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Conservative Christians are losing the plot


Just a sinner saved by grace.
This spoke to me. It reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing. And that main thing is Jesus and His calling on our lives.

This is a video from Whaddo You Meme??

Let's keep the focus, folks, and not be caught up in the many distractions that Satan sends our way. As the sly devil that he is, his distractions often sound godly and Scripture-based (just as he tried with Jesus in the wilderness), but they are not intended to do anything other than to keep our eyes and our minds and our hearts off why we are here. Satan doesn't care two bits whether we spend our lives debating scripture; it doesn't bother him in the least. But he does not want us having a testimony, sharing that testimony, and pointing people to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

The apostle Paul said he kept his eye on the prize (Philippians 3:14); but that meant he kept his eye on his purpose. I pray God that each of us does the same.