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Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 circa 2024 edition and why I don't think nukes on American soil are next.


When Stuff Gets Crazy LOOK UP! Maranatha!
Staff member
So Russia has a little armada due to dock soon in Cuba. It isn't just any old trawler and a rusty sub. Their "fleet" consists of 1 of Russia's best ships and one of their best nuclear subs. The Oil Tanker and Salvage Tug that are along for the ride are likely there for assistance in case of embarrassing fuel shortages or mechanical failures. We are still talking Russia here. (my take on things) Perhaps they too are able to launch a nice missile or at least a few rusty tools and an oil spill.

Reported here: Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing 'friendly relations'

"Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said Thursday, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17, noting that none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

The announcement came a day after U.S. officials said that Washington had been tracking Russian warships and aircraft that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise. They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to the U.S. support for Ukraine.

So everybody is cheerful and nobody should be concerned according to Washington. Kennedy wouldn't be so blase' about things!!!

For proof Cuba's foreign ministry assures us all no nukes on board! It doesn't present a threat!

Bless their hearts!!!!

US officials in Washington say they are tracking it.

OOOOO I'm so glad - just like they tracked the Chinese "weather" or spy balloons last year?

This is on the heels of Russia stating that due to NATO helping Ukraine launch missiles into Russian territory at one of their missile defence sites in Crimea that they would start arming America's enemies.

As reported below.

I would hazard a guess, one of those enemies would be Cuba. Notorious for the 1962 standoff between Kruschev and Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis first edition.

It is NOT AN ACCIDENT that Russia is underscoring how they feel by using Cuba.

Unfortunately Joe Biden is gone for more ice cream.

here is a far more complete analysis of the situation than AP news above. Complete with descriptions of what kind of missiles might we be talking about and how might they be launched.

The author quotes that US official here:
" “As part of Russia’s regular military exercises, we anticipate that this summer, Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall,” a U.S. official said.

The same official said that the Russian deployment was not seen as threatening but confirmed the U.S. Navy will monitor the maneuvers.

We are not concerned by Russia’s deployments, which pose no direct threat to the United States,” the official said. “This is about Russia showing that it’s still capable of some level of global power projection.

NO, IT'S NOT about Russia showing off. This is Russia trying to get the west's attention and let everyone know they are serious!

More from this article:

"Both the Kazan and the Admiral Gorshkov are equipped with vertical launch system silos that can accommodate Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, which can be used for anti-ship strike and land attack, as well as Oniks supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles. Additionally, the Admiral Gorshkov was the first Russian Navy warship to operationally deploy with the new Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, at least according to official Russian claims.

Unlike previous-generation Russian SSGNs, the Yasen class — and espeically the advanced Yasen-Ms — are far more versatile than just cruise missile platforms, able to operate as general-purpose attack boats as well as intelligence gatherers and potentially as special missions platforms

This next bit is why I think this little flotilla docking in Cuba in a day or two is a problem that Biden ought to be paying attention to:

"A measure of the capability of these submarines was provided by U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck, the head of U.S. Northern Command and the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command, who described the Yasen boats as being nearly on a par with U.S. Navy types in terms of quietness. He added that this growing class of submarines will soon present a persistent threat to the American homeland unlike any before."

"While U.S. and Cuban authorities are downplaying the Russian deployment, in terms of the threat that it poses,
Moscow has warned that it could take “asymmetrical steps” elsewhere in the world in response to Washington’s backing of Ukraine. In particular, President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia could supply long-range weapons to “regions” around the world where they could be used for strikes against Western targets. "

Does this mean tactical nukes or neutron bombs in America? No, I think this is still just signalling. Putin is desperately trying to get the West's attention and explain he is serious about Ukraine and for the West to butt out.

However it shows just how serious things are getting.

As Britt Gillette pointed out in his video today, in spite of fears of all out nuclear war, that is NOT what Revelation shows. Humanity survives even to the end of the Tribulation. For that to happen, there has to be a good number to start off with because of the devastation described in the various judgments.

Russia is also in the middle of an economic crisis. Taxes are going up, exports are down, the economy is failing and the war in Ukraine is costing more and more. Offending more of their last remaining export markets wouldn't be good for Russia.


This situation can't continue.

Which makes me think of Ezek 38. For that to happen, Russia still has to have a good army/air force. Not all but destroyed by nukes in a hailstorm of retaliation. Or destroyed economically like the 90s.

One of the reasons to invade Israel as put by Tarshish and company is theft. Israel is ripe for plunder. Right now that isn't the case. So Gog Magog is still a little way off.

And as I've said before I think Tarshish is Britain and the cubs are America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So they're still around too.

And if Daniels bit about the people of the prince to come is an indication, Europe especially southern Europe around the Med has to be there to re form the old Roman Empire into it's final form. So I don't think they end up on the receiving end of a Russian nuclear attack.

BUT for whatever reason, the other nations of the world including Tarshish and company seem afraid to oppose Russia

So I think it's likely if nukes are involved, Russia is more likely to drop a small neutron bomb or two on Ukrainian cities to end things rather than rain down nukes all over Europe and the Americas. The point of these small tactical nukes as they are called is that they don't result in a huge cloud of nuclear debris and radiation which would drift across Russia too.

Instead a small neutron bomb would leave much of the infrastructure intact, very little radiation to blow into Russia and kill all living things including people and animals in the nearby area.

It would make the point quite clear to Russia's enemies in Europe and the Americas while leaving things mostly intact except for loss of life in Ukraine. And that might possibly be why everyone is still so cautious about upsetting the Russian Bear in Ezekiel 38. Maybe.

But I still don't like Russia waltzing into Cuba with potential nuke tipped Zircons on board.

It shows just how bad things are getting.

As Jan Markell likes to say "What did you think the Last Days were going to look like?"
So Russia has a little armada due to dock soon in Cuba. It isn't just any old trawler and a rusty sub. Their "fleet" consists of 1 of Russia's best ships and one of their best nuclear subs. The Oil Tanker and Salvage Tug that are along for the ride are likely there for assistance in case of embarrassing fuel shortages or mechanical failures. We are still talking Russia here. (my take on things) Perhaps they too are able to launch a nice missile or at least a few rusty tools and an oil spill.

Reported here: Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing 'friendly relations'

"Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said Thursday, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17, noting that none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

The announcement came a day after U.S. officials said that Washington had been tracking Russian warships and aircraft that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise. They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to the U.S. support for Ukraine.

So everybody is cheerful and nobody should be concerned according to Washington. Kennedy wouldn't be so blase' about things!!!

For proof Cuba's foreign ministry assures us all no nukes on board! It doesn't present a threat!

Bless their hearts!!!!

US officials in Washington say they are tracking it.

OOOOO I'm so glad - just like they tracked the Chinese "weather" or spy balloons last year?

This is on the heels of Russia stating that due to NATO helping Ukraine launch missiles into Russian territory at one of their missile defence sites in Crimea that they would start arming America's enemies.

As reported below.

I would hazard a guess, one of those enemies would be Cuba. Notorious for the 1962 standoff between Kruschev and Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis first edition.

It is NOT AN ACCIDENT that Russia is underscoring how they feel by using Cuba.

Unfortunately Joe Biden is gone for more ice cream.

here is a far more complete analysis of the situation than AP news above. Complete with descriptions of what kind of missiles might we be talking about and how might they be launched.

The author quotes that US official here:
" “As part of Russia’s regular military exercises, we anticipate that this summer, Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall,” a U.S. official said.

The same official said that the Russian deployment was not seen as threatening but confirmed the U.S. Navy will monitor the maneuvers.

We are not concerned by Russia’s deployments, which pose no direct threat to the United States,” the official said. “This is about Russia showing that it’s still capable of some level of global power projection.

NO, IT'S NOT about Russia showing off. This is Russia trying to get the west's attention and let everyone know they are serious!

More from this article:

"Both the Kazan and the Admiral Gorshkov are equipped with vertical launch system silos that can accommodate Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, which can be used for anti-ship strike and land attack, as well as Oniks supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles. Additionally, the Admiral Gorshkov was the first Russian Navy warship to operationally deploy with the new Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, at least according to official Russian claims.

Unlike previous-generation Russian SSGNs, the Yasen class — and espeically the advanced Yasen-Ms — are far more versatile than just cruise missile platforms, able to operate as general-purpose attack boats as well as intelligence gatherers and potentially as special missions platforms

This next bit is why I think this little flotilla docking in Cuba in a day or two is a problem that Biden ought to be paying attention to:

"A measure of the capability of these submarines was provided by U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck, the head of U.S. Northern Command and the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command, who described the Yasen boats as being nearly on a par with U.S. Navy types in terms of quietness. He added that this growing class of submarines will soon present a persistent threat to the American homeland unlike any before."

"While U.S. and Cuban authorities are downplaying the Russian deployment, in terms of the threat that it poses,
Moscow has warned that it could take “asymmetrical steps” elsewhere in the world in response to Washington’s backing of Ukraine. In particular, President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia could supply long-range weapons to “regions” around the world where they could be used for strikes against Western targets. "

Does this mean tactical nukes or neutron bombs in America? No, I think this is still just signalling. Putin is desperately trying to get the West's attention and explain he is serious about Ukraine and for the West to butt out.

However it shows just how serious things are getting.

As Britt Gillette pointed out in his video today, in spite of fears of all out nuclear war, that is NOT what Revelation shows. Humanity survives even to the end of the Tribulation. For that to happen, there has to be a good number to start off with because of the devastation described in the various judgments.

Russia is also in the middle of an economic crisis. Taxes are going up, exports are down, the economy is failing and the war in Ukraine is costing more and more. Offending more of their last remaining export markets wouldn't be good for Russia.


This situation can't continue.

Which makes me think of Ezek 38. For that to happen, Russia still has to have a good army/air force. Not all but destroyed by nukes in a hailstorm of retaliation. Or destroyed economically like the 90s.

One of the reasons to invade Israel as put by Tarshish and company is theft. Israel is ripe for plunder. Right now that isn't the case. So Gog Magog is still a little way off.

And as I've said before I think Tarshish is Britain and the cubs are America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So they're still around too.

And if Daniels bit about the people of the prince to come is an indication, Europe especially southern Europe around the Med has to be there to re form the old Roman Empire into it's final form. So I don't think they end up on the receiving end of a Russian nuclear attack.

BUT for whatever reason, the other nations of the world including Tarshish and company seem afraid to oppose Russia

So I think it's likely if nukes are involved, Russia is more likely to drop a small neutron bomb or two on Ukrainian cities to end things rather than rain down nukes all over Europe and the Americas. The point of these small tactical nukes as they are called is that they don't result in a huge cloud of nuclear debris and radiation which would drift across Russia too.

Instead a small neutron bomb would leave much of the infrastructure intact, very little radiation to blow into Russia and kill all living things including people and animals in the nearby area.

It would make the point quite clear to Russia's enemies in Europe and the Americas while leaving things mostly intact except for loss of life in Ukraine. And that might possibly be why everyone is still so cautious about upsetting the Russian Bear in Ezekiel 38. Maybe.

But I still don't like Russia waltzing into Cuba with potential nuke tipped Zircons on board.

It shows just how bad things are getting.

As Jan Markell likes to say "What did you think the Last Days were going to look like?"
Margery, I really appreciate your analysis! I only wish you had said that Ez 38 is sooner rather than later! 😉
Interesting about the possibility of localized neutron bombs in Ukraine rather than Putin going nuclear in Europe and the US. Makes sense in light of Russia remaining intact for Ez 38. Of course, I hope Putin doesn't do anything and NATO countries stop poking the bear.
So many unexpected things happening at once! Several European countries leaning right is interesting. Is it possible any new leaders may be able to restrain the NATO globalists' warmongering before it escalates?
It just makes it clear how many variables are at play and how many small factors could change the course of the world.

It makes me think of Guy Fawkes day when the Catholics attempted to blow up parliament and kill King James and his family along with many of the scholars working on the KJV, essentially overthrowing the Protestant government. If it wasn't for that 'anonymous letter' warning the palace guards, they would have never found the kegs of gunpowder about to blow the entire government sky high.

God always comes through at the perfect time to fulfill His will and protect His word which reveals Christ through prophecy.
It just makes it clear how many variables are at play and how many small factors could change the course of the world.

It makes me think of Guy Fawkes day when the Catholics attempted to blow up parliament and kill King James and his family along with many of the scholars working on the KJV, essentially overthrowing the Protestant government. If it wasn't for that 'anonymous letter' warning the palace guards, they would have never found the kegs of gunpowder about the blow the entire government sky high.

God always comes through at the perfect time to fulfill His will and protect His word which reveals Christ through prophecy.
I love my KJV Bible! I know many don’t but I have often found the translation to bring some clarity when the moderns ones don’t seem to fully convey the message intended. A good example is in Matthew 24 when many new translations omit references to plagues or pandemics as a sign but the KJV lists pestilences.
Agree with @Margery about not being very concerned about nukes with regard to USSR in Cuba.
Actually I'm much more concerned about the tanker and tug. Besides the ugly oil scenarios I posted #14 in Russian ships, submarine pass coast of Florida. Why, and what is the US doing about it? , there's bio to consider . . . or a shipload of Soldiers or infected Soldiers . . .

I still think we're watching Ezekiel 38-39 unfolding in front of our very eyes.

I think Ezekiel 38:10-13 occurs to the U.S. and Canada at the same time as USSR is headed south, etc., as verse 10 says, "It shall also come to pass, that at the same time," and verse 13 uses the word "come" and not "go." And my persistent observation about unwalled villages

I think that God, Himself, sends fire from the Heavens (whether or not using nukes man built :noidea: but He will send it on Magog and them that dwell carelessly in the isles. The last could be Great Britain, the Young Lions, and/or North and South America.

I'm not a prophetess and I could be totally wrong :tap:

10 Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
Ezekiel 38:10-13, KJV

6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 39:6, KJV
So Russia has a little armada due to dock soon in Cuba. It isn't just any old trawler and a rusty sub. Their "fleet" consists of 1 of Russia's best ships and one of their best nuclear subs. The Oil Tanker and Salvage Tug that are along for the ride are likely there for assistance in case of embarrassing fuel shortages or mechanical failures. We are still talking Russia here. (my take on things) Perhaps they too are able to launch a nice missile or at least a few rusty tools and an oil spill.

Reported here: Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing 'friendly relations'

"Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said Thursday, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be in Havana between June 12 and June 17, noting that none of them will carry any nuclear weapons and assuring their presence “does not represent a threat to the region.”

The announcement came a day after U.S. officials said that Washington had been tracking Russian warships and aircraft that were expected to arrive in the Caribbean for a military exercise. They said the exercise would be part of a broader Russian response to the U.S. support for Ukraine.

So everybody is cheerful and nobody should be concerned according to Washington. Kennedy wouldn't be so blase' about things!!!

For proof Cuba's foreign ministry assures us all no nukes on board! It doesn't present a threat!

Bless their hearts!!!!

US officials in Washington say they are tracking it.

OOOOO I'm so glad - just like they tracked the Chinese "weather" or spy balloons last year?

This is on the heels of Russia stating that due to NATO helping Ukraine launch missiles into Russian territory at one of their missile defence sites in Crimea that they would start arming America's enemies.

As reported below.

I would hazard a guess, one of those enemies would be Cuba. Notorious for the 1962 standoff between Kruschev and Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis first edition.

It is NOT AN ACCIDENT that Russia is underscoring how they feel by using Cuba.

Unfortunately Joe Biden is gone for more ice cream.

here is a far more complete analysis of the situation than AP news above. Complete with descriptions of what kind of missiles might we be talking about and how might they be launched.

The author quotes that US official here:
" “As part of Russia’s regular military exercises, we anticipate that this summer, Russia will conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States. These actions will culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall,” a U.S. official said.

The same official said that the Russian deployment was not seen as threatening but confirmed the U.S. Navy will monitor the maneuvers.

We are not concerned by Russia’s deployments, which pose no direct threat to the United States,” the official said. “This is about Russia showing that it’s still capable of some level of global power projection.

NO, IT'S NOT about Russia showing off. This is Russia trying to get the west's attention and let everyone know they are serious!

More from this article:

"Both the Kazan and the Admiral Gorshkov are equipped with vertical launch system silos that can accommodate Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, which can be used for anti-ship strike and land attack, as well as Oniks supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles. Additionally, the Admiral Gorshkov was the first Russian Navy warship to operationally deploy with the new Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, at least according to official Russian claims.

Unlike previous-generation Russian SSGNs, the Yasen class — and espeically the advanced Yasen-Ms — are far more versatile than just cruise missile platforms, able to operate as general-purpose attack boats as well as intelligence gatherers and potentially as special missions platforms

This next bit is why I think this little flotilla docking in Cuba in a day or two is a problem that Biden ought to be paying attention to:

"A measure of the capability of these submarines was provided by U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck, the head of U.S. Northern Command and the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command, who described the Yasen boats as being nearly on a par with U.S. Navy types in terms of quietness. He added that this growing class of submarines will soon present a persistent threat to the American homeland unlike any before."

"While U.S. and Cuban authorities are downplaying the Russian deployment, in terms of the threat that it poses,
Moscow has warned that it could take “asymmetrical steps” elsewhere in the world in response to Washington’s backing of Ukraine. In particular, President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia could supply long-range weapons to “regions” around the world where they could be used for strikes against Western targets. "

Does this mean tactical nukes or neutron bombs in America? No, I think this is still just signalling. Putin is desperately trying to get the West's attention and explain he is serious about Ukraine and for the West to butt out.

However it shows just how serious things are getting.

As Britt Gillette pointed out in his video today, in spite of fears of all out nuclear war, that is NOT what Revelation shows. Humanity survives even to the end of the Tribulation. For that to happen, there has to be a good number to start off with because of the devastation described in the various judgments.

Russia is also in the middle of an economic crisis. Taxes are going up, exports are down, the economy is failing and the war in Ukraine is costing more and more. Offending more of their last remaining export markets wouldn't be good for Russia.


This situation can't continue.

Which makes me think of Ezek 38. For that to happen, Russia still has to have a good army/air force. Not all but destroyed by nukes in a hailstorm of retaliation. Or destroyed economically like the 90s.

One of the reasons to invade Israel as put by Tarshish and company is theft. Israel is ripe for plunder. Right now that isn't the case. So Gog Magog is still a little way off.

And as I've said before I think Tarshish is Britain and the cubs are America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So they're still around too.

And if Daniels bit about the people of the prince to come is an indication, Europe especially southern Europe around the Med has to be there to re form the old Roman Empire into it's final form. So I don't think they end up on the receiving end of a Russian nuclear attack.

BUT for whatever reason, the other nations of the world including Tarshish and company seem afraid to oppose Russia

So I think it's likely if nukes are involved, Russia is more likely to drop a small neutron bomb or two on Ukrainian cities to end things rather than rain down nukes all over Europe and the Americas. The point of these small tactical nukes as they are called is that they don't result in a huge cloud of nuclear debris and radiation which would drift across Russia too.

Instead a small neutron bomb would leave much of the infrastructure intact, very little radiation to blow into Russia and kill all living things including people and animals in the nearby area.

It would make the point quite clear to Russia's enemies in Europe and the Americas while leaving things mostly intact except for loss of life in Ukraine. And that might possibly be why everyone is still so cautious about upsetting the Russian Bear in Ezekiel 38. Maybe.

But I still don't like Russia waltzing into Cuba with potential nuke tipped Zircons on board.

It shows just how bad things are getting.

As Jan Markell likes to say "What did you think the Last Days were going to look like?"
Not necessarily regarding Russia needing to have a good army/airforce.

Drone warfare or the use of drones could increase tenfold, we are already seeing the predominant use of them now.
I remember in one of Britt Gillette's video how he was saying that a swarm of drones could easily fit the description of a storm covering the land, i also remember a few members here referencing how the terrain up near the mountains of Israel is hard for tanks etc to navigate and that horseback may be heavily used.

Just a food for thought opinion i guess
I think we need to stay out of other countries' territorial waters, just as we expect them to stay out of ours, especially if those military vessels did, in fact, respect our territorial waters.
Closely monitor and be ready for anything with immediate response if necessary. Not sure what our current doctrine is regarding fighter sorties and other posturing/saber rattling.
If overt hostile action occurs, then it depends on what the action is and what U.S. interest is threatened or attacked, that should determine what we should do.
And then there are the Organization of American States (OAS), Monroe Doctrine, and any number of treaties and agreements . . .
About my thoughts on Gog Magog being a ways off. I'm wrong regularly. Don't take me too seriously. I just give my opinion.

The other point is that no matter what state Russia is in, (or Israel) currently, the Rapture doesn't wait for those 2 to be perfectly ready for Ezek 38 because the Rapture can occur well before all that takes place.

The Rapture doesn't kick off the Tribulation (the signing of the covenant does) so that leaves the possibility of some time between the Rapture and the Tribulation - and plenty of good teachers stick Gog Magog in the Trib while even if it's before the Trib (and after the Rapture) like many others including me think, we still have plenty of time for Israel to gain that peaceful unsuspecting state, and Russia to amass her army (or drones) to invade in Gog Magog.

I just contacted Hugh (Paid in Full) about his thoughts, because I was wondering about Russia's finances and Hugh says Russia is actually sitting pretty on natural resources which will set them up well when currencies fail especially the US dollar. They sold off their US holdings a while back and they have a lot of potential wealth in terms of gold reserves, oil, gas and other stuff that backs currency.

So things could turn on a dime and we could be out of here, and Russia ready to go in a lot quicker time frame than I've thought possible.
There really is nothing we can do unless they violate our waters - which I doubt Russia would be stupid enough to do.
They are being exceptionally careful not to. I still think this is a gesture to try and wake the West up to the way Russia is perceiving things.
About my thoughts on Gog Magog being a ways off. I'm wrong regularly. Don't take me too seriously. I just give my opinion.

The other point is that no matter what state Russia is in, (or Israel) currently, the Rapture doesn't wait for those 2 to be perfectly ready for Ezek 38 because the Rapture can occur well before all that takes place.
Thanks for the encouragement. :hug:
There really is nothing we can do unless they violate our waters - which I doubt Russia would be stupid enough to do.
Agree, we are entering a multi-polar world... time to get used to it. ... and if it were me, I would be normalizing relationships with the primary powers that will need to stabilize their regions. The US can no longer afford to be the worlds policeman.