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A favorite hymn that is my personal prayer.


Staff member
The hymn is entitled "I Then Shall Live" and was written by Gloria Gaither and set to the melody of the "Finlandia Hymn" by Jean Sibelius.

The lyrics truly are a prayer. And they are my own heart's prayer...especially the final two lines. You see, when God first called me into ministry, He gave me Lamentations 4:4. In the midst of a sad description of the tragic state of His people who had strayed from Him and had lost the glory of His Presence among them, it says, "The tongue of the sucking child cleaves to the roof of its mouth for thirst, and the young children beg for bread, but no man breaks it for them." I remember at that moment saying, "Lord, I'll feed them, if you will have me."

I Then Shall Live

I then shall live as one who's been forgiven.
I'll walk with joy to know my debts are paid.
I know my name is clear before my Father;
I am His child and I am not afraid.
So, greatly pardoned, I'll forgive my brother;
The law of love I gladly will obey.
I then shall live as one who's learned compassion.
I've been so loved, that I'll risk loving too.
I know how fear builds walls instead of bridges;
I'll dare to see another's point of view.
And when relationships demand commitment,
Then I'll be there to care and follow through.
Your Kingdom come around and through and in me;
Your power and glory, let them shine through me.
Your Hallowed Name, O may I bear with honor,
And may Your living Kingdom come in me.
The Bread of Life, O may I share with honor,
And may You feed a hungry world through me.
Amen, Amen, Amen

I pray you are blessed —and also challenged—by this hymn.
A hymn that speaks to me when I am in a season of dark depression:

It is Well with My Soul
When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well
With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood for my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul.