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Antony Blinken’s plot to destroy Israel, exposed



The Obama-Biden-Blinken “realignment” is well under way, and the consequences are dire for Israel and the United States — and indeed for the rest of the world.​

It is now crystal clear that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is exploiting the Iranian-backed Hamas war to destroy the existing state of Israel through the use of threats, blackmail, leaks, the media, diplomatic backstabbing, the Arab states, the European Union, and the United Nations.

In a State Department memo dated Monday, November 13, Blinken explained America’s posture toward the Arabs in Gaza. It’s madness. He wrote:


This entire administration has done more to destroy America and the principles upon which it is based and to destroy world peace than any other government in this main, all in an effort to help bring about globalist world governance based on Marxist principles which, they believe, will result in a just and perfect society. History alone demonstrates that their policies will have the opposite effect. What will happen is that a small cadre of leaders (and the bureaucrats that will operate the machinery of state).will enjoy a great life while the masses of the world will be subjected to a soul-deadening existence in which there will be neither hope nor the possibility of hope, every aspect of life being controlled by the government which (for the sake of world good, they will say) has sole power and cannot be argued with. This will be the world of the Antichrist.

Praise God that it is He alone who truly has power, not Satan; that He has said He will remove His people before the Antichrist is revealed, so that we will not suffer the judgments of God upon this earth; and that God will use the Antichrist's brief reign to bring to Himself the remainder of those on earth who will truly serve Him. We who are Christ's have absolutely NOTHING to fear. All we need to concentrate on is serving our Lord here on earth before He takes us home.