Excerpts from article:
29 September 2023
Yale University researchers have developed an airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs
Researchers say this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles
An airborne mRNA product could be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses, without their knowledge or consent.
Academic endorsement exists for the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements, including drugs and vaccines, on the public; the U.S. government also has a history of covert bioweapon experiments
While scientists are hailing the creation as an easy way to vaccinate the masses, critics wonder if the development of an airborne vaccine could be used for nefarious purposes, including covert bioenhancements, which have already been recommended in academic literature.
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29 September 2023
Yale University researchers have developed an airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs
Researchers say this “new method of delivery could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’” making it easier to vaccinate people in remote areas or those who are afraid of needles
An airborne mRNA product could be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses, without their knowledge or consent.
Academic endorsement exists for the use of compulsory, covert bioenhancements, including drugs and vaccines, on the public; the U.S. government also has a history of covert bioweapon experiments
While scientists are hailing the creation as an easy way to vaccinate the masses, critics wonder if the development of an airborne vaccine could be used for nefarious purposes, including covert bioenhancements, which have already been recommended in academic literature.
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Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs. No Jab Required - Global Research
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