before God based on our own decisions. Our job is to be humble and love others, encouraging them as we have opportunity. God gave Chris RF to lead and I did all I could to support him while not abandoning my own calling. But eventually I crossed the line and I was gone. But one day a few months later, God gave me a vision for this site, and as I prayerfully moved forward He brought a small core of others alongside to help with the technology and the money. And as needs rise up --as they are bound to-- He uses people to provide for that need. It's a walk in faith because He only lets us feel secure a couple months at a time. But that is good. He gave the vision, He gave me guidance, He brought the resources together, and He will continue to provide. Glory to His Name!!!
This is one of the reasons I felt we needed CCF. It's something the Lord had laid on my heart for years. At one time I felt we had that at RF; and even when the fellowship there was curtailed I felt we still functioned largely as a virtual church and I did all I could to provide that side of the ministry. But sadly it was a losing battle because the attempts at free personal fellowship of members caused too many problems in the owner's eyes. I am not him, so I cannot judge him. Nor would I want to. Who am I to do so? We each stand before God based on our own decisions. Or job is to be humble and love others, encouraging them add we have opportunity. God gave Chris RF to lead and I did all I could to support him while not abandoning my own calling. But eventually I crossed the line and I was gone. But one day a few months later, God gave me a vision for this site, and as I prayerfully moved forward He brought a small core of others alongside to help with the technology and the money. And as needs rise up --as they are bound to-- He uses people to provide for that need. It's a walk in faith because He only lets us feel secure a couple months at a time. But that is good. He gave the vision, He gave me guidance, He brought the resources together, and He will continue to provide. Glory to His Name!!!
We appreciate :bighug: that you started this Forum just when we needed it because RF is not the same. The people on there are dwindling down there are not as many as there once was. Thank You mattfivefour(Adrian) for giving us this Christian Forum to share our love and encouragement to others, and the freedom to speak without censorship. We :pray:for your health and that God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus! :pray: :bighug: