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'Bomb the churches': Trans-identified man indicted for threats to sexually assault Christian girls


A trans-identified Illinois man and alleged self-described “pedophile” is facing charges for making social media threats to sexually assault Christian girls and commit copycat attacks similar to the attack at a Christian school in Tennessee earlier this year.

Jason Lee Willie of Nashville, Illinois, was charged Nov. 7 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure, according to a federal indictment.

The threats, which are dated between March and August, include repeated references to Christians, black Americans, the Republican Party, and others.

Among the alleged threats cited in the indictment are threats to “bomb the churches”: "...We're gonna bomb them, we're gonna bomb them. We're gonna bomb the churches. We're gonna bomb them. You know it. We're going to kill you..."


Hey, maybe some of us in the good ol' USA might be counted worthy, get to skip to the front of the line in the rapture and get the martyr's crown.