Our friendly neighbor to the north is becoming a lab case for government-approved destruction of life and promotion of perversion. Evidence shows up in a number of ways: abortion, euthanasia, and legislation promoting homosexuality.
Canada's abortion rate per 1000 women of childbearing age is only about 10 per year compared to over 50 in Russia. While Canada is not at the top of the list for the most abortions per year, it is on the cutting edge of the next assault on life, assisted death. Canada's 27.2 assisted deaths per 100,000 population is only behind the Netherlands at 43.7.
Four percent of all deaths in Canada last year were due to Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). What began as an attempt to mercifully relieve terminal people from unbearable pain has taken on a new dimension. It is now being expanded to include sufferers of chronic disease, physically disabled, and possibly the mentally ill and children.
Pro-lifers have long warned that when respect for preborn life was lost, the slippery slope would begin. If it is okay to kill a baby in the womb, it becomes much easier to find an excuse to dispose of other undesirables. In less than 100 years we have moved from right to kill in abortion, to right to die in MAID, to talk of obligation to die because of the high cost of medical care.
Part of the logic being used in Canada is based on their failed socialist medical plan. Medical providers have pointed out for a long time that between 20% and 50% of the cost of medical care for an individual happens in the last six months of life. In 2017, the Canadian Medical Association journal published a report saying: "Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual healthcare spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million.
But if Satan cannot destroy life, he will try to pervert it....
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Canada's abortion rate per 1000 women of childbearing age is only about 10 per year compared to over 50 in Russia. While Canada is not at the top of the list for the most abortions per year, it is on the cutting edge of the next assault on life, assisted death. Canada's 27.2 assisted deaths per 100,000 population is only behind the Netherlands at 43.7.
Four percent of all deaths in Canada last year were due to Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). What began as an attempt to mercifully relieve terminal people from unbearable pain has taken on a new dimension. It is now being expanded to include sufferers of chronic disease, physically disabled, and possibly the mentally ill and children.
Pro-lifers have long warned that when respect for preborn life was lost, the slippery slope would begin. If it is okay to kill a baby in the womb, it becomes much easier to find an excuse to dispose of other undesirables. In less than 100 years we have moved from right to kill in abortion, to right to die in MAID, to talk of obligation to die because of the high cost of medical care.
Part of the logic being used in Canada is based on their failed socialist medical plan. Medical providers have pointed out for a long time that between 20% and 50% of the cost of medical care for an individual happens in the last six months of life. In 2017, the Canadian Medical Association journal published a report saying: "Medical assistance in dying could reduce annual healthcare spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $138.8 million.
But if Satan cannot destroy life, he will try to pervert it....
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Chick.com: Canada Rapidly Becoming Dangerous For Christians
Our friendly neighbor to the north is becoming a lab case for government-approved destruction of life and promotion of perversion. Evidence shows up in a number of ways: abortion, euthanasia, and legislation promoting homosexuality.