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Catholic Leaders Petition to Remove Pope Francis

A coalition of high-level Catholic teachers and writers have produced an 18-page document of charges against Pope Francis demanding that he resign the papacy. They are accusing him of criminal behavior and heretical teachings. If he does not resign voluntarily, they are petitioning the College of Cardinals to remove him.

Signers of the petition include experts in canon law, editors of Catholic publications and prominent Catholic philosophers and theologians from around the world. They claim that Francis has violated canon law, natural law, divine law and the harboring and even promotion of clerical sex offenders.

Petition Exposes Priest Sex Offenders
The petition provides a list of cardinals, bishops, and other prominent leaders who are accused of sexual abuse of nuns, teenage girls, seminarians, and orphans. They are claiming that Francis did not adequately deal with them and even promoted some of them on to positions of higher authority.

Another major concern of the writers of the petition is the pope’s relationship to atheist China. They point out that Francis made a concordat (a type of treaty or agreement) with China in 2018. They claim that, as a result, the Pope immediately stopped talking about the persecution of Chinese Christians even though China reneged on their part of the agreement.

Pope Charged With Heresy!
