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A Chapter Closed

Based on your other posts about weapons and recreational situations I am shocked by the fact you've been in so much pain. You are definitely a resilient person.
My migraine-suffering husband is so used to pain that he has ignored and pushed through other pain to the point where he has injured himself. It’s unreal and sad to think about how many people out there are walking around in severe pain. Grocery shopping, driving, working 12 hour shifts.
Wow, I also had no idea you were going through all this physical pain. I just always remember your dark humor from the previous forum. It is crazy how we all go through different things that God uses.

I suffer from migraines that I have gotten under control but that is nothing over daily uncontrolled pain. I’m currently thinking about my son’s rare neurological speech disorder and wonder what his life will be. I wonder about the questions he’ll have and how it will test his faith. It’s been a roller coaster of fear, sadness, acceptance when I think about raising him and his future. I know God had us in his hands.

I pray God will continue to help you get functioning back. Thank you for sharing this post.
Wow, I also had no idea you were going through all this physical pain. I just always remember your dark humor from the previous forum. It is crazy how we all go through different things that God uses.

I suffer from migraines that I have gotten under control but that is nothing over daily uncontrolled pain. I’m currently thinking about my son’s rare neurological speech disorder and wonder what his life will be. I wonder about the questions he’ll have and how it will test his faith. It’s been a roller coaster of fear, sadness, acceptance when I think about raising him and his future. I know God had us in his hands.

I pray God will continue to help you get functioning back. Thank you for sharing this post.
Eh, I try not to make too much of a fuss about it, but yes. Regarding my function, it's mostly okay. I'm still building my right calf muscle back up and doing vestibular exercises such as gaze control, standing on one foot for extended periods of time, etc etc. Really, the worst of all of it minus the pain was the constant shock sensation in my eyes, ears, nose, and shoulders and throwing up for two years straight. I was also in diapers because I lost control of my bladder. It was all quite humiliating.

I remember sitting in office after office, eyes blurry, every line everywhere was vibrating, pain unreal, constant rocking and swaying as if I were being tossed about in ocean waves and blah blah woe is me stuff, ya know? Those days seem to be over. They lasted the span of ten plus years.

Yeah, some say dark humor is a coping mechanism and sure. It does seem to be the case when you've seen perhaps a bit much in life or experienced it, dark humor seems to take up residence in some of us. But honestly, I just find a lot of it funny. Some of the absurdity is just too much not to laugh at.

Regarding your son, he and your entire house will remain in prayer. Many high hopes for you and yours, Cheeky.
Some professions and situations require the application of dark humor, lest one go insane. Sometimes said professions and situations simply change one's perceptions to a different place as a God-provided survival or coping mechanism.

Just in the last few days, though, I've seen a shift. The tangles, sworls, abysses, and infinite pools aren't so knotted and 4-dimensional. They've taken on more liquid paisley-like qualities within and upon the dark pools.

Relief from pain can change and enhance cognitive algorithms. Another blessing!

:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
Eh, I try not to make too much of a fuss about it, but yes. Regarding my function, it's mostly okay. I'm still building my right calf muscle back up and doing vestibular exercises such as gaze control, standing on one foot for extended periods of time, etc etc. Really, the worst of all of it minus the pain was the constant shock sensation in my eyes, ears, nose, and shoulders and throwing up for two years straight. I was also in diapers because I lost control of my bladder. It was all quite humiliating.

I remember sitting in office after office, eyes blurry, every line everywhere was vibrating, pain unreal, constant rocking and swaying as if I were being tossed about in ocean waves and blah blah woe is me stuff, ya know? Those days seem to be over. They lasted the span of ten plus years.

Yeah, some say dark humor is a coping mechanism and sure. It does seem to be the case when you've seen perhaps a bit much in life or experienced it, dark humor seems to take up residence in some of us. But honestly, I just find a lot of it funny. Some of the absurdity is just too much not to laugh at.

Regarding your son, he and your entire house will remain in prayer. Many high hopes for you and yours, Cheeky.
I know what you mean and I think that’s why I gravitate towards dark humor too. Too much is just ridiculous not to laugh.

I’m glad you’re seeing relief after so many years of suffering. I can’t imagine it. I will keep you in my prayers also.
So, I became disabled when I broke my neck in a not-so-great way and it took me out of Eastern games. It's been a longgggg journey. The pain I've endured is enough to make you ask for a bullet. No joke. I stay away from painkillers due to their assault on your system. And some advice children: Do not break your neck. It caused bladder incontinence, muscle atrophy, double vision, nystagmus, and basically a body wide malfunction if not shutdown.
I am pretty well verse in the English vocabulary, but I had to look that word up. 😆
Glory to God for His Mercy and Faithfulness.

I cannot know what you have been through but I do know daily pain on a first name basis, and it can be debilitating and at times discouraging.

So true that sometimes people can look at you and not know what's really going on inside of you, but God knows, and that's what matters.

I pray for lasting relief for you and that God continually gives you His Strength and continually demonstrates His Divine Power in your life to do what no man can do.
Praising God with you 🙏🙏

"But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Luke 18:27
Glory to God for His Mercy and Faithfulness.

I cannot know what you have been through but I do know daily pain on a first name basis, and it can be debilitating and at times discouraging.

So true that sometimes people can look at you and not know what's really going on inside of you, but God knows, and that's what matters.

I pray for lasting relief for you and that God continually gives you His Strength and continually demonstrates His Divine Power in your life to do what no man can do.
Praising God with you 🙏🙏

"But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Luke 18:27
It was a rough, rough, rough long period of years, but I'm starting to feel like a human again. It's not completely gone, but it has decreased significantly. Unless I get a miracle here, I'll never be the same as I was. My right calf has ripples through the muscle where nerve death happened. I don't walk with a limp, but my leg is stiffened from it a bit and it makes me walk, well, not as lovely as I'd like. My lower leg used to not move much at all, and I was in a wheelchair for a period of time. I feel for anyone that has messed up their spine. There are other symptoms I didn't mention, but they are so wide ranging.

Another weird symptom is I couldn't open my mouth much for two weeks. Not too long ago, I'd sooner have just died. I hated my life. I'm still not in love with it, but ugh, one day at a time. Brick by brick. Prayers for you to get relief. I know it can get really dark. 😞
It was a rough, rough, rough long period of years, but I'm starting to feel like a human again. It's not completely gone, but it has decreased significantly. Unless I get a miracle here, I'll never be the same as I was. My right calf has ripples through the muscle where nerve death happened. I don't walk with a limp, but my leg is stiffened from it a bit and it makes me walk, well, not as lovely as I'd like. My lower leg used to not move much at all, and I was in a wheelchair for a period of time. I feel for anyone that has messed up their spine. There are other symptoms I didn't mention, but they are so wide ranging.

Another weird symptom is I couldn't open my mouth much for two weeks. Not too long ago, I'd sooner have just died. I hated my life. I'm still not in love with it, but ugh, one day at a time. Brick by brick. Prayers for you to get relief. I know it can get really dark. 😞
Yes we who have our Trust in The Lord can count our blessings in spite of the deficiencies of our flawed and sensitive bodies.
But God 🙌