Word Faith Heresy - Philippians 1:9 Ministries
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The occult has always considered there to be supernatural power in words
Magician David Conway “In Magic: an Occult Primer" writes: Unseparable from magical speculation about words is the theory of vibrations, which supposes that certain sounds have a powerful acoustic impact on both the spiritual and astral worlds. Both can be affected by sound, so that verbal magic may be said to derive its power not only from the idea contained in certain words, but from the peculiar vibrations these words create when spoken."
Word magic is the art of communicating using sacred sounds and symbols to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects. All words have magic properties….
Through Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words, you can explore a hidden world that shows you how words shape your reality.”
This is the basis of control in occultism, words used to manipulate a spiritual realm. The summit lighthouse of Elizabeth Claire prophet tells us “mystics have been telling us that sound actually creates matter.
E. W. Kenyon, studied the metaphysical New Thought teachings of Phineas Quimby. And it was picked up by William Branham and then Kenneth Hagin.
Kenneth Hagin, was friends with Branham and was aware of E. W. Kenyon and developed the Word of Faith movement into a separate arm of what it is today.
Mind science was infused into Pentecostalism mainly by William Branham who taught faith is a mental power, a sixth sense, which is what many new thought teachers proposed
Branham said, 'Say what you will.' Just say it, and your words will materialize. Say to this mountain, and it'll do just as you say."
New age occultism is synthesized with the Bible words and concepts that rule over the Scriptures true meaning.
Copeland in The Laws of Prosperity says, "You can have what you say! He states Words are spiritual containers, that "spirit words can control both the spirit world and the physical world. Because the words themselves have power, they will work for either God or man in the same manner."