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CDC sounds major alarm as new ‘highly contagious’ Covid variant grips the US - symptoms


A new Covid variant is spreading fast in the US, and it’s “highly contagious”, a doctor who specializes in infectious diseases has warned.

New variant JN.1 is a heavily mutated new strain and is now the fastest-growing variant in the country, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The variant currently accounts for more than one-fifth of all infections in the US. And while the HV.1 sub variant is the dominant strain right now, JN.1 is not far behind.

HV.1 accounted for 30 percent of Covid cases in the US during the two week period ending on December 9, according to the CDC, and JN.1 made up about 21 percent.


No fear.
Remember lessons from the first time.
The very same institution that spread fear across the nation is announcing a "New Variant".

Watch for key words used to cause fear.

"Sounds alarm"
"Highly Contagious"

If mandates begin again
I will not comply.

I will go to church.
Hebrews 10:25
I obey God rather than men.
Acts 5:29

I wil exercise my rights.
Interesting just in time for the coming election, Again.
I don't think that bird will fly, but if it does I'll pull out my popcorn and watch to see how they do it THIS time because they pulled out all their best ideas on this last go round and now people have wised up.

They are just doing it for sheer hopefulness that they can still talk someone into extreme measures.

Here in Canada nobody is tracking or testing for Covid anymore because if you have it bad enough to go to emerg they put you on Prednisone for about $5 worth of cure. End of story. I think in America they are still hoping to sell people on expensive cures.

Here in Canada they are more concerned about the Flu (the real flu) and are reminding people to behave and stay home if they are running a fever or feel ill. Which is common sense!

Nobody is getting vaccinated here anymore- for anything. Including childhood diseases like tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella etc. They keep advertising on TV and social media to go get your flu vax but even that is at about a 15 to 20% uptake and that is only the few who are at most risk. The rest of us have what the govt is politely calling vaccination fatigue.
In America, TPTB are desperate to stop Donald Trump and are running a full court press to try to keep him from running for President again. They believe it is likely the ONLY way they can prevent him from winning. (I tend to agree with them.) So, among other things, they are trotting out the "Alarm! Alarm! Highly contagious new Covid variant!" warnings as one of those attempts.
Nobody is getting vaccinated here anymore- for anything. Including childhood diseases like tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella etc. They keep advertising on TV and social media to go get your flu vax but even that is at about a 15 to 20% uptake and that is only the few who are at most risk. The rest of us have what the govt is politely calling vaccination fatigue.
Yes, vax fatigue. Im 66, and have had so many vaccinations in my decades in the military, Im juiced up enough to stop anything…

Do you believe the covid vax altered DNA?
I guess my thoughts on the matter are that there is an active contingent, within government, education, and industry, that is actively working to kill people any way they can- for the environment, of course, because breathing is "bad." I am also of the opinion that covid-19 was in fact manufactured in a biolab and released on an unsuspecting public.

Continuing these thoughts, it amounts to the idea that one of these days, the evil men who released this and have been "sounding the alarm" are going to realize that the public isn't falling for it again, and that's the point where they release something truly horrible that they already have some vaccine for, that will kill all those undesirable useless eaters while leaving them perfectly safe. Wear us down with the lies, then when they come out with truth, no one believes them. I think that this has all been strategically planned.
I guess my thoughts on the matter are that there is an active contingent, within government, education, and industry, that is actively working to kill people any way they can- for the environment, of course, because breathing is "bad." I am also of the opinion that covid-19 was in fact manufactured in a biolab and released on an unsuspecting public.

Continuing these thoughts, it amounts to the idea that one of these days, the evil men who released this and have been "sounding the alarm" are going to realize that the public isn't falling for it again, and that's the point where they release something truly horrible that they already have some vaccine for, that will kill all those undesirable useless eaters while leaving them perfectly safe. Wear us down with the lies, then when they come out with truth, no one believes them. I think that this has all been strategically planned.
I think you are right.
Too many caught on to the over reaching power that was used to strip people of their rights over the pandemic because never in history during a pandemic was there such an authoritarian type of governance due to a pandemic.

I don't think they will go to any extreme should another pandemic of a medical virus be declared.

That's why the WHO, which the current Regime signed onto, has introduced a plan for Them, The WHO, to be in control of future pandemics and things not related to medical health was included like climate change and LGBT rights, etc.
There will be an international vote on this in May of 2024.

I can't be certain but I think where they are going to get the masses to drop on their knees will be a "false flag" Cyber attack because so many are reliant on electronics for everything.

The banking system would go out, the coming election will be impacted, cell phone service and computer service will go out, and much of our energy is now electronically operated, the medical system would be impacted and so on.

I think this is why a Cyber attack was said to be the next major pandemic.

Yes, I expect a cyber attack, but I'm not sure that they really want to knock out all the networks, because they would lose a lot of control of the population. I expect it to affect the banking industry, and show why paper money is no good (not enough of it), so they can implement their controlled banking industry, eventually working up to the MOB.
Yes, I expect a cyber attack, but I'm not sure that they really want to knock out all the networks, because they would lose a lot of control of the population. I expect it to affect the banking industry, and show why paper money is no good (not enough of it), so they can implement their controlled banking industry, eventually working up to the MOB.

I'm thinking it probably wouldn't last long since having people turn to bartering and using alternative methods of payment that will not be traceable is contrary to our enemy's long term plans. It will show that they can do it and that'll be a reality hanging over the heads of all those who were affected by the next destructive plan of the deep state/globalists.
I'm thinking it probably wouldn't last long since having people turn to bartering and using alternative methods of payment that will not be traceable is contrary to our enemy's long term plans. It will show that they can do it and that'll be a reality hanging over the heads of all those who were affected by the next destructive plan of the deep state/globalists.
There are also those who are so addicted to their devices that they wouldn't be able to cope without having them. We're still very much in the bread and circuses phase. Keep the populace satisfied with their stupid tiktok videos, get them hooked on welfare and illicit drug use, and they won't notice what the global elitists are doing until they're so thoroughly caught, they have no where to go. I suspect that's why the devastation in the tribulation will be so dramatic (among other reasons)- God has to do something to wake people up!
I still think about those truckers who were trying to stand up! Were most Canadians on their side?
I remember that well and MattFiveFour(Adrian) put a post on the other forum about the whole Covid stuff going on in Canada. Most people will not fall for their evil plans on a new so-called Covid variant. We have seen all the people who died after getting the shots, and most will not believe anything they say. They are not to be trusted, and their intentions are evil for sure.
Yes, vax fatigue. Im 66, and have had so many vaccinations in my decades in the military, Im juiced up enough to stop anything…

Do you believe the covid vax altered DNA?

Some interesting stuff on how a certain process alters some strands has come out. Because they made such a BIG DEAL about it NOT causing DNA damage, I think it's likely that it does. Whatever Fauci said is a lie so till I hear otherwise this is another of his lies. Whenever he emphasized a point, the opposite is true. That WAS one of their talking points early on.


My opinion is that ABSOLUTELY yes it's doing some of that. But that's just an opinion, I don't know enough about that.

But is this new damage in those who got the disease or took the vaccine more than the collective damage to our DNA going on now from drinking, eating and breathing contaminants that can do genetic modifications- switching some genes on and off creating disease?

Living and reproducing introduce genetic damage just like a Xerox copy of a copy of a copy of a copy is blurry, dots are there that aren't in the original. Same with the human genome.

For some years now I've been thinking we are approaching our "best before" date on our genetics. Since the Flood (and probably a bit before) mistakes are introduced and then copied over and over. The more generations we are from Creation, the more genetic errors we pick up and pass on to the kids. That is actually another way to look at Young Earth Creation because you can trace various changes in the DNA back thru time. The Non Mythical Adam and Eve (Dr Robert Carter, Ph.D. marine biology) this is a 12 year old presentation now, but it's good.

Some from background radiation, others from things like marijuana. But various modern chemicals are likely accelerating the process.

I don't think the creators of this virus even knew all the effects this disease (and the vaccine is based on the disease) would unleash. I think the enemy wanted to mar the image of God, the human image bearers. God's design of us in His image is locked into our DNA.

IT comes down to the idea that at THIS point in history, God allowed this to happen. He let Satan have his way for a bit on this. The intent of the enemy is to destroy us and to mar the image of God in us.

In spite of the fears that this makes us less than human- we are still human, just a little damaged and rough around the edges.

What that says is that we are at the very end of human history - Just before God unleashes HIS fury in the Tribulation.

After the Trib, I believe that Jesus repairs the world and the DNA of the Jewish and Gentile believers who survive to repopulate the Earth. THAT will be a RESET!

I think we are very close to the end now and I thought that before Covid. Now after it, I'm even more convinced.
I still think about those truckers who were trying to stand up! Were most Canadians on their side?
YES! At least the rural ones and the western ones big cities excluded. So there's a population divide too. The woke, the greenies, the leftists and the liberals all supported Trudeau.

That's why Trudeau did what he did to stop them and make an example of taking their livelihoods and property away from them. Pierre Poilievre is polling high across Canada because people are so angry with Trudeau. BUT it's strongest in the West from Manitoba to BC. Back east from Ontario east usually sides with Trudeau. The west is less population. The fight is still going on but I'm not sure how much is seen in the media. Canadian Citizens Inquiry
I couldn’t care less about another Covid variant. They act like it’s the Ebola virus the way they talk about it. I lived through it twice and I will live through it again, unless the Lord calls me home. I don’t think they realize how the first pandemic toughened up so many people.