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Biden admin offers ‘mass amnesty’ to migrants as it quietly terminates 350,000 asylum cases: sources

While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it’s getting tough on the border, behind the scenes it’s operating a program of a “mass amnesty” for migrants, The Post can reveal.

Data shows that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.

This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.


This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.
So they are just released into America as permanent illegals? This makes absolutely no sense at all.
That's so unfair. Now people are in legal limbo forever and can't get on with their lives having any legal status, or illegal status, or deported with legal status to wherever they came from :mad: Forever undocumented and stateless, and having been removed from the legal system, they have no way to appeal, open/reopen a case :mad: Non-citizens of pretty much everywhere, so no protections from traffickers, etc., who can now easily extort and exploit them. FWIW, The UN Universal Declaration of Rights guarantees that everyone has a state, can leave that state, and can re-enter that state. Looks like another step toward "global citizenship" :mad: Long-term residents of refugee camps in other countries, whose country disappears and/or have no papers from anywhere proving anything, end up permanent, stateless, non-citizens, who often never leave the refugee camp. In essence, imprisonment in a slum. Sounds like the Jewish ghettos of World War II . . . people stuck with no where to go, awaiting slaughter :mad: A modern day "final solution" toward depopulation :mad:

Also unfair to citizens and legal immigrants, who work and pay taxes for the services that everyone, legal, illegal, and limbo use :mad:

Hang onto proof of citizenship and identity, folks. Going to get "interesting."
I'm sure a good number will trundle north into Canada where Trudeau will give them citizenship without even looking at their past. Trump on the other hand can't come in because of that evil NYC conviction, because we bar convicted felons from coming in.

Unless of course you're a Gazan ready to shoot up Jewish neighbourhoods, schools and synagogues, or undocumented illegal migrants who have similar proclivities. Then Trudeau has a welcoming parade complete with welfare benefits for all.
I'm sure a good number will trundle north into Canada where Trudeau will give them citizenship without even looking at their past. Trump on the other hand can't come in because of that evil NYC conviction, because we bar convicted felons from coming in.

Unless of course you're a Gazan ready to shoot up Jewish neighbourhoods, schools and synagogues, or undocumented illegal migrants who have similar proclivities. Then Trudeau has a welcoming parade complete with welfare benefits for all.

You mean I could just come to Canada and ask for Canadian citizenship and they'd give it to me? Without me showing ID, etc.?
You mean I could just come to Canada and ask for Canadian citizenship and they'd give it to me? Without me showing ID, etc.?
Only if you're a Muslim preferably from Gaza, Syria or Iran, and preferably with a cranky restless look in your eye and a tendency to shriek Death to Infidels and wave sharp pointy things every once in a while and 6 times a day on Ramadan.
Only if you're a Muslim preferably from Gaza, Syria or Iran, and preferably with a cranky restless look in your eye and a tendency to shriek Death to Infidels and wave sharp pointy things every once in a while and 6 times a day on Ramadan.

Burka, knitting needle, and occasionally yell, "Death to the Great satan!"

and otherwise, only speak Arabic or Russian, no English or French. Name, Kafir Kafir :lol:
(no state; PA/UN refugee camp escapee, no family, hence repeated first name in place of a surname)

(Kafir is an Arabic word for infidel :lol:
The purpose of this atrocity is with the mass migration not only crossing illegally through the open borders, but the government flying migrants into the country isn't really about the votes for the left as some think, it is to overwhelm the economy and make it crash because by doing so it will bring America down, which globalist Biden was groomed to do. Klaus Schwab is on video telling Biden he was his "best disciple".
Think about it. Those migrants are given debit cards that continue to get more money added every month, they get housing, food stamps, free healthcare, and jobs, even in government positions.
Those migrants get what our own Veterans and citizens don't get.
All at taxpayers expense.
And the Fed continues to print money, even as we are 34+ trillion in debt.
This can't go on too much longer before the economy crashes. Then come the great idea, all planned ahead, to go with digital currency because the dollar no longer is the global currency because it has been devalued.
The globalists know in order to cause the "great reset", America has to fall.
There's 145 different countries of migrants coming here according to border patrol.
I can just imagine how many terrorists are here.
Thousands of military age men have entered the country.
Migrant crime is rampant and the WH doesn't care.
I hear it again and again, America is going to lose it's world power status and is likely why it's inconsequential in end times Bible prophecy.
The purpose of this atrocity is with the mass migration not only crossing illegally through the open borders, but the government flying migrants into the country isn't really about the votes for the left as some think, it is to overwhelm the economy and make it crash because by doing so it will bring America down, which globalist Biden was groomed to do. Klaus Schwab is on video telling Biden he was his "best disciple".
Think about it. Those migrants are given debit cards that continue to get more money added every month, they get housing, food stamps, free healthcare, and jobs, even in government positions.
Those migrants get what our own Veterans and citizens don't get.
All at taxpayers expense.
And the Fed continues to print money, even as we are 34+ trillion in debt.
This can't go on too much longer before the economy crashes. Then come the great idea, all planned ahead, to go with digital currency because the dollar no longer is the global currency because it has been devalued.
The globalists know in order to cause the "great reset", America has to fall.
There's 145 different countries of migrants coming here according to border patrol.
I can just imagine how many terrorists are here.
Thousands of military age men have entered the country.
Migrant crime is rampant and the WH doesn't care.
I hear it again and again, America is going to lose it's world power status and is likely why it's inconsequential in end times Bible prophecy.
I hate to see it happen and not be able to stop it. I know God has a plan but I wish it was easier to not get upset at the evil and injustice that takes place. I think of Corrie Ten Boom and how she was filled with hatred towards the Nazi soldiers and wanted to kill them. She obviously forgave them in the end, but man I am struggling not to get filled with rage.
If they're not saved, we need to share The Gospel with them.
If they are saved, we need to pray with them.
We need to invite all of them to church and introduce them to Pastor(s), Elder(s), etc. or tell them the location of the closest church of their preferred denomination if they ask/indicate one..

If we don't share The Gospel (not just with the muslims), God will curse us with sharia.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
I hate to see it happen and not be able to stop it. I know God has a plan but I wish it was easier to not get upset at the evil and injustice that takes place. I think of Corrie Ten Boom and how she was filled with hatred towards the Nazi soldiers and wanted to kill them. She obviously forgave them in the end, but man I am struggling not to get filled with rage.

I think one of the best ways to pay TPTB back is to share The Gospel with all our new neighbors :big grin; :lol:

I also think God is bringing the 10-40 here because we have not done a very good job of taking The Gospel there (for all sorts of reasons).

All of those people risking life and limb to get here, many for the economic hope here. The least we can do is give them something better when they get here: the way to hope in eternal life in Jesus. We all get to be missionaries to other cultures and peoples without even leaving home! :big grin; :lol: