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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Suffers Shocking Defeat as ‘Fortress Toronto’ Votes for a Conservative MP for the First Time in 31 Years

All around the world, a conservative wave has been sweeping through these 2024 elections – and it seems Canada is being primed to be the next example.

Embattled Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just suffered a shocking defeat in the liberal stronghold nicknamed “Fortress Toronto” – a result that signals terrible times ahead for his Liberal party come next future general election.

Telegraph reported:

“It represents an embarrassing loss for the Canadian prime minister, who had personally travelled to St Paul’s – a wealthy seat the Liberal Party has held since 1993 – in a bid to shore up support during a by-election.
However, Leslie Church, the Liberal candidate and former chief of staff to Mr. Trudeau’s finance minister, was defeated by the Conservatives’ Don Stewart by just 590 votes.”
He was so terrible at the very beginning of his campaign and early weeks into the elected office.......and yet, an election majority of the people are only now possibly waking up? What does it take years of destruction for people to wake up? Why can't they start out at the first level of hearing platforms and positions and dogma and ideology and then saying NO? My suspicion is that he isn't going anywhere or a rebellion at the polls will be fleeting and things will return to the totalitarian socialist marxists stupidity soon after. California is just as idiotic as Canada but right now the thought of conservative Governor/legislature is not much of a thought.
He was so terrible at the very beginning of his campaign and early weeks into the elected office.......and yet, an election majority of the people are only now possibly waking up? What does it take years of destruction for people to wake up? Why can't they start out at the first level of hearing platforms and positions and dogma and ideology and then saying NO? My suspicion is that he isn't going anywhere or a rebellion at the polls will be fleeting and things will return to the totalitarian socialist marxists stupidity soon after. California is just as idiotic as Canada but right now the thought of conservative Governor/legislature is not much of a thought.
It's the way our system works up here. We have pockets of conservatives (the rural west from Manitoba to BC) while the cities in the west (high populations) and Vancouver Island tend to vote left.

We have a series of seats and you have to take so many or have a coalition (like Israel) or the govt falls. The party that gets the most seats wins the election. If a majority, it's great, if it's a minority they have to form a working agreement with another party. Which Trudeau did after the last election when he came close to losing. Minority govts tend to fail faster because any vote that they lose in the House of Commons means the govt falls and the election season is on again so coalitions actually work in the voter's favour much of the time as working compromises get hammered out and the govt can't do everything it pleases.

Much of the Maritimes votes left of the Liberals while Quebec generally votes for the Separatists called the Bloc, or they vote Liberal. Ontario is dominated by their city dwellers who vote Liberal or NDP.

If we in the West could separate (can't, the city dwellers see above) we could go for a fiscal and socially conservative govt that most of us want! But due to the way the ridings are structured that can't happen)

The problem is the ridings divide the country and the city dwellers and easterners decide the outcome long before our vote is counted out here.

Trudeau did 2 things to remain in power in perpetuity:

He set up a bribe system for the main stream media to ensure positive stories in the press and has hounded the alternate media via lawfare using various methods of intimidation and silencing which the MSM loves because that gets rid of the competition. This got way worse during Covid.

He had a minority this last election and he cleverly stopped a vote of non confidence by making a back room deal with the leader of the NDP who promised to vote with the Libs if a vote came up. In return he got Trudeau to do a whole bunch of far left stuff that nobody would have gotten done even if the NDP were in power. This has angered all of Canada and it's turned a lot of former NDP and Libs to the Conservatives. But it also means Trudeau is in for another 16 months.

This means that no matter what, Trudeau is in power for another 16 months when he HAS to call another election.

Meanwhile the Conservative party under Pierre Poilievre is making HUGE gains in public trust, and the polls are all showing an enormous Conservative majority in 16 months.

We don't elect a leader, we elect a party, by voting for our own area (called a riding) and the winner of our area - whatever party he or she is part of wins that riding. So seats in the House of Commons equal the number of ridings across Canada.

And whatever party wins the most seats - that leader of the party becomes the next Prime Minister. If they don't get a clear majority, in other words if they can't out vote all the others combined, then it's a minority.
The reason this loss for the Liberals in Toronto is so shocking is that in any other year, it was a sure bet to go Liberal (Trudeau's party). With a huge margin. Very few people in that riding would ever vote anything but Liberal. If I recall correctly '93 was part of a conservative back lash and out of character for Toronto. Historically Ontario is the heartland of Liberal support. And as the population numbers there outweigh the rest of Canada they matter.

What this means is that Trudeau's heartland- Ontario has turned against him and the Liberals, at least for the near future. Trudeau has finally angered enough of his base, his die hard supporters in other words that the whole country is up for grabs.

But not for 16 months.
The reason this loss for the Liberals in Toronto is so shocking is that in any other year, it was a sure bet to go Liberal (Trudeau's party). With a huge margin. Very few people in that riding would ever vote anything but Liberal. If I recall correctly '93 was part of a conservative back lash and out of character for Toronto. Historically Ontario is the heartland of Liberal support. And as the population numbers there outweigh the rest of Canada they matter.

What this means is that Trudeau's heartland- Ontario has turned against him and the Liberals, at least for the near future. Trudeau has finally angered enough of his base, his die hard supporters in other words that the whole country is up for grabs.

But not for 16 months.
Glad to see that man is hopefully on his way out of there he is/was bad news for Canada. I did not like the way Trudeau was making new Federal regulations requiring truckers crossing into Canada from the U.S. to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus. They were there to protest.
Glad to see that man is hopefully on his way out of there he is/was bad news for Canada. I did not like the way Trudeau was making new Federal regulations requiring truckers crossing into Canada from the U.S. to be vaccinated against the Coronavirus. They were there to protest.
He milked Covid for all it was worth. He was really bad about demanding vax for all truckers, Canadian or American. It became quite a problem getting goods north and you guys plus Mexico supply most of our fruits and veggies for example. Then he did use it to stop American truckers supporting Canadian truckers. You don't mess with the truckers. A lot of them belong to the Teamsters Union and that is a big influential union still.

He was furious with all truckers. Every other protest he's been fine with. But not the truckers and that has created a groundswell against him ever since he did that. It splits on city vs rural and left vs right. Rural and right wing support the truckers. City and leftists were against them. Now his economic policies are what is causing the leftists and city dwellers to reconsider their support.
He milked Covid for all it was worth. He was really bad about demanding vax for all truckers, Canadian or American. It became quite a problem getting goods north and you guys plus Mexico supply most of our fruits and veggies for example. Then he did use it to stop American truckers supporting Canadian truckers. You don't mess with the truckers. A lot of them belong to the Teamsters Union and that is a big influential union still.

The Teamsters are kinder-gentler these days :lol:
I walked a Teamsters picket line, before kinder-gentler :eek:

It was before I was in the Army, even :lol:

I still don't cross anyone's picket lines . . . the only way I can support the workers other than by prayer . . .