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Conversations With The Dead Through AI?: Technology Is Taking Deception To A Whole New Level

David Bowen for
Harbinger's Daily
May 24, 2024

If you could, would you want to talk with someone who has died? What if that person was someone you deeply loved and cared for?

I asked if you could because we now have technology that promises to make that scenario possible. Here’s a technology issue: it doesn’t go backward once it reaches a certain level. It only advances. Our world is now promoting it has the technology to have a conversation with the dead.

Dadbot and HereAfter AI

How do these conversations take place? Through a chatbot called Dadbot. Dadbot is on an interactive app called HereAfter AI. This app promotes the idea that you can now talk to your deceased loved one, and they can talk back.

Dadbot technology and HereAfter AI were introduced within the last seven years. Both are technological platforms that, as they say, let the dead live on. Loved ones interact with a customized voice avatar using a smart speaker, mobile app, or desktop app. The avatar responds to questions through Alexa voice recognition technology.

Digital Immortality

These companies set up interviews in which those who participate tell their life stories. It has already been experienced that sometimes the stories shared in these interviews are told for the very first time, and in those cases, their loved ones were not even aware of these life events until after their loved one had passed away. There was no opportunity for them to seek further answers or explanations. In a few cases, this lack of certain knowledge compounded the grief they were already experiencing.


The more astute among us will freeze water into block ice in the smart freezer that can be transferred to an ice box which could be a cooler.

The trick will be justifying the creation of all that ice to the smart appliance so it doesn't rat you out. Be sure and put some electrical tape over anything that looks like it might be a camera...

When you're around the smart appliance say things out loud, like "more ice for cocktails!"

Sprained ankles, twisted knees, and some kinds of headaches also need lots of ice. Just sayin'
Also the water-alcohol-ice bath for reducing fevers.

When covering a sensor, usually much better to carefully cover it with a small piece of plain, acid-free copy paper, and then tape over. Note that some sensors in some environments need a different insulating layer(s).
That way, the sensor doesn't get damaged and cause the appliance to call for help, and if service or repair has to be done someday, the sensor can be quickly uncovered without damage, needing adhesive residue removal, and/or loss of warranty coverage,