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China Holds Joint Exercises with Belarus and Russia near Ukraine

The joint air and ground exercise was “seen by experts as a response to NATO’s growing interest in the Asia-Pacific region and a signal that China’s involvement in Europe will continue to grow,” as Voice of America News (VOA) put it.

The timing of the ostensible “anti-terrorism exercise” was fairly obvious, as it began just days after North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leaders issued a statement describing China’s growing alliance with Russia as a matter of “profound concern.”

Belarus, already firmly in Russia’s orbit, is cultivating closer ties with China after joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a security association that Beijing and Moscow touted as an Eastern-led alternative to NATO. Belarus became the first nominally European member of the SCO on July 4.

The Chinese Defense Ministry on Thursday published a glowing account of the Eagle Assault exercise, which began on Monday and ran throughout the week. According to the summary, Chinese and Belarusian troops demonstrated “good technical and tactical skills, solid training levels, and a strong fighting spirit.”


Belarus, already firmly in Russia’s orbit, is cultivating closer ties with China after joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a security association that Beijing and Moscow touted as an Eastern-led alternative to NATO. Belarus became the first nominally European member of the SCO on July 4.
For quite some time they denied that the SCO (I call it NATO for nasties) was formed as an opposition to NATO but now it's proving to be more than just a trade and commerce group.
Belarus and Georgia Pivoting Toward the China-Russia Axis

The China-Russia axis is expanding into Europe, claiming Belarus and possibly Georgia.
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops are now in Europe, conducting joint exercises with the Belarus military on the Polish border. This, combined with the recent defense agreement signed between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Russian Federation, marks a strengthening of the CCP-led anti-US, anti-Western axis. This axis includes Iran and is now bolstering its ties with Russia’s ally Belarus, and potentially Georgia.

Each member of this bloc has its own motivations: Xi Jinping promotes his vision of a Chinese-led world order, Vladimir Putin exploits Russian nationalism, Kim Jong Un follows the Juche philosophy of his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, and Ayatollah Khamenei maintains Islamic theocracy. However, they are all autocracies united in their opposition to the US and the West, and they are attracting other like-minded countries.

The axis seeks to diminish the influence of the United States while also constraining the expansion of NATO. Through the CSTO, SCO, BRICS, and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the axis aims to provide alternatives to Western-dominated groups like NATO, the EU, and the G7.

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