A Biblical Basis for Social and Political Involvement Within a Traditional Dispensational Framework
by Thomas Ice
The Christian is to love the law of God. Grace does not free the believer from obedience to the will of God. However, Christians are not under the expression of the law as it was given to Israel. Instead, we may use the Mosaic legislation as examples of how we may respond individually and corporately; we may gain wisdom from it.
Christians are, however, to obey the will of God as it is expressed in the New Testament- the law of Christ- and the law revealed in the Adamic and Noahic covenants as expressed through the divine institutions.
When it comes to developing wisdom in the various areas of life, we do have to look to the law for insight in these areas. The believer is not to adopt viewpoints in any area of life that are the product of the world system. He is to attempt to develop and hold to a Biblical view of government, economics, family, education, and so on. We are children of the light and we are to shine in the current darkness.
However, since it is not the plan or will of God for the Kingdom of God to take over in this age, it means that we are like Daniel - standing for Biblical standards, while waiting for God's intervention in history to be realized. This could be called a "wisdom approach", as opposed to a "law approach". The Biblical model is Proverbs.
As one studies the book of Proverbs, it does not take long before it becomes apparent that the wisdom of Proverbs is the product of Solomon meditating upon the law of Moses. He then uses the format of wisdom in which to pass this on to his son and to the next generation.
Wisdom differs from law in that, law is the legal stipulations with-in the covenant which regulate and can be enforced by civil penalties. Law can govern any area of life, such as civil, family, personal, and religious institutions. On the other hand, wisdom is advice with no legal penalties attached.
Wisdom tells the naive "the end of a matter," so that the pitfalls of life may be avoided. Wisdom gives an appeal to the student to follow after her because it is right and yields certain practical benefits. Wisdom also, applies to every area of life.
Adultery is treated in similar yet different ways in the law and wisdom literature.
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by Thomas Ice
The Christian is to love the law of God. Grace does not free the believer from obedience to the will of God. However, Christians are not under the expression of the law as it was given to Israel. Instead, we may use the Mosaic legislation as examples of how we may respond individually and corporately; we may gain wisdom from it.
Christians are, however, to obey the will of God as it is expressed in the New Testament- the law of Christ- and the law revealed in the Adamic and Noahic covenants as expressed through the divine institutions.
When it comes to developing wisdom in the various areas of life, we do have to look to the law for insight in these areas. The believer is not to adopt viewpoints in any area of life that are the product of the world system. He is to attempt to develop and hold to a Biblical view of government, economics, family, education, and so on. We are children of the light and we are to shine in the current darkness.
However, since it is not the plan or will of God for the Kingdom of God to take over in this age, it means that we are like Daniel - standing for Biblical standards, while waiting for God's intervention in history to be realized. This could be called a "wisdom approach", as opposed to a "law approach". The Biblical model is Proverbs.
As one studies the book of Proverbs, it does not take long before it becomes apparent that the wisdom of Proverbs is the product of Solomon meditating upon the law of Moses. He then uses the format of wisdom in which to pass this on to his son and to the next generation.
Wisdom differs from law in that, law is the legal stipulations with-in the covenant which regulate and can be enforced by civil penalties. Law can govern any area of life, such as civil, family, personal, and religious institutions. On the other hand, wisdom is advice with no legal penalties attached.
Wisdom tells the naive "the end of a matter," so that the pitfalls of life may be avoided. Wisdom gives an appeal to the student to follow after her because it is right and yields certain practical benefits. Wisdom also, applies to every area of life.
Adultery is treated in similar yet different ways in the law and wisdom literature.
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A Biblical Basis for Social and Political Involvement Within a Traditional Dispensational Framework - by Thomas Ice - The Pre-Trib Research Center
Traditional dispensationalism has the reputation of lack of interest in social and political involvement. This may or may not be a fair perception. I think it has largely been true with some notable exceptions. However, I do think that dispensational theory, whether developed and applied or not...
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