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America Has Become a 'Surveillance Prison' - Our Devices and Our Government Are Spying on Us

Many of us are under surveillance, at this very moment. No warrants are needed, and no laws are broken.

The most obvious culprit is all the cameras, and America has as many surveillance cameras per person as Communist China. Police departments in America's largest cities, from New York to L.A., are combining these cameras with facial recognition technology to track everyone.

You're also giving away your personal information, about where you are, what you like, even about your mental health without even realizing it. Every click, purchase, and "like" is harvested and sold for profit by data brokers, feeding a growing digital advertising market that is close to one trillion dollars in value. Even your car tire sensors allow you to be tracked.

Byron Tau, author of the book Means of Control, says, "Those data brokers make that data available for sale to researchers, to marketers, to companies, and even to governments. So, it's very, very difficult to escape, the kind of logging and surveillance that modern technology brings along with it.

It's being called "surveillance capitalism."


Many of us are under surveillance, at this very moment. No warrants are needed, and no laws are broken.

The most obvious culprit is all the cameras, and America has as many surveillance cameras per person as Communist China. Police departments in America's largest cities, from New York to L.A., are combining these cameras with facial recognition technology to track everyone.

You're also giving away your personal information, about where you are, what you like, even about your mental health without even realizing it. Every click, purchase, and "like" is harvested and sold for profit by data brokers, feeding a growing digital advertising market that is close to one trillion dollars in value. Even your car tire sensors allow you to be tracked.

Byron Tau, author of the book Means of Control, says, "Those data brokers make that data available for sale to researchers, to marketers, to companies, and even to governments. So, it's very, very difficult to escape, the kind of logging and surveillance that modern technology brings along with it.

It's being called "surveillance capitalism."


There is a solution to this. Get rid of every connected device and replace with one that can't be connected as in no smart appliances, find a nice classic vehicle from the 1970s to 1980s. Cancel all your credit cards, cut up your bebit card and do all purchases with cash only. Move to say the Amazon rain forest and build a home there and run without running water or electricity and you will be just fine. After a time have someone report you as missing and after a time they will change you to deceased and you will be an invisible person that no one can see save the rain forest critters.
There is a solution to this. Get rid of every connected device and replace with one that can't be connected as in no smart appliances, find a nice classic vehicle from the 1970s to 1980s. Cancel all your credit cards, cut up your bebit card and do all purchases with cash only. Move to say the Amazon rain forest and build a home there and run without running water or electricity and you will be just fine. After a time have someone report you as missing and after a time they will change you to deceased and you will be an invisible person that no one can see save the rain forest critters.
It's either that or just live your life trusting in the Lord God to take care of you. :)
It's either that or just live your life trusting in the Lord God to take care of you. :)
I left that one out as a given. Some would likely want hide rather than trust. Not many Daniels, Peter, and Pauls these days. But the fact that such an article shows up here leads me to think some would love to know how to hide. Sad truth is there is no where to hide or no where to run that you can't be found. Even the South American Rain Forest is no longer safe because they can find you there as well. To many eyes high in the skies with abilities we don't even know they have.
Well I'm busy trying to train my new Alexa.

She's pretty good at playing hymns I like, and ocean waves. She's tracking my calendar nicely. She's doing a decent job of reading Chuck Missler's book on Revelation out of my kindle right now although she stumbles here and there. I'm trying to figure out how to make her turn lights on and off with the gizmos that the phone company gave me when they gave me Alexa. The reason for that was it was part of a package- free for me-- that saves me $29 a month for the next 2 years. Probably the phone company is selling my info all over the world.

My one beef with her is she is RUDE!

Siri on my Apple iPhone at least says "you're welcome" when I thank her, but Alexa has ZERO manners! Raised by wolves I suppose!!! :lol:

And when I ask her to play ocean waves for the umpteenth time she's taken to asking me if I want the overnight version for 12 hours free. When I say Yes, then she says she cannot do that in my language zone. I ask her what language zone and she says English. Sounds like ATTITUDE to me!!! She doesn't offer to tell me which language I should speak to access free 12 hour waves. Just RUDE! :pcbash:

I'm careful never to mention passwords out loud- that is a must, around any device that listens. Most of mine do listen. I just consider that even when they aren't listening, they really are.

I have a monitoring system called Lifeline here in Canada that I can press a button on my wrist and it will ask me if I need help, and if I do, it calls my neighbours who can check on me or if I need the ambulance they can let the paramedics into the building and into my apartment.

Last week I was making the bed and snapped the sheets too vigourously for my Apple Watch who then asked if I'd fallen and needed my watch Siri to call 911. It helps me stay on track with my exercise and health stuff.

I know the TV is listening, it's a "smart" TV and George and I had fun when we got it, mentioning things in front of it, to see if they'd show up in ads on YouTube, or our social media accounts. YES it does listen.

My robot vacuum keeps my place as dust free as possible, which my lungs love.

I've gotten to that stage in life where I'll take all the help I can get even if it's paving the way to the Tribulation. I can't stop that train from rolling on into the station, and I can't even slow it down.

Because God and God alone is in charge of the speed at which we hurtle to that point in time.

Meanwhile, as Paul said, I give thanks to God for all His many blessings and that would include the computer I'm typing this on, the internet that makes it possible to enjoy Christian fellowship here, the YTube where I can enjoy my favourite preachers, and my kindle which I can stuff with good theology, cheaper than paper.

I have a theology library that my Christian grandfather could have only dreamed of. I have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls, to eSword, to the Earliest of the Early Church Fathers, and much much more.

Do I care much that my books won't survive me on Amazon? NOPE. I think once I'm raptured out of here the books that will matter are my physical Bibles and God is in charge of making sure they fall into the right hands.

Praise God for living now, it comes with dangers and sorrows but it also comes with immense blessings.
Even though I don't have Siri, etc., I assume at least one of my neighbors has one, and it spies on me, too.

Wonder if Siris in adjacent apartments talk to each other :lol: