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Consumers Finally Get Some Relief From Inflation As Prices Decline for First Month Since 2020

I guess I'll have to trade in my organic Yubari melons, ferried from the shores of Japan to the coasts of the east where I reside, tied in ribbons, sprinkled with 24 karat golden flakes, and serenaded by one thousand mermaids for run-of-the-mill Joe Banjo cantaloupes, since they won't be going down anytime soon.... Ta! 🧚‍♂️
I went into Office Depot to buy some envelopes today.

The shelf tag indicated $32.97 for a box containing one-hundred (100) number 10 peel-and-stick Office Depot security envelopes :yikes:
Nothing special, but I guess Office Depot thinks they are. I hope they still think they're special because I left them there.

The tag matched the barcode on the box of envelopes :(

I got my envelopes at Walgreen's
Shrinkflation hit WF 365 Organic orange juice (OOJ)

IIRC, pre-pandemic price for a real half gallon of WF house brand OOJ was $1.69 (compared to $1.29 for not-organic)

It was bad enough when they reduced the size of the carton from 64 to 59 ounces.
Now, it's 52 ounces and the same price. $4.33 today, subject to seasonal fluctuations.
Almost a 12 percent drop in quantity/increase in price. Plus, the place the WF is located that I usually go to now taxes
OOJ because it's a ready-to-drink beverage, no different than pop. IDK if they're taxing milk, coffee, tea, water, etc.

:mad: :apost: :ban:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, they made the little pull ring inside the screw-on cap out of a stretchy, cheap plastic that broke when I tried to open the carton, necessitating use of a sharp knife to open the container, thus creating another utensil to wash

:mad: :apost: :ban:

Bet the CPI items TPTB use to calculate Social Security, etc. COLA doesn't include orange juice.