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At Least 17 'Charities' in the US Are Alleged to Help Fund Hamas and No One Seems to Care


Even as Hamas continues to hold civilian hostages, including about 10 Americans, no less than 17 Hamas-linked charities are operating in the open, sending money to Hamas or Hamas proxies and sometimes spreading Hamas propaganda in return.

A Middle East Forum investigation published in the Focus on Western Islam documents over $260 million donated to Hamas-aligned 501(c)3, tax-exempt charitable organizations. According to the report, "Donors include the foundation arms of household companies such as PayPal, Fidelity, Shell, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Schwab, along with major philanthropic charities such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

When the FBI is making a lot of noise about increasing the pace of its investigations into people with Hamas connections, somehow, these charities that are pumping money into Hamas while giving the donors millions of dollars in tax breaks are on no one's radar.

