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A Russian Priority :: By Daymond Duck

Andy C

On Aug. 13, 2024, Palestinian Authority Pres. Mahmoud Abbas visited Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss their relationship, the situation in the Middle East, and Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Putin said,

  • We are making every effort to support the Palestinian people.
  • We believe that in order to secure lasting and stable peace in the region, it is imperative to implement all U.N. resolutions, with the establishment of a full-fledged Palestinian state as a priority.
Abbas said,

  • Russia is one of our most cherished friends.
  • We deeply appreciate the attention and significance our Russian friends and brothers place on our issues, our suffering, particularly regarding the humanitarian situation and security challenges we face.
  • Rest assured; we stand unwaveringly with the Russian Federation.
Following his departure from Moscow, Abbas traveled to Turkey to meet with Erdogan who has threatened to attack Israel.

And while Abbas was meeting with Putin and then Erdogan, the U.S. and EU were focused on trying to stop Iran from attacking Israel.

Russia’s support for a Palestinian State at the same time Turkey and Iran are threatening to attack Israel makes one wonder if the Battle of Gog and Magog is on the horizon (Ezek. 38-39).

Here are some of the pre-conditions for that great battle:

  • The land of Magog (the land where Noah’s grandson Magog settled: Gen. 10:2) must be ruled by a dictator (Gog is sometimes interpreted as the man on top or the dictator. The land where Magog settled is Russia.).
  • The land of Magog must be north of Israel (Russia is, plus Russia, Iran, and Turkey have troops in Syria which is north of Israel).
  • Russia must be aligned with Iran (ancient name is Persia) and Turkey (house of Togarmah).
  • The attack must be in the latter years and latter days, and they have arrived (Ezek. 38:8, 16).
  • The nation of Israel must exist again (It does).
  • Israel must have silver and gold, cattle, and goods (It does, and oil too).
  • Israel must be dwelling safely (Israel can be attacked, but God will not allow Israel to be destroyed).
  • Israel must have unwalled villages (Many villages do not have walls).
  • The birds of prey must return to Israel (They migrate over Israel every year).
Russia is certainly pivoting in the Muslim direction. This visit with Abbas was shortly followed by a visit by Putin to the Chechen province of Russia which is Muslim, and the leader of that area Kadyrov has his own private army. Putin needs his help.

It came as a huge shock to see photos of Putin bending down and kissing the Koran. Putin looked unhappy, but Kadyrov and the Muslim clerics were grinning from ear to ear.

The Russian fellow that I listen to about events in Russia was pointing out that suddenly Putin has had to give way to the Muslims at home and abroad.

It's lining up for Ezek 38 here sometime soon by the looks.