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Classic Preacher's


Charter member
Sermons of classic preachers

Dwight L. Moody (Text)

David Wilkerson (Text w/opt. to open in PDF)
Not so classic preacher, but in same league.

John Wesley (Text)

Andrew Murray (Text)

George Mueller (PDF)
Orphanage Director / dependent on faith

George Whitefield (PDF) I have deactivated link until it is replaced, get only ads when I click on this.
Hard to see, pinch apart to enlarge

Charles H Spurgeon (PDF)
. A great Pulpiteer

John Bunyan (Text)

Chief Allorgorist
Author Pilgrims Progress


Oswald Chambers BIO
YMCA Christian Bible Teacher to British servicemen in WW 1.
Co-founder seminar.

My Utmost For His Highest
. Daily devotinal

I may add audio files to these sermons!

I won't be adding Watchman Lee's sermons, there is some dispute concerning him.
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