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CDC sounds major alarm as new ‘highly contagious’ Covid variant grips the US - symptoms

I couldn’t care less about another Covid variant. They act like it’s the Ebola virus the way they talk about it. I lived through it twice and I will live through it again, unless the Lord calls me home. I don’t think they realize how the first pandemic toughened up so many people.
Amen. As far as I'm concerned it isn't newsworthy...
I think you are right.
Too many caught on to the over reaching power that was used to strip people of their rights over the pandemic because never in history during a pandemic was there such an authoritarian type of governance due to a pandemic.

I don't think they will go to any extreme should another pandemic of a medical virus be declared.

That's why the WHO, which the current Regime signed onto, has introduced a plan for Them, The WHO, to be in control of future pandemics and things not related to medical health was included like climate change and LGBT rights, etc.
There will be an international vote on this in May of 2024.

I can't be certain but I think where they are going to get the masses to drop on their knees will be a "false flag" Cyber attack because so many are reliant on electronics for everything.

The banking system would go out, the coming election will be impacted, cell phone service and computer service will go out, and much of our energy is now electronically operated, the medical system would be impacted and so on.

I think this is why a Cyber attack was said to be the next major pandemic.

So why haven't I been sent an absentee ballot notice, yet?
So why haven't I been sent an absentee ballot notice, yet?
Andrea --in fact every American citizen in Illinois-- was sent a letter from the Secretary of State here earlier this year with a form to fill out that would mean that from henceforth until the end of their life they would never have to go to a polling station and vote again. Instead, for every election they would be sent an absentee ballot and could vote from home. No disability or absenteeism involved: just a desire to vote by mail from here on in.
I was thinking of the alleged "international" vote in May of 2024.

Or will only TPTB be permitted to vote?
I'm betting the only votes that count are those of the inner circle who will vote for it anyway. Us peasants need not apply to vote unless they sort of have a set up to pretend to take and count votes while tossing every no vote in the proverbial dumpster out back.
I'm betting the only votes that count are those of the inner circle who will vote for it anyway. Us peasants need not apply to vote unless they sort of have a set up to pretend to take and count votes while tossing every no vote in the proverbial dumpster out back.
That'll be one big dumpster fire . . .
(how convenient)

I don't believe in coincidences . . .
The covid vaccination ads here have a lot of disclaimers . . . vaccination isn't for everyone, vaccination may provide some immunity, vaccination may not protect everyone, vaccination may cause side effects, etc., etc., etc. :eek: 🫢
:lol: yup, NOW they tell us!!!!

That says to my suspicious mind that they already know there's a boatload of lawsuits that have a very good chance of introducing enough evidence in court that even more of an avalanche of lawsuits will be on the way.