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Be On Guard: The End Times Church Is One Inundated With Apostasy


By David Reagan
November 26, 2023

There is much talk going around these days about how unified, triumphant, and glorious the Church will be in the end times right before the return of Jesus. This pollyanna image of the Church is certainly attractive, but it does not correspond with what the Bible prophesies.


The picture of the Church in the end times that is portrayed in the Bible is not a very pretty one. For one thing, the Bible prophecies that the Church will be racked by apostasy. Jesus prophesied that “many will fall away” (Matt. 24:10). Likewise, Paul said the Anti-Christ cannot be revealed until “the great apostasy” takes place (II Thess. 2:3).

Paul reveals the source of the apostasy in II Timothy 3:5“Men will hold to form of religion but will deny its power.” The fulfillment of this prophecy began in the 1920’s with the ascendancy of the German School of Higher Criticism. This school of thought, which quickly swept American seminaries, advocated that the Bible should be approached like any other piece of literature — with a critical eye. The concepts of the special inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible were rejected. The Bible came to be viewed as Man’s search for God rather than God’s revelation to Man. As a human product, it was considered to be full of myth, legend, and superstition.

This assault on the integrity of God’s Word opened the floodgates of apostasy. Before long Christian theologians and ministers were laughing about the virgin birth of Jesus, discounting His miracles, casting doubt on His resurrection, and flatly denying His second coming.

As the uniqueness of Jesus was downplayed, many denominations began to embrace the damnable doctrine of Universalism. And that is where we are today, caught up in the midst of a gross apostasy which says, “Believe what you want. The important thing is to be sincere. There are many roads to God.” All of which makes a liar of Jesus who said: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:16). The result is that there are a lot of sincere people who are sincerely going to Hell.


Over the past few days I've taken time to look at what the apostate church is thinking-- the anti semitism and the explosion of Dominionist theology which at it's heart is replacement theology. it was bad 26 years ago, but way worse now. The cults, the non Trinitarian groups that say they are Christian but aren't.

One thing the bad ones have in common- actually 4 big ones

They hate Israel
They deny prophecy- it either all happened in the past or it's an allegory
They deny a young earth creation
They deny Christ's soon return before the Tribulation and his literal 1000 year reign on the throne of his earthly ancestor David.

All 4 trace back to a denial of God's Word.
Over the past few days I've taken time to look at what the apostate church is thinking-- the anti semitism and the explosion of Dominionist theology which at it's heart is replacement theology. it was bad 26 years ago, but way worse now. The cults, the non Trinitarian groups that say they are Christian but aren't.

One thing the bad ones have in common- actually 4 big ones

They hate Israel
They deny prophecy- it either all happened in the past or it's an allegory
They deny a young earth creation
They deny Christ's soon return before the Tribulation and his literal 1000 year reign on the throne of his earthly ancestor David.

All 4 trace back to a denial of God's Word.
True Margery, true! A possible fifth- they deny the exclusivity of Jesus. Not 'I am the way the truth and the life', but blurring the edges towards 'many ways'! Acts 4:12 also springs to mind:

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

God Bless You :)
As the uniqueness of Jesus was downplayed, many denominations began to embrace the damnable doctrine of Universalism. And that is where we are today, caught up in the midst of a gross apostasy which says, “Believe what you want. The important thing is to be sincere. There are many roads to God.” All of which makes a liar of Jesus who said: “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:16). The result is that there are a lot of sincere people who are sincerely going to Hell.
Sad, but true, this is penetrating through to the masses, many hearing and living for “their truth”.
Sad, but true, this is penetrating through to the masses, many hearing and living for “their truth”.
We know there's Only One Truth.

Jesus stood before Pontious Pilot and he asked Jesus
"What is Truth?"
Little did he know that Truth was standing before him.

Jesus is The Way The Truth and The Life