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Attack on convoy of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' convoy was fired upon. One of Abbas' bodyguards was shot and the attack was claimed by the organization called 'Sons of Abu Jandal'​

Israel-Hamas war continues in Gaza, and while the developments in the region are being closely monitored, the assassination attempt organized against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday has caused panic in the region.


The “Sons of Abu Jandal,” allegedly organized within the Palestinian security establishment in the West Bank, had given Mahmoud Abbas 24 hours to take action against Israel.

With the expiry of the deadline, Abbas' convoy was attacked on Tuesday. While one of Abbas' bodyguards was shot in the clash, the Sons of Abu Jandal organization claimed responsibility for the attack.

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