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Hal Lindsey


Saved by the blood of Jesus Christ Yeshua❣️
Today, I received the news that Hal Lindsey has left this earth and entered his heavenly home. His book, The Late Great Planet Earth, was a significant influence on my passion for Bible prophecy. In 2016, I had the privilege of visiting him in Texas and watching him record The Hal Lindsey Report, which became the inspiration for The Tom Hughes Report. Please keep his family and friends in your prayers as they grieve this loss. I look forward to the day we will meet again in heaven.
2 Corinthians 5:8

Tom Hughes
sorry i misspelled his last name, it wouldn't let me edit it.

Fixed it for you @StaceyLovesJesus

I am sad, but happy for him in the presence of our Lord. It feels hard when a dear brother who did so much for so many of us is gone to the Lord. His book helped me a lot back in 1970. God bless and comfort his family and those he leaves behind.
I first started hearing about Bible prophecy from Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe.
I know it sounds scandalous, but I first watched Jack with one of my gay buddies. I asked him to come watch and he obliged. After first viewing, he loved Jack and Rexella and started watching them every week. Then, he started reading the Bible. Wonderful. It can be good to cut off the wagging finger.
The Late Great Planet Earth was the first non-Bible reading I did on Bible Prophecy. I think I still have the paperback in a box that my mother had originally purchased. I met Hal Lindsey for a brief few moments and was near him for 2 or 3 nights of taping of the John Ankerberg Show with Dave Hunt and Dave Breese. High respect for his long term dedication to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He'll be back to rise before those that remain get to!
Just saw this on fb. Very sorry to read that Hal wasn't here to take part in our departure, but maybe God wanted to reward him with a sneak peek and to find all the best places to eat before the crowds rush in any day now.

If it wasn't for Hal, I don't know if I would be a believer -- his presentation of the Gospel in late great as well as his other books was the first time I really understood it.