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Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation


When we say the word “Thanks-giving,” it presumes the giving of thanks.

But to whom is that thanks given?

Since the first Thanksgiving on Plymouth Rock and its subsequent establishment as a day of thanks on Oct. 3, 1789, the recipient of that thanks on behalf of the United States of America has always been God.

But in keeping with the destruction of everything good and virtuous in this nation, this year, God has been removed as the recipient of thanks on Thanksgiving.


Trying to remove God. Amusing.
I remember when they removed prayer and the Bible from the public schools :mad: Even though I was very young, even I could tell the difference "before" and "after." Starting the next day, we kids brought in our own Bibles and Torahs and read aloud from them and led corporate prayer every morning, before lunch, and at the end of the school day. Teacher had to sometimes block the window in the door so no one could see our rebellion :lol: It was really cool to listen to the Orthodox kid read/chant from his Torah. It was a big scroll with two long sticks in a velvet bag :)

Joke's on them: as long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school :lol:
. . . and as long as there are bullies, there will be prayer at the bus stops, on the school buses, in the rest rooms, and on the playground :eek: