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Abortion Bans are Working, Over 24,000 Babies Have Been Saved From Abortions


Praise God for these saved babies lives! 🙌


Data indicates that abortions are plummeting in the wake of abortion bans that went into effect after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Between July 2022 and March 2023, there were 24,290 fewer abortions than in the months previous, according to Five Thirty Eight. In states which restricted abortion that number rose to 93,575.

Abortions in states where it remained mostly legal rose by 69,285. Some analysts attribute the data to the fact that many women traveled from states with restrictive abortion laws to those with more liberal laws.

“But a significant number of people are trapped and can’t get out of places like Texas,” economics professor at Middlebury College Caitlin Myers, who reviewed the data, said. “And for the people who are traveling, we’re talking about enormous distances. Some people are likely getting delayed into the second trimester.”

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New Estimate: 200K Babies Saved From Abortion Since Dobbs​

A new estimate says that 200,000 babies have been saved from abortion in the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned. That’s 200,000 unique and irreplaceable humans who had a chance at life thanks to the June 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision.

LifeNews reported on the estimate, which is based on a Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America analysis, and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) repeated the estimate at a news conference last Tuesday.

“[The] best guess that we have is about 200,000 children were born this year that would not have been born,” Lankford said. Thanks to the Dobbs decision. “That’s 200,000 kids. That’s 200,000 smiling faces on playgrounds. That’s 200,000 silly songs, starting in kindergarten. That’s 200,000 families that will be blessed with looking in the eyes of a child,” Lankford rejoiced.

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