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BREAKING REPORT: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Approved Operation to Blow Up the Russian Gas Nord Stream Pipeline to Europe

• German prosecutors on Thursday issued the first arrest warrant in their investigation into the undersea explosions in 2022 that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines to Europe.

• German media outlets reported in a joint report that federal prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant in June against a Ukrainian national who may be living in Poland.

• The individual was identified as Volodymyr Z. (what a strange coincidence?)

According to reports: The CIA knew Ukraine blew it up – and the CIA and Biden regime lied to the American public for two years now!


My memory may be off but it seems like I remember there was tracking of some US assets, possibly a couple of aircraft and maybe a ship in that vicinity around the time of the crime... but my memory isn't so good...
If you know who Monkey Werx is he monitors aircraft on his computer system and in his YouTube channel he points out where aircraft is and because of his military experience as a pilot he knows what aircraft is used for what.
Margery follows him
Well Monkey picked up US aircraft at the site when the nordstreem was impacted.
There's a possibility US was also involved.
If you know who Monkey Werx is he monitors aircraft on his computer system and in his YouTube channel he points out where aircraft is and because of his military experience as a pilot he knows what aircraft is used for what.
Margery follows him
Well Monkey picked up US aircraft at the site when the nordstreem was impacted.
There's a possibility US was also involved.
It was a while ago so right now I don't remember if Monkey spotted the US aircraft at the site of the Nordstreem on the same day it exploded or if he spotted it the night before. But he definitely pointed out the US aircraft as being at the site around the time it exploded.
Maybe if Margery saw that video she may remember more clearly.
I found the video of Monkey Werx. The quote below is in the description in his video at the link below.

"making a really easily understandable timeline of the US military presence the time leading up to, and after the Pipeline explosion"

If you know who Monkey Werx is he monitors aircraft on his computer system and in his YouTube channel he points out where aircraft is and because of his military experience as a pilot he knows what aircraft is used for what.
Margery follows him
Well Monkey picked up US aircraft at the site when the nordstreem was impacted.
There's a possibility US was also involved.
Yeah he's good for that stuff, i see watch his video's occasionally too when Tom Hughes posts it on his channel.

That's how i learnt about that crazy operation blue beam stuff
I happened to watch Monkey this afternoon and he DID have something to say about this. - YouTube at the 27:30 mark in the video to be precise.

I didn't watch Monkey at the time of the Nord stuff, but heard about it soon after. Pete Garcia of Rev310 got me onto that. Till then I didn't think much of the theory that the Americans did it. But Monkey had proof. And I changed my mind and believed it afterwards.

Today's broadcast Monkey talks about it- his theory is that the main stuff was done by the American team, but he thinks that it's possible that the Ukrainians were involved with parts of the operation just not the main part.

That actually makes sense. Especially when you look at the dates:

Feb 24 of 2022 Russia invades Ukraine
Sept 26 of 2022 Nordstream 2 blows up.

So the Ukrainians have motive, but they still seem to need a tremendous amount of Western resources to do ANYTHING so I think Monkey is right again.

Here's what I'm wondering:
Did the American team involve the Ukrainians to provide a useful alibi to say that the Ukrainians did it? Shift blame if required in future.

The Ukraine was already bought and paid for by the CIA in a number of ways, Zelensky was their pick, and this war was a set up to cover some of the other stuff going on in Ukraine. Russia actually does have a valid argument that it's as intolerable to them on their southern border as the Cuba Missile Crisis was in 1962 to the Americans.

If so what changed that this story comes out now on the build up to war and the American election? How is the dynamic affected? Who benefits?
**Russia Responds....

Russia diplomat says Ukraine would not have attacked Nord Stream without US approval

Russia's ambassador to Washington said on Friday that Ukraine would not have attacked the Nord Stream gas pipelines without the tacit approval of the United States, and that Russia would identify and punish those behind the attack.....

...."They seek to shift all responsibility to their Ukrainian puppets," Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said in a statement on Nord Stream. "We will seek to identify the real perpetrators of the bombing and punish them."

Just came back on. Because something else struck me. There’s valid historical reasons to think that Germany is part of Gomer and all its hordes in Ezekiel 38. A few theologians have suspected that Germany joins Russia in Ezekiel 38. I’ve always considered that as a possibility.

Look who issued the warrant— Germany! Not being dictated to by NATO, not being used by her ally America but taking up the Russian defence!

That’s actually significant. Ezekiel 38 kind of significant. If that point about Gomer is correct.

On the other hand they might just be annoyed about the destruction of a supply of oil they depended on.
I happened to watch Monkey this afternoon and he DID have something to say about this. - YouTube at the 27:30 mark in the video to be precise.

I didn't watch Monkey at the time of the Nord stuff, but heard about it soon after. Pete Garcia of Rev310 got me onto that. Till then I didn't think much of the theory that the Americans did it. But Monkey had proof. And I changed my mind and believed it afterwards.

Today's broadcast Monkey talks about it- his theory is that the main stuff was done by the American team, but he thinks that it's possible that the Ukrainians were involved with parts of the operation just not the main part.

That actually makes sense. Especially when you look at the dates:

Feb 24 of 2022 Russia invades Ukraine
Sept 26 of 2022 Nordstream 2 blows up.

So the Ukrainians have motive, but they still seem to need a tremendous amount of Western resources to do ANYTHING so I think Monkey is right again.

Here's what I'm wondering:
Did the American team involve the Ukrainians to provide a useful alibi to say that the Ukrainians did it? Shift blame if required in future.

The Ukraine was already bought and paid for by the CIA in a number of ways, Zelensky was their pick, and this war was a set up to cover some of the other stuff going on in Ukraine. Russia actually does have a valid argument that it's as intolerable to them on their southern border as the Cuba Missile Crisis was in 1962 to the Americans.

If so what changed that this story comes out now on the build up to war and the American election? How is the dynamic affected? Who benefits?

Excuse for Vice President Harris if she becomes President and wants to switch sides. Or extricate NATO from the mess, or extricate US from NATO. Or reduce defense spending.

OR, she's very concerned about depleted war stocks and/or cost.

OR, it's campaign season and she has to be able to throw President Biden under the bus for something big, depending on what's thrown at her and might stick (maybe soon, since it's just now breaking mainstream).

Or, she can twist this to make the Biden-Harris Administration look good to the voters.

Or, it's being used as a threat that more pipelines could end up damaged/destroyed if USSR doesn't back down on something.

Or it's being used as leverage to coerce Ukraine into doing or not doing something. Back off from the invasion of USSR?
“Does Not Correspond to Reality:” Russia Challenges Washington’s Narrative About US, NATO Involvement in Kursk Ambush Following NordStream2 Revelations

According to Russia Today, Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to Washington, has also accused the United States of assisting Ukraine in their offensive, suggesting partial U.S. responsibility for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Reports have indicated that the CIA may have been heavily involved, supporting Moscow’s claims. At the very least, the three-letter Deep State agency reportedly green-lit the sabotage operation.

Antonov argues that the Biden Regime seeks to deflect responsibility by attributing the attack solely to Ukraine, which he describes as a mere "puppet" in this geopolitical relationship.

"The United States is attempting to shift all responsibility to their Ukrainian puppets," Antonov asserted. "We will seek to identify the real perpetrators of the bombing and ensure they are held accountable."

The statements regarding U.S. involvement in the attacks reflect a broader frustration within the Russian government over what it perceives as a misleading narrative propagated by Western nations. According to Russian officials, this narrative serves to obscure the true nature of the conflict and the roles played by various actors, including the U.S.

The ramifications of these accusations are significant, affecting both diplomatic relations and public perception and for Russia, the claim of U.S. involvement may serve as a justification for a military response against Ukraine’s western allies.

Complete Article

“Does Not Correspond to Reality:” Russia Challenges Washington’s Narrative About US, NATO Involvement in Kursk Ambush Following NordStream2 Revelations

According to Russia Today, Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to Washington, has also accused the United States of assisting Ukraine in their offensive, suggesting partial U.S. responsibility for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Reports have indicated that the CIA may have been heavily involved, supporting Moscow’s claims. At the very least, the three-letter Deep State agency reportedly green-lit the sabotage operation.

Antonov argues that the Biden Regime seeks to deflect responsibility by attributing the attack solely to Ukraine, which he describes as a mere "puppet" in this geopolitical relationship.

"The United States is attempting to shift all responsibility to their Ukrainian puppets," Antonov asserted. "We will seek to identify the real perpetrators of the bombing and ensure they are held accountable."

The statements regarding U.S. involvement in the attacks reflect a broader frustration within the Russian government over what it perceives as a misleading narrative propagated by Western nations. According to Russian officials, this narrative serves to obscure the true nature of the conflict and the roles played by various actors, including the U.S.

The ramifications of these accusations are significant, affecting both diplomatic relations and public perception and for Russia, the claim of U.S. involvement may serve as a justification for a military response against Ukraine’s western allies.

Complete Article

I think the Russians are telling the truth. Mind blowing!
Just came back on. Because something else struck me. There’s valid historical reasons to think that Germany is part of Gomer and all its hordes in Ezekiel 38. A few theologians have suspected that Germany joins Russia in Ezekiel 38. I’ve always considered that as a possibility.

Look who issued the warrant— Germany! Not being dictated to by NATO, not being used by her ally America but taking up the Russian defence!

That’s actually significant. Ezekiel 38 kind of significant. If that point about Gomer is correct.

On the other hand they might just be annoyed about the destruction of a supply of oil they depended on.
Yes I learned that from Arnold F and I do wonder if it will be limited to the area of what used to be West* Germany. I had the most interesting discussion with an old German man who visited my church and he was talking about how the West Germans are so different. That they are still cold and hard like communists and that they tend to just go along with whatever those in charge say.
*Edit. EAST Germany! Duh! 😆
Yes I learned that from Arnold F and I do wonder if it will be limited to the area of what used to be West Germany. I had the most interesting discussion with an old German man who visited my church and he was talking about how the West Germans are so different. That they are still cold and hard like communists and that they tend to just go along with whatever those in charge say.
I think you meant the East Germans, and yes you are right. Interesting that Angela Merkel the former leader of Germany grew up under Communism and had a fairly good working relationship with both Russia and Putin in particular.

Putin worked as a KGB officer in East Germany before the wall fell, and he was furious with Gorbachev for letting it happen. He's spoken about his feelings at the time, it's in past interviews with him, and it was a pivotal point in his life.
I think you meant the East Germans, and yes you are right. Interesting that Angela Merkel the former leader of Germany grew up under Communism and had a fairly good working relationship with both Russia and Putin in particular.

Putin worked as a KGB officer in East Germany before the wall fell, and he was furious with Gorbachev for letting it happen. He's spoken about his feelings at the time, it's in past interviews with him, and it was a pivotal point in his life.
Oh yes - DUH😆
Of course what the German guy said may all be like a form of racism on his part, and not true at all. But if it is true, then I can see how there could still be a demonic stronghold of communism there. Which means that people can be very influenced.
That is interesting about Putin! Hmmm.
Yes I learned that from Arnold F and I do wonder if it will be limited to the area of what used to be West Germany. I had the most interesting discussion with an old German man who visited my church and he was talking about how the West Germans are so different. That they are still cold and hard like communists and that they tend to just go along with whatever those in charge say.

When I was stationed in Germany decades ago, the German people, especially in West Germany, almost worshipped the government. They did whatever the government said, with no question and no thought about right and wrong, because in their minds, the government was always right. If someone dared to question something, the standard answer was, "The government says so/requires it." When I realized what was going on, it made sense how and why the Holocaust happened :mad: :apost: :ban: 😭

This was further reinforced when I saw how liberal the State Lutheran church was, versus how conservative the not-state-church was, and the officially sanctioned, widespread discrimination against members of the conservative, not-state church.

I was so blessed by the little on-base Lutheran congregation (rare, as Lutherans almost always lumped in with General Protestant), and happy they had a partnership with the conservative not-State church :)

The Germans I knew from East Germany thumbed their noses at whatever government said/policies as much as they thought they could get away with. Below-the-radar dissidents, more like Russians than West Germans. West Germans were far more materialistic and very racist/ethnist. In the East, German wasn't spoken in a lot of places: Russian or English, but NO German, and people helped one another very freely. I think it was soon enough after Hitler and Stalin that people in East Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia still had very bad feelings and blame toward Germany for everything that had been suffered.
Yes I learned that from Arnold F and I do wonder if it will be limited to the area of what used to be West* Germany. I had the most interesting discussion with an old German man who visited my church and he was talking about how the West Germans are so different. That they are still cold and hard like communists and that they tend to just go along with whatever those in charge say.
*Edit. EAST Germany! Duh! 😆

I think you had it right the first time, the West Germans being cold and hard :) That was in line with what I experienced when I was stationed over there.