Heb 13:5-6; Dt 31:8; Gen 28:13-15; Mt 28:18-20 I will never leave you nor forsake you until I have done what I have spoken to you.
Do we believe this? This is the Word of the LORD to us, as it was to Jacob, and to Joshua and the children of Israel.
The last couple of months we have heard messages from different teachers regarding God’s word, knowing the truth, reading the Bible, God’s order in families and in local churches/congregations. What has been common to all of these is we have all been teaching from what is written in the whole of the Bible – the Tenach and the New Testament. We may disagree on how we understand and interpret some of what is written, but we agree that the authority is found in the written Word that we have received.
Our salvation is secured by the Word of God. He says that whoever believes on His Son, the Messiah, the Lord Yeshua/Jesus, who was sent from Heaven to die on a cross in Jerusalem, shedding His blood for an everlasting New Covenant, by which our sins are forgiven, and God’s righteousness is reckoned to us who believe, we will not perish but inherit everlasting life in the presence of God in a new heavens and new Earth. He also says, that whoever does not believe in Jesus Christ His Son, will forever be separated in the lake of fire from the presence of the living God of the living. (Jn 3:13-19)
Do we believe this?! The good, and the bad?
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Do we believe this? This is the Word of the LORD to us, as it was to Jacob, and to Joshua and the children of Israel.
The last couple of months we have heard messages from different teachers regarding God’s word, knowing the truth, reading the Bible, God’s order in families and in local churches/congregations. What has been common to all of these is we have all been teaching from what is written in the whole of the Bible – the Tenach and the New Testament. We may disagree on how we understand and interpret some of what is written, but we agree that the authority is found in the written Word that we have received.
Our salvation is secured by the Word of God. He says that whoever believes on His Son, the Messiah, the Lord Yeshua/Jesus, who was sent from Heaven to die on a cross in Jerusalem, shedding His blood for an everlasting New Covenant, by which our sins are forgiven, and God’s righteousness is reckoned to us who believe, we will not perish but inherit everlasting life in the presence of God in a new heavens and new Earth. He also says, that whoever does not believe in Jesus Christ His Son, will forever be separated in the lake of fire from the presence of the living God of the living. (Jn 3:13-19)
Do we believe this?! The good, and the bad?
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The unchanging Word of the One True God