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Biden Sends War Powers Notification to Congress - Are We Headed Into Something Big?


Friday, as The Washington Times reported, Biden wrote to Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and Democratic Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray to fulfill the requirements of the War Powers Act that mandates presidents consult congressional leaders on military action.


He finally did it, weeks after sending troops to the Middle East and our military getting into active war engagement, and I kept asking "doesn't Congress have to declare war for our military to engage in a foreign war?"

I think that's the way it is supposed to work, but we've been in war after war during my lifetime and I don't think Congress has ever declared war while I've been alive.
I think that's the way it is supposed to work, but we've been in war after war during my lifetime and I don't think Congress has ever declared war while I've been alive.
Last time congress declared war was when you were a young kid in WWII. :)

War powers act requires the President to notify congress within 48 hours of troops engaged in combat. It also limits his ability to keep troops engaged for no more than 60 days, without an extension or declaration from congress. Its been used and abused by most Presidents since its inception in 1973
The tragic thing is that this world would not be in this mess but for the Biden administration...they are destroying this country and this world. And that is not an overstatement. How much better we all would be were President Trump still in the White House.

"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan"
Proverbs 29:2

I see it this way.
God raises up leaders, and He takes them down too, always for His purpose.

I think this man in the WH is only there so that God could expose a lot of corruption and wickedness from the left who oppose God and His people, both Jew and Christian alike.

Since he took office, the true colors of the left has come out and the wicked have gloated over their wickedness like never before.
And, if we notice even the Apostasy within the church has been exposed like never before over the last three years
It's as though the separation of the wheat and the Tares has begun, and I think it's because we're that close to being raptured that God's light is reflecting off of His Saints over all the darkness so we know who are with God and who are not.

But we can rejoice that in a short time our King Jesus will be the new leader on this earth and will sit on his Throne and rule with an Iron scepter.

"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever"
Daniel 2:44
I'm guessing there are a lot of Iran backed islamists in the US right now, enough to cause a lot of problems...

I think it's a little premature to be projecting what's happening today into WWIII.
I'm hearing this from so many military experts that it seems this is possibly where it could be headed.

On a biblical standpoint, nowhere in scripture does it mention WW1 or WW2, yet they happened and wars are mentioned in general in what Jesus said about the last days that there would be wars and rumors of wars.
Though nobody would want a WW3 that possibility has increased especially with this outbreak of war in Israel that has the entire world in an uproar over it.

To say it's premature to consider it doesn't line up with the present hostile atmosphere the world is currently in like it's never been.
The global mass protests over this war in the Middle East is evident of the mindset of the majority that is seemingly out for blood.
To say it's premature to consider it doesn't line up with the present hostile atmosphere the world is currently in like it's never been.

It could happen. I've said it myself in a thread here or somewhere else. Repeating it over and over just seems a little too much by my way of thinking.

Right now, aside from posturing forces, the things going on in Iraq and Syria are similar to what's been happening there from time to time with our troops there, especially in Syria.
It could happen I've said it myself in a thread here or somewhere else. Repeating it over and over just seems a little too much by my way of thinking.

Right now, aside from posturing forces, the things going on in Iraq and Syria are similar to what's been happening there from time to time with our troops there, especially in Syria.

Believers do not have fear because fear is not of God. And for a believer to make attempts to induce unmerited fear of any kind to anyone is not of God.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control
2 Timothy 1:7

I don't promote fear. I report what is apparent newsworthy information not to cause fear but to inform and to enlighten those who may not understand where we are in these last days.

I diligently get into the Word of God and I strive not to take news headlines and tie them to prophecy but take prophecy and see whether it ties to the news headlines.
Most of the protesting and wickedness I have seen going on in relation to the middle east are from Islamic Muslims. I really haven't seen much action going on from people of other race or ancestry over this. Yet.
Believers do not have fear because fear is not of God. And for a believer to make attempts to induce unmerited fear of any kind to anyone is not of God.
I agree with the quoted 100%.

Do you remember when the US assassinated some Iranian guy back when Trump was President? Do you remember what Iran did as a result? I personally wish Trump had responded militarily but he went out of his way to difuse. Anyway, what's happenning as far as our participation is pretty much normal normal for recent years.

Our military is projected all over the world all the time. It's unusual to have two aircraft carrier battle groups together in the Eastern Med when one battlegroup has the weaponry to defeat most countries. That's about the only unusual thing at the moment.

I don't promote fear. I report what is apparent newsworthy information not to cause fear but to inform and to enlighten those who may not understand where we are in these last days.

You're reporting a lot of newsworthy information and I appreciate it and I bet a lot of others do to. You may not realize how often you've thrown in the WWIII statement though. The newsworthy articles say enough without tossing that in there over and over. It's good to have our eyes wide open to what's happening in the world.
Folks, this is a topic where people have many different views. We can disagree, but when we do let's please be careful to not characterize other's views in any negative way. Free discussion is welcomed here.