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Conversations With The Dead Through AI?: Technology Is Taking Deception To A Whole New Level

David Bowen for
Harbinger's Daily
May 24, 2024

If you could, would you want to talk with someone who has died? What if that person was someone you deeply loved and cared for?

I asked if you could because we now have technology that promises to make that scenario possible. Here’s a technology issue: it doesn’t go backward once it reaches a certain level. It only advances. Our world is now promoting it has the technology to have a conversation with the dead.

Dadbot and HereAfter AI

How do these conversations take place? Through a chatbot called Dadbot. Dadbot is on an interactive app called HereAfter AI. This app promotes the idea that you can now talk to your deceased loved one, and they can talk back.

Dadbot technology and HereAfter AI were introduced within the last seven years. Both are technological platforms that, as they say, let the dead live on. Loved ones interact with a customized voice avatar using a smart speaker, mobile app, or desktop app. The avatar responds to questions through Alexa voice recognition technology.

Digital Immortality

These companies set up interviews in which those who participate tell their life stories. It has already been experienced that sometimes the stories shared in these interviews are told for the very first time, and in those cases, their loved ones were not even aware of these life events until after their loved one had passed away. There was no opportunity for them to seek further answers or explanations. In a few cases, this lack of certain knowledge compounded the grief they were already experiencing.


David Bowen for
Harbinger's Daily
May 24, 2024

If you could, would you want to talk with someone who has died? What if that person was someone you deeply loved and cared for?

I asked if you could because we now have technology that promises to make that scenario possible. Here’s a technology issue: it doesn’t go backward once it reaches a certain level. It only advances. Our world is now promoting it has the technology to have a conversation with the dead.

Dadbot and HereAfter AI

How do these conversations take place? Through a chatbot called Dadbot. Dadbot is on an interactive app called HereAfter AI. This app promotes the idea that you can now talk to your deceased loved one, and they can talk back.

Dadbot technology and HereAfter AI were introduced within the last seven years. Both are technological platforms that, as they say, let the dead live on. Loved ones interact with a customized voice avatar using a smart speaker, mobile app, or desktop app. The avatar responds to questions through Alexa voice recognition technology.

Digital Immortality

These companies set up interviews in which those who participate tell their life stories. It has already been experienced that sometimes the stories shared in these interviews are told for the very first time, and in those cases, their loved ones were not even aware of these life events until after their loved one had passed away. There was no opportunity for them to seek further answers or explanations. In a few cases, this lack of certain knowledge compounded the grief they were already experiencing.


Just another corner form of deception. And we know the source of that!
Conditioning people to believe it's possible, so when channeling/consulting familiar spirits/consorting with demons happens as a backlash to AI or a "better alternative because it's real," people will try it and end up demon-possessed :mad: :apost: :ban: :cry:
Social zeitgeist, social and cultural pressures . . . :puke:

Occult, sorcery, new age, paranormal, fortune telling, white magic, witchcraft, consulting the dead, etc. is real, but it's not really your ancestor or another dead person that you're talking to . . . it's demons impersonating that person.

9 When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Deuteronomy 18:9-12,KJV

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galations 5:16-21, KJV
Communicating with the dead is a huge thing in movies, TV, music, video games, and in religion. AI does seem to be a nature next step forward with this. It will not allow someone to speak to a dead spouse, child, parent, relative, celebrity, historic figure, etc. No matter the platform, it always leads to either a hoax/lie or actually contacting a demon. But seeing that AI is now a platform just deepens the occult grip on humanity, especially since AI is or will soon be full scale available by the most intimate object humanity has within inches of their eyes, ears, and brain..........the cell phone.
I dont think the OP stated that those alive family members believe they are actually talking with the dead, but instead, they are interacting with a preprogrammed voice system from their dead loved ones recordings. Still, I cant see this as being healthy for the mind. Avoid at all costs.
Communicating with the dead is a huge thing in movies, TV, music, video games, and in religion. AI does seem to be a nature next step forward with this. It will not allow someone to speak to a dead spouse, child, parent, relative, celebrity, historic figure, etc. No matter the platform, it always leads to either a hoax/lie or actually contacting a demon. But seeing that AI is now a platform just deepens the occult grip on humanity, especially since AI is or will soon be full scale available by the most intimate object humanity has within inches of their eyes, ears, and brain..........the cell phone.

and the dishwasher next door :eek:

Seriously, when I get online, the next-door-neighbor's Samsung dishwasher comes up in the list of connections :eek:
And there's a couple printers, a roomba, refrigerator, games, etc., plus the usual regular accounts and cell phones . . .

What do the smart appliances talk about with one another?
Do all the GE smart refrigerators go online at the same time and have "family time" or a family reunion?
What do the smart appliances talk about with one another?
Do all the GE smart refrigerators go online at the same time and have "family time" or a family reunion?
We just bought a new “smart” refrigerator. Every time we open the door and close it, it makes a sound that sounds like a cellphone making a call. Its probably calling the food police and telling on me for eating ice cream or some other “non approved” food… :oops: :)
We just bought a new “smart” refrigerator. Every time we open the door and close it, it makes a sound that sounds like a cellphone making a call. Its probably calling the food police and telling on me for eating ice cream or some other “non approved” food…

Can you disable the tattletale (aka snitch, aka rat-fink) mode?

Some smart appliances, you can disable at least some functions.

Although if the refrigerator warns you by text, etc., of changing temperature, etc., could save $$$$$
Can you disable the tattletale (aka snitch, aka rat-fink) mode?

Some smart appliances, you can disable at least some functions.

Although if the refrigerator warns you by text, etc., of changing temperature, etc., could save $$$$$

I never enabled any of my smart appliances. Someday they'll probably come pre-enabled with their own internet connection (via starlink or some other service), but as far as I know you've got to give them a connection to the internet before they can start spying (assisting).
Seriously, when I get online, the next-door-neighbor's Samsung dishwasher comes up in the list of connections :eek:
And there's a couple printers, a roomba, refrigerator, games, etc., plus the usual regular accounts and cell phones . . .

I only see about 9 wifi signals outside of my own where I'm living. I'll bet the signal from my router is stronger to my closest neighbors than their own signal... Sometimes I used to use fun signal names like CIA Covert Command Post on a router I used when traveling... but living with close neighbors now I figure anything like that could become a magnet for a hacker, so I try to stay as anonymous as possible. I don't make my wifi invisible for the same reason as that is more likely gonna become a hacker magnet.
I guess people will need an old ice box to keep cool what they don't want to be told on about.
Most people probably don't know what an ice box is, and even fewer know how to operate and maintain one :lol:
Or even where to get big block ice, how to (safely) wield the tongs (assuming they know they exist), or size the ice without waste or making a mess :lol:
I only see about 9 wifi signals outside of my own where I'm living. I'll bet the signal from my router is stronger to my closest neighbors than their own signal... Sometimes I used to use fun signal names like CIA Covert Command Post on a router I used when traveling... but living with close neighbors now I figure anything like that could become a magnet for a hacker, so I try to stay as anonymous as possible. I don't make my wifi invisible for the same reason as that is more likely gonna become a hacker magnet.

The Samsung dishwasher signal showed up the same day the carton for it hit the curb for recycling :lol:
The Roomba signal showed up the day the neighbor that owns it called around looking for help with the new purchase :lol:

At the apartment there are a LOT of signals. Mine is Biblical in nature :big grin;

If The Lord tarries, I'll be one of the first ones rounded up, anyway, so may as well get my licks in while I can :lol:
Most people probably don't know what an ice box is, and even fewer know how to operate and maintain one :lol:
Or even where to get big block ice, how to (safely) wield the tongs (assuming they know they exist), or size the ice without waste or making a mess :lol:

The more astute among us will freeze water into block ice in the smart freezer that can be transferred to an ice box which could be a cooler.

The trick will be justifying the creation of all that ice to the smart appliance so it doesn't rat you out. Be sure and put some electrical tape over anything that looks like it might be a camera...

When you're around the smart appliance say things out loud, like "more ice for cocktails!"
I'm here b/c of ice boxes. My grandfather was a young, blonde ice delivery man in mid-Missouri. He always wore polished boots, cuffed clean coveralls and gloves, and had blond hair (like mine) curling under a spiffy cap. He delivered several times to my great grandpa/grandma and my grandma's house. She took a liking to him. They courted/dated, married, had my father and 2 aunts, and here I am today!