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Artificial intelligence needs so much power it’s overwhelming the electrical grid

The artificial intelligence boom has had such a profound effect on big tech companies that their energy consumption, and with it their carbon emissions, have surged.

The spectacular success of large language models such as ChatGPT has helped fuel this growth in energy demand. At 2.9 watt-hours per ChatGPT request, AI queries require about 10 times the electricity of traditional Google queries, according to the Electric Power Research Institute, a nonprofit research firm. Emerging AI capabilities such as audio and video generation are likely to add to this energy demand.

The energy needs of AI are shifting the calculus of energy companies. They’re now exploring previously untenable options, such as restarting a nuclear reactor at the Three Mile Island power plant that has been dormant since the infamous disaster in 1979.

Data centers have had continuous growth for decades, but the magnitude of growth in the still-young era of large language models has been exceptional. AI requires a lot more computational and data storage resources than the pre-AI rate of data center growth could provide.


It appears that the "intelligent" creators on AI aren't so intelligent at all.
Big Tech is part of the elite corporations arm and arm with the Globalists who are telling us we need to wean off from Electricity and say Wind and Solar power is better and helps save the planet, but the globalists push the use of Electric vehicles and converting to AI and they know we don't have the infrastructure to support the use of electricity when what we already use strains the grid. Now they admit the grid can't handle the increasing demand for electricity by AI.
The need for a lot of power for the systems that will be in place to control and monitor the population leads me to believe that there will be enough disruption during the Tribulation years of these systems to help enable many people who refuse the Mark to manage to survive, though it will be a difficult existence at best.
You reckon this is a dress rehearsal for a bigger false flag event ?

It's crazy how this isn't even the worst of what a cyber attack could do
Possibly for election Day? 🤔
If they're going to have electronic ballot counting again, the 2020 power outage they had that changed the votes in favor of Biden could just happen again with a major outage that shuts down the voting machines
Possibly for election Day? 🤔
If they're going to have electronic ballot counting again, the 2020 power outage they had that changed the votes in favor of Biden could just happen again with a major outage that shuts down the voting machines

I fully expect the deep state to cheat as much as they did in the last presidential election, and the one before that... and probably more. It may be harder to pull it off in some of the states they used last time, but they'll probably just target other states this time.
The need for a lot of power for the systems that will be in place to control and monitor the population leads me to believe that there will be enough disruption during the Tribulation years of these systems to help enable many people who refuse the Mark to manage to survive, though it will be a difficult existence at best.
They would be in control of how you use energy and randomly shut off your EV or tech devices and energy in general if they choose to.
Makes me wonder if it is on purpose that "they" don't want the infrastructure to support all of the electricity needed if we have to go all electric for our needs.
Currently there's been no hurry to put more EV charging stations or update the grid infrastructure to support the demand for more electrical usage. It just makes no sense for the push for more electrical use without the infrastructure to support it.
My question is would those in in control be secured for their own use of electricity if everyone else were to lose power for whatever reason?
Makes me wonder if it is on purpose that "they" don't want the infrastructure to support all of the electricity needed if we have to go all electric for our needs.
Currently there's been no hurry to put more EV charging stations or update the grid infrastructure to support the demand for more electrical usage. It just makes no sense for the push for more electrical use without the infrastructure to support it.
My question is would those in in control be secured for their own use of electricity if everyone else were to lose power for whatever reason?

Nancy would likely have enough for her freezers-full-of-ice cream