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Ability To Read, Write, Or Do Math Is No Longer Required To Teach In New Jersey

Teachers in New Jersey will no longer be required to pass a basic reading, writing and mathematics test to be eligible for public schools, according to a new law.

Act 1669, which was signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy in June, went into effect on Wednesday at the start of the new year.

Teachers in New Jersey will no longer be required to pass a basic reading, writing and mathematics test to be eligible for public schools, according to a new law.

Act 1669, which was signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy in June, went into effect on Wednesday at the start of the new year.

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Fox News
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The law aims to tackle teacher shortages in the state by removing what the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA), a teachers’ union, called a “barrier” to certification in 2023.

The law states, “[T]he State Board of Education shall not require a candidate seeking a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate to complete a Commissioner of Education-approved test of basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills including, but not limited to, the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, in order to obtain a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate.”


From the article:

“We need more teachers. This is the best way to get them,” state Sen. Jim Beach (D-Camden) argued when the bill was passed.

So, it doesn't matter whether the teachers can actually teach? Or even read, write, and do math? Just give them the title of teacher and stick them in front of some kids. That ought to work well.
Unless Trump makes a major change in the Education system and what the criteria is in teaching students in the US, we will be seeing a generation of ignorant people who cannot think for themselves and will be the product of what the globalists are seeking to create.....
A class of "useless people", and will be completely replaced by technology.

Seeing what's taking place in the schools reminded me of a quote from Yuval Noah Harari, the right hand man for Klaus Schwab.....

Yuval Noah Harari Discusses the Creation of a Massive Class of “Useless People” and What Should be Done with Them​

In 2015 and 2017, Israeli historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari discussed how a massive class of useless people was being created. The artificial intelligence revolution is beginning to create “the useless class,” he said.

When asked if his 2015 book provided any solutions, he responded:

“At present, the best guess we have is to keep them [the useless class] happy with drugs and computer games.”

Harari said.....

“In the industrial revolution, we saw the creation of a new class of the urban proletariat. And much of the political and social history of the last 200 years involved what to do with this class and the new problems and opportunities.”

“Now, we see the creation of a new massive class of useless people,” he said.

“As computers become better and better in more and more fields, there is a distinct possibility that computers will out-perform us in most tasks and will make humans redundant. And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be, ‘What do we need humans for?’, or at least, ‘What do we need so many humans for?’”

For complete article:

There you go. We see why "they" don't care about students being taught basic education. People aren't needed in society, according to the globalists.
Along with their depopulation agenda, they are creating a society where people aren't needed and they are deciding who's useful and who isn't.
Once upon a time, teachers in one-room schoolhouses taught K-6, sometimes only having a 6th or 8th grade education, themselves.

Sunday School teachers don't have to go to Bible College, seminary, etc. Ditto lay people teaching Bible classes.

The education racket/NEA/AFT has imposed so many restrictions and requirements that there are probably more people involved in teaching, certifying, paperworking, and unionizing teachers than there are teachers :furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:

Although I have a BA and MCJ, which included advanced math, statistics, etc., and an Instructor certificate from the Army, if I wanted to teach math to little kids, as in addition and subtraction, in many states, I'd have to go back to college and earn a STEM-type degree and/or elementary education degree, plus a teacher certificate. The military-to-teacher program would help, but I couldn't even student teach without substantial hoop-jumping and expense :headbang:
Although I have a BA and MCJ, which included advanced math, statistics, etc., and an Instructor certificate from the Army, if I wanted to teach math to little kids, as in addition and subtraction, in many states, I'd have to go back to college and earn a STEM-type degree and/or elementary education degree, plus a teacher certificate. The military-to-teacher program would help, but I couldn't even student teach without substantial hoop-jumping and expense :headbang:

They make it too difficult for a qualified person to be a teacher while too many who are willing to jump through the hoops aren't really qualified.

If Trump is successful in eliminating the Department of Education and returns the decision making for education to the states... where it should be, some states will probably end up providing world class educations while liberal cesspools fail completely.
Indoctrination Over Education: New Jersey Blasted For No Longer Requiring Teachers Pass ‘Basic Skills’ Test
By Alex Newman for
Harbinger's Daily

New Jersey is fast becoming an international laughingstock as news of its recent decision to end the basic-skills testing requirement for teachers makes international headlines. But of course, this should not be surprising: reading, writing, and math are hardly important when the goal is to dumb-down and indoctrinate rather than educate children.

Just this month, a new first—that I previously highlighted in 2023—went into effect, ending the requirement for teachers to prove they can read, write, and do basic math. The official reasoning is that the state is facing a massive shortage of teachers. Apparently, requiring basic educational skills was weeding out too many potential candidates.

The law, known as Act 1669, is clear: “The State Board of Education shall not require a candidate seeking a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate to complete a Commissioner of Education-approved test of basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills including, but not limited to, the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, in order to obtain a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate.”

Union bosses and Democrats led the charge. Blasting the “basic skills test” for teachers as a “barrier,” the New Jersey “Education” Association got the bill passed last year with overwhelming support from bought-and-paid for politicians. In 2023, the union boasted, they got rid of the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA). “Now it’s time to eliminate another barrier: the basic skills test for teachers,” the union, an affiliate of the vicious National Education Association, told its members in an email urging them to get involved.

Ironically, the NEA and its state and local branches for years have been agitating against homeschooling. Among other supposed concerns, the totalitarian union bosses argue in multiple resolutions that parents are not “qualified” to teach their own children. The basic skills test that was just eliminated aimed at ensuring that teachers had 6th grade-level proficiency in the basics.

Many critics ridiculing the move by New Jersey lawmakers expressed confusion about how it could be so hard for potential teachers to pass such a simple academic test. The reality is that these would-be “educators” were “educated” by the same indoctrination system they hope to work for — a system in which just a tiny fraction of students are even considered “proficient” in any core subject on standardized tests.

Billionaire Elon Musk made the story an international scandal by posting on his social media platform about it to over 200 million followers. “So teachers don’t need to know how to read in New Jersey?” he asked on a post with a news headline, New Jersey Teachers No Longer Required to Pass State’s Basic Literacy Test. “Seems like that would make it challenging to teach kids how to read.”

Turning Point founder, Charlie Kirk, a key ally of President-elect Donald Trump, also poked fun. “Imagine being illiterate and thinking to yourself, ‘You know what, I think I’ll go into teaching’,” he wrote on X. “The state’s role when it comes to deranged people like this is to protect children from them, not enable their idiocy by helping spread it to the next generation.”

Advocates for education and parental involvement spoke out, too. “It is a major red flag that so many aspiring teachers fail that test — and it is indefensible that the teachers’ union and state legislature decided that the solution to that problem was to eliminate the test altogether,” explained Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for the national group Parents Defending Education. “This decision to lower the most basic standards does not bode well for students but is a win for the unions. Just bad all around.”

However, there were plenty of defenders, including the Democrat lawmakers behind the move. “The test is duplicative,” complained charter-school administrator and New Jersey Assemblywoman, Dawn Fantasia, in a response to Musk’s comments on X. To defend the elimination of the basic-skills test, she noted that teachers were still required to take a test showing proficiency in the subject they intend to teach.

The NJEA, which led the charge for the law, also put out statements defending the move. Among other claims, the union claimed the test “did nothing to elevate standards and amounted to a corporate money grab from the pockets of successful college graduates trying to enter the teaching profession.” The statement also pointed out that relative to other states, New Jersey has “among the best public schools” because of its “talented, dedicated and successful teachers.”

Other states, including California, have also been rolling back requirements for aspiring teachers. And Oregon recently made history by eliminating academic testing requirements for high-school graduation. In short, in the not-too-distant future, America faces the realistic prospect of illiterate and innumerate teachers graduating illiterate and innumerate students at a cost to taxpayers of $250,000 or more per victim.

Government schools are rapidly dispensing with even the pretense that children are somehow being “educated.” Most of what is happening today under the guise of “education” and “social-emotional learning” is psychological manipulation, sexualization, and dangerous indoctrination that is weaponizing children for revolution. Parents must take action immediately to protect their offspring—and their nation.

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist and the Founder of Liberty Sentinel.