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3 Doors Down Frontman Brad Arnold Tells Massive Crowd ‘Jesus Christ Loves You’

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
At their August 23 show with fellow rock band Creed in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Arnold donned a T-shirt reading “YESHUA” and when introducing the next song, “Away from the Sun,” told the crowd:

This world surrounds us with a message that we’ll never be good enough, we’ll never be strong enough, we’ll never be beautiful enough, we’ll never be rich enough. Whatever the case may be. Certainly that we’ll never win. Social media surrounds us with those messages all the time. It’s driven down our throats every day, that we’ll never be good enough and that nobody really, really loves us

My friends, I just want to take a second to tell you, that’s an absolute lie.

You are loved. You are enough, and you will win. Not only can you win, but you will win. You’ll always be enough for one reason. And that’s because Jesus Christ loves you.
