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Apocalyptic Anticipation


This is a great article from Jan Markell's E-newsletter.

She's so spot on with her analysis of where we're at in these last days.


Apocalyptic Anticipation​

by Jan Markell
July 10, 2023

I am revisiting an article I wrote in 2018 which is even more pertinent today. I asked back then, haven’t we waited long enough for Christ's return? Five years later, I am still weary of this groaning planet, of the sick antics of today’s Left, of watching disturbing events from around the world, and of scoffers who mock my beliefs as though I’m an outdated Neanderthal.

So, I’m bringing back some of those musings because they’re more intense here in mid-2023.

How Much Longer?
The malady goes by many names: End-time weariness; Rapture fatigue; Rapture-watch burn-out. The scoffers and skeptics are gaining too much territory and too many followers. The fact that the King is coming is boring and just old news.

What Hal Lindsey wrote in 1969 in his classic "The Late-Great Planet Earth", in the eyes of many, did not come to pass. Thus, there is a collective so-what sigh. The pulpits marginalize or ignore this glorious good news. How much longer can I look up with expectation?

Late-Great Burn-Out?
Recently, I read a revealing article in The Guardian that further mocks those with an end-time view and reinforces the growing skepticism. This article suggests:

  • Authors like Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey prophesied a lot of things that have not come to pass. Haven’t you Rapture-watchers waited long enough? Perhaps it’s time to move on from this message. (Never mind that a ton of things they predicted HAVE come to pass.)

  • Larry Norman told us in his 1970s song, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready,” that life was filled with guns and war and everyone gets trampled on the floor, but a generation later, that’s still happening. It’s far worse today. A generation later, the world is groaning even more! We’ve waited long enough and it’s time to change the channel.

  • Hal Lindsey told us that 1988 was a key year as that was 40 years since Israel’s re-birth. He never said he was targeting that year for the Rapture, but he encouraged us to anticipate His soon return surrounding that 1988 date. We’re still anticipating 25 years later, but alas, no trumpet or shout to date!

These just three talking points of The Guardian article.

To be frank, there is now a “we’ve been through this all before” mindset rather than apocalyptic anticipation. Words of warning are falling on deaf ears. I now see way too much end-time weariness and left behind indifference. The article in The Guardian suggests all this and more but the Bible tells us to expect this (II Peter 3:4).

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Rose, you are an absolute treasure! I knew some of this, but the video from Jan Markell and Pastor Billy Crone filled in the blanks. I have one more thing to say:

Watch the video!
I watched the video. Good information. I feel so much anticipation and excitement at all that is happening.
It's so surreal at times. Almost like a dream. Everything is coming and fast. I can't keep up with the prophectic news that keeps coming daily and at times by the hour. The world looks like it's in an out of control spin.
In line with what Jan says and others too,
I never thought I would see it this way.
We're going Home Sissy 😊🥰
* cancels Labor Day BBQ *
No Groundhog's Day in Heaven because the light of God will be everywhere (no shadows)
Every day in Heaven will be Valentine's Day because God loves us so much forever, and it will really be forever like on the Valentine's Day cards
No Ash Wednesday in Heaven, since all our sins washed away forever, and we'll sin (and sorrow and repent) no more
Absolutely, I am ready to go home to see my Jesus face to face and feel what real love and compassion feels like from our precious Savior. Hear is a great song. “Midnight Cry” with Ron Perry and the First Dallas Choir and Orchestra | June 19, 2022
That was one of my mom’s favorites. It was sung at her funeral by our minister of music and there was hardly a dry eye in the house. She always said that she wanted her eulogy to contain the Good News and point people to Jesus and it certainly did. She was a mighty prayer warrior. I really miss her.